Doomsday Lord: Start with Ten Arms

Chapter 23

Chapter 34 Warhammer Tribe, willing to be your lord…

As for whether there is a way to cancel the contract, there are two.

First, the main domain voluntarily terminates the contract, and the subordinate domains regain their freedom without being bound by the conditions in the contract.

Second, if the main territory is destroyed, the contract will automatically become invalid.

But these are just things to do, the important thing is the present.

Su Ye actually wanted to take the Warhammer Tribe into a subordinate territory?

Even Eve didn’t expect this.

Now she understood why the dwarf was defeated and fled just now, Su Ye would launch a pursuit without hesitation.

The feeling guy has already calculated this link.

“This guy…” Eve clenched his fists.

From what happened this time, she saw Su Ye’s ambition.

This guy has the potential to be a lord, as long as he is given time and matched with his adventures, in time, Su Ye will definitely become the top hegemon of this world.

At the moment when he thought of this, Eve’s heart actually looked forward to Su Ye.

She looked forward to the day when Su Ye became the overlord.

Maybe you can follow the light too!

Looking at Vulcan again, Su Ye proposed to sign a subordinate territory contract, which made Vulcan extremely angry.

Every existence that can become a lord has ambitions, so how can they be willing to become subordinates of other territories?

“Human, you are too arrogant, my warhammer tribe will never become your subordinate territory.” Vulcan shouted, but the momentum was obviously not as aggressive as it was at the beginning.

Perhaps, when he said these words, he himself was a little drummer.

Su Ye heard the words, the smile on the corners of her lips slowly converged, and a gleam of cold light flashed in her eyes.

“Do you think you have the right to refuse?”

A short sentence came out of Su Ye’s mouth, immediately urging the domineering spirit that he had tempered in his previous life.

At this moment, Vulcan was a little scared.

And Su Ye, did not give Vulcan too much time to think and breathe, and said coldly: “I will give you the last ten seconds to consider. Either become my subordinate territory, or just stay here all, as for your warhammer. Tribe, I will take care of it for you.”

“You…” Vulcan was very angry, but had nothing to say.

What can he do, he is also desperate!

Especially Su Ye, this is completely driving him to death!

Yorick also felt uncomfortable, and pulled Vulcan’s armor: “Leader, or we…”

Before he finished speaking, Vulcan interrupted him.

“Don’t talk.”

After that, Vulcan looked at Su Ye again: “I can’t accept being your subordinate territory, but I can choose to form an alliance with you.”

Becoming a subordinate territory contract and alliance contract is totally one heaven and one land.

If possible, Vulcan is more willing to choose the alliance.

Su Ye sneered, did not answer Vulcan’s words, just said lightly: “You still have five seconds to think about it.”


Vulcan swallowed, Su Ye is going to come for real!

But how can we make him bow his head and proclaim his courtiers?

Five seconds are fleeting.

Su Ye glanced at the dwarves who had begun to show fear in the front: “You don’t have a competent leader.”

When the voice fell, Su Ye snapped his fingers, Chi Lie and Han Bing understood, and opened his mouth to attack.

Seeing the scorching dragon’s breath and the bone-to-the-bone cold air was about to spew out from the mouths of the two giant dragons.

Vulcan finally couldn’t hold it anymore, and bowed to Su Ye and saluted: “Warhammer tribe, willing to become your subordinate territory.”

Hearing this, Su Ye’s lips curled up: “Isn’t it all right to make a decision earlier? Isn’t it the last moment?”

Vulcan: “…”

He said that he didn’t want to talk to Su Ye now.

This **** is simply poisonous.

The besieged dwarves behind Vulcan saw Vulcan surrender, and the rock hanging in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

But after another thought, he started to worry again.

The subordinate territory contract is simply an unreasonable devil contract.

God knows what kind of unreasonable conditions Su Ye will add to the contract.

just in case…

All the dwarves are very worried, but Su Ye, with a happy face, clapped his hands, and attracted the eyes of the dwarves in the field: “Since you have made a decision, now go to the next step. Go back with me and sign the contract. .”

Vulcan sighed, this time, he did not choose to resist.

Instead, he turned to look at Yorick and the other dwarves: “You wait for me here, and I will return as soon as I go.”

The contract of the subordinate territory needs to be signed in the lord hall of the main territory.

Therefore, Vulcan now has to go to the Star Territory with Su Ye.

