Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

chapter 182 disappeared (first more)

Qiu Yi Ming’s looking very vague, he really know how to control their emotions, most people simply can not find. However, Fang Yu Xin perception already different from ordinary people, so when Qiu Yi Ming’s eyes changed, she immediately aware of.

She did not look back to see Qiu Yi-ming, is unusual form did not show up, only slightly narrowed his eyes, his lips sip straight.

Qiu Yi Ming standing on her side of the trunk, just a step behind, so the change of Yu Xin Fang did not see. In fact, this moment his mind has set off a tidal wave!

Fang Yu Xin in the end how many things he hiding? Why is such an important thing not to tell him? She in the end … in the end there is no ability to help ordinary people evolve?

These are Qiu Yi Ming want to ask, but he did not dare to ask questions out of my heart. His mind clear, the relationship between him and Fang Yu Xin has dropped to almost freezing point, if he had asked these questions, not only can not get the real answer, but let Fang Yu Xin completely cut off relations with him!

He quietly clenched fist, the heart of the anger churning endlessly. Fang Yu Xin conceal him both angry and disappointed, he worried that she knew the truth, that time never face the way Fang Yu Xin!

Zhoufang Hua Qiu Hongsheng and awakening become protoss how persistent, he, as the son, could not be clearer. But is such a small request, Fang Yu Xin refused to meet!

Obviously they should be the most pro-people, but why she should do things so absolutely? Even prefer to help those who have nothing to do, he is not willing to help his parents!

Zhoufang Hua once said those words ringing in our ears. At that time he felt Zhoufang Hua said too much, but now suddenly felt that she was not wrong!

He forced himself to look away. Not to see Fang Yu Xin, otherwise, he simply could not help myself. He wearily walked beside, dead white against the wall to sit down, without regard to the ground will not dirty, just bowed his head, pressed by hand between the eyebrows. Thinking about how to do next.

Fang Yu Xin turned and looked at him and said nothing. Continue to deal with the rest of the wounded.

While walking, she was silently thinking, no way they could return to the past. Past things she could not forgive Qiu Yi Ming, and since then. Qiu Yi-ming, I am afraid to hate on her.

She was getting faster and faster, heavy footsteps become more and more brisk, with a resolute turning back, walked to another room.

Until she went in, low bow my head before the Ming Qiu Yi looked up. His sitting position, the light lights up only half of his face, the other half shrouded in shadow, with a pair of eyes, to shine breathtaking.

Protoss when awakening. The body has undergone a mutation, after every cut, the body will again mutation. Five senses, strength, defense, agility will be enhanced.

Qiu Yi-ming, who, though not enhanced vision, but his eyes has mutated, night vision better than ever, and his eyes gleaming in the dark will.

This is not only him, all the protoss alike. The light emitted by the eye in the dark. Almost each and abilities have ties. Qiu Yi Ming-Ray systems can vary, the light in his eyes issued in respect of purple. But the color is really too light. It is difficult to distinguish the naked eye alone.

He looked volatile manner for a while, and then look for a convergence, quickly got up and walked in the opposite direction.

There are many things waiting for him to deal with, but for that Fang Yu Xin will come, he deliberately impossible to see her. Just now, he was filled with hope, but the real meeting after he was found, but not each other better.

This time of the meeting, there is no better as he imagined, but let his heart thrown up endless bitter.

Fang Yu Xin seriously injured processed quickly, leaving behind the injury is not too heavy, she left to other physicians directly processed, then riding a motorcycle back home.

She returned home, one to find that the door has changed. Her face sank slightly, opened the door and go in, and then she smelled the air there are shares had a touch of protein smell burning.

It shares the taste is very light, but also because the yard planted with vegetables reason, the air is very fresh, with plants unique fragrance smell, burning taste these shares to cover a lot of protein.

Fang Yu Xin either too sensitive sense of smell, she simply can not find.

She slightly Tiaoqi Mei, the child pushed the car to go inside. Xu movement is heard, the house lights lit up instantly. Then not long after, the door opened, Qian Qian white pajamas slippers ran out, saw her raised a big smile: “Ma Ma you finally come back …”

Fang Yu Yang Juji came back, the way to bring him back. He thought Fang Yu Xin will be back soon, obediently followed Fang Yu Yang go first. What to know at home waiting for a long time, Fang Yu Xin came back.

White Fang Yu Xin Qian Qian looked tired face, would also smiling face instantly tightened. A tender lips pursed, he walked straight face Fang Yu Xin side, raised at her little face and asked: “?? Ma Ma, how do you come back now is not someone bully you that way.”

