Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

chapter 184 Pity (Second)

In the end of the world, survivors did not dare to have too many, only one goal, that is, live! Zhou Yan’s words were completely shocked. They have been too afraid, so they have been hiding in the house. I have never thought about their behavior. What is the damage to the abilities of the zombie!

They haven’t thought about it. Their behavior will not let those abilities, will not let those people will leave the safety zone, throw it completely!

However, people have self-protection instinct, so they have been self-blaming, more is the resentment of small children. They feel that their own practices are still inherently, but they can be unable to. After all, their strength is poor, really go out, it is helping!

They choose to stay at home, but they can let those abilities do not have worries, don’t use their hands to protect them! What is wrong?

Wrong is a small child, actually running out of the night, stealing, or those who protect the safety area, it is too much too much too much.!

So, these people see that the eyes of the little child will naturally change, full of hate and malicious!

One of them suddenly said, “Major Zhou, I saw it. Two hours ago, he came back with some big bags!”

With the “correction” of the first person, several “witnesses” appeared below, all of whom said they saw it, and described it vividly. Even some people have begun to propose how to reward those who protect the security zone. Let them know that these ordinary people have not forgot their credits.

Zhou Yan looked at this scene in his eyes, and it was perfunctory. It means that the high-level will definitely reward those abilities, and will never let them be hot, he let people drag away from the door, open the door, and then see the black bag of a drum capsule in the corner.

Just except for this bag, there is no other thing. Zhou Yan opened the bag to check it, from an inner bag to find a dozens of crystal nucleus. He grabbed a crystal nucleus and turned his head to the small child who was still struggling and screaming. Cold smile: “You explain, what is these?”

However, there is no generic person who has not killed the zombie, and there will never have a crystal nucleus, unless someone will give it. However. The small man is too low, and there is no such thing, and even the abilities are not, how can there be a progenitor to send crystal?

Even if you really send, a few will be on the sky. The abilities of their own cultivation need a crystal nuclear, so the nuclear nuclear is very precious for the abilities. This dozens of crystals are sent to several ordinary people, and they will not be too extravagant. No one will do this!

The little son certainly knows this, so he saw Zhou Yan to find the crystal nucleation. The face is a white. They dare to do this, I feel that the other person is not there, even if you find something. It will not know what they do.

But now people, and the owner of these lost things is also a possible! Once those people know what they do, where can they live?

The little child is very afraid of death, so he is not willing to be so kind, struggling again, defending himself: “What does you mean? These crystal nuclear and materials are all of our hard work. You can’t contain blood. Spray! ”

Zhou Yan is too lazy to get carefully, he reins the crystal nucleation into the inner bag. Will be combined, then hand it over to a subordinate. Then he turned his head, looked at the little child and his silent accomplices, cold smile, reached out three people, the opponent told him: “Let them go back to interrogate, as for the remaining three … “He looked at the residents who were angry.” We are now not enough, these three people, you will be troublesome, wait for the fertile to handle again. ”

These onlookers did not have the opportunity to express themselves, and he didn’t hesitate to nod. One of them said: “Zhou Shaohao, despite rest assured