Explain the funeral…Bah, after the incident, Vulcan walked to Su Ye: “Let’s go, Lord Lord.”

Su Ye nodded, afraid of the fierce pat, the latter rose into the air, and his huge claws caught Vulkan’s small but strong body.

“Before I come back, I must not let any dwarf leave here.”

Su Ye left a word, riding on Chi Lie, with Vulcan, and flew towards the Star Territory.

Vulcan was caught by fiery paws, his old face was dull, so he lived for more than sixty years, when has he been so humiliated as he is now?

(Ps: The life expectancy of dwarves is generally over 120 years old, and sixty years old is in the prime of life.)

Blazing fast, and after ten minutes, he flew back to the Star Territory.

After falling from the air, Vulcan scanned the surroundings and slapped his tongue: “This… is this your territory?”

Su Ye nodded: “What’s wrong, is there a problem?”

Vulcan had all his heart to cry.


Of course there is a problem!

This is too crude!

The area is small and there are not many buildings.

Your own warhammer tribe is much more prosperous than here, right!

However, his own territory has become a subordinate territory of this territory.

What’s this…

The indescribable sense of frustration spread all over Vulcan.

Su Ye didn’t care what Vulcan felt, greeted him, and walked straight into the Lord’s Hall.

(Ps: This chapter is 7500 plus more, and the evaluation vote is still 400 plus more. Come on, buddies, Ollie!)

Chapter 35 Who is bullying you, tell your eldest brother!

The third-level lord hall looks like a small castle.

The decoration inside is even better.

Su Ye directly went up to the throne and sat down, then took out the paper and pen, and began to draw up the contract.

The contract between the main domain and the subordinate domain is a unilateral contract.

The so-called unilateral contract means that all the terms of this contract will be drawn up by Su Ye.

And Vulcan did not have any chance to participate.

Of course, if there is any dissatisfaction with the terms of the contract, he can bring it up.

However, whether Su Ye will make changes because of his dissatisfaction is another matter.

After all, the main domain occupies all the initiative, east to west, it is the chicken or the dog, and it is the main leader who has the final say.

In the previous life, Su Ye was fortunate to have a territory under the Goblin.

Therefore, the drafting of the terms is fairly proficient.

Holding a pen, swish swish writing quickly.

Standing in the open space in front of him, Vulcan stood on tiptoe from time to time and looked at Su Ye’s paper.

Now he is full of anxiety, for fear that Su Ye will give him some compulsory domineering clauses.

Spent two minutes in a state of extreme suffering.

Su Ye finally put down the pen in her hand, picked up the paper, and handed it to Vulcan.

“Let’s take a look, and then sign a word, the contract will take effect immediately.”

Vulcan swallowed, picked up the contract in front of him, and glanced at it.

There were not many clauses, only four, which made Volgan breathe a sigh of relief.

Sijo is okay, it seems that Su Ye is not as overbearing as he imagined!

But the next moment, when he saw the content of the clause, Vulcan was stunned.

“I don’t agree, your terms are too overbearing!” Vulcan shouted.

Su Ye sat on the chair with an attitude of old gods.

“You are not qualified to disagree.”

Vulcan gritted his teeth but was helpless.

Who made his people still be detained by Su Ye now!

Looking at the contract in front of him, Vulcan’s face turned black.

There was an urge to choke Su Ye to death immediately.

Before Vulcan thought that Su Ye had only four clauses, which would never be too troublesome. Now it seems that he is still too naive.

This young man who doesn’t seem to be a double ten, thinks about things so thoughtfully.

He has considered almost all angles.

The contract drawn up by Su Ye is as follows.

【Subordinate Territory Contract Contract】

Main Realm: Star Field

Lord: Su Ye

Subordinate territory: Warhammer

Lord: Vulcan

①: From the day of signing the contract, all inventory resources of the Warhammer tribe, the resources of the occupied Secret Realm, and all resources harvested from the day of signing must be contributed 50% to the Star Territory.

②: From the day of signing the contract, all members of the Warhammer Tribe will be requisitioned by the Star Territory unconditionally and obey all orders from the Star Territory.

③: Since the date of signing the contract, the Star Territory has war needs, and the subordinate territories must support 100% and give full assistance.

④: From the day of signing the contract, no bad thoughts should be made about the Star Territory. Once discovered, the Star Territory will tear up the treaty and destroy the subordinate territories.

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