Fang Yu Xin will receive a good car, see family stood in the doorway worriedly at her, could not help but a warm heart, smiled, pulled white Qian Qian soft hands, went into the house.

Fang Jintang originally stood in the doorway, one thousand Dutch music and Fang Yu Yang, who have returned to the living room. The living room lit an emergency light, bright. So Fang Yu Xin entered the room, tired of the color of her face was all the more obvious.

Fang Yu Yang, who had also told her family what happened, to see her tired face, my heart is worried, but also for high-level security zone to give birth to a little resentment.

Fang Yu Xin to a person, to kill so many zombies already very tired, those who still let her go to save people. So many people, she saved a man how to get through?

Even if the rescue should also not be so tired of her, right?

But after three exchanged a look, in the end he did not say it to my heart’s discontent, only urging Fang Yu Xin quickly go to sleep.

Song one thousand Dutch said: “Xin Xin, you do not practice tonight, good sleep it.”

Although the practice when not sleeping, but they just experienced a war, together with the previously been in practice, did not slept a good sleep, accumulated, the body becomes more and more tired.

Fang Yu Xin nodded his head, did not taste the yard asked how it was, she took white Qian Qian on the floor, his back to the room, went back to his room. After the wash, put on her pajamas soft docile, directly to bed a flutter.

In fact, this season also teach than hot, but extremely advantageous geographical location safe area, plus the entire villa are covered with ivy, yard and roof planted with green plants, Fang indoor temperature is cool and pleasant.

She this flutter, flutter in the air-conditioning was on a soft, I felt my whole body become soft.

So she could not help but called roll, and stretch, uttered a groan ~ chant from the comfort of the throat, and then wrapped in a quilt, closed his eyes meet.

In this case, time is late at night, almost one o’clock.

Just after the war, everyone regardless of physical or mental exhaustion are endless, at this time need most is a good sleep. However, this night is destined to a lot of people simply could not sleep.

Fang Yu Xin do at home ahead of the layout, although there are sneak thieves, but among the trapped into the matrix method, and did not succeed. But others have no such luck, a lot of people at home have been a thief, which kept the supplies and almost all nuclei had been stolen!

These people are in order to protect the safe areas will stand up against zombies, but at home, but found the door was opened their own people, hard saved supplies to nuclei was stolen, who accepted?

But the thieves had already fled, did not know in the end who did it, then they really angry, but also to do it one by one to search?

Earlier zombie face of negative emotions generated at this moment completely broke out, safe area bustling again.

White Ye with people back home, when not to open the door, he was not aware of.

The room no one!

But when they left, clearly the Shen Xi and Shen Yan locked up in there! This duo was seriously injured, and was Meng Qing Luo quietly into a toxin, arguably impossible to escape. However, they are not only missing people, but also took away all the goods and their nuclei Bai Ye save down!

The most popular temper Hou three children livid face all the house all to find it again, OK when the whole thing was gone, he angrily smashed a fist on the wall, throat issued an angry growl: “ah -”

Meng Qing Luo is pale shook his head: “No … not possible … they can not get out of my obviously … I obviously have …!”

Her awakening is a special ability that poison, can release toxins, under her control, Shen Xi and Shen Yan not going to die, but would like the body to be as acupuncture, deep sorrow.

She deliberately do not only want to take the test that they have to do, but also to torture them. Shen Xi is a madman, she knew. This man awakening after learning their abilities, to see their eyes like watching as guinea pigs, which she can not be tolerated!

So she deliberately Shen Xi and Shen Yan became experimental mice, let him feel the taste of this is treated as guinea pigs!

But she never expected that, in that case, Shen Xi and Shen Yan also be able to get out!

Does that mean that they have hidden there means? Or, someone rescued them?

Meng Qing Luo can not think why, she just stares at the empty house, my heart bursts regret.

If she knew the two men do, she will not be letting the men alleys!

Then, she looked to the White Ye, hesitated a moment and said:. “Brother, I was wrong, if I just kill them, so the anger would not have happened.”

Bai Ye shook his head:. “It’s not your fault, do not blame yourself,” he said here, his eyes quickly turned cold, “! It’s something I’ll get to the bottom” (To be continued)

ps: say something today, author ran out one day looking for work, dead tired, eyes uncomfortable (dry stinging), so today just wrote a chapter out tomorrow to make up the rest, Meme da ~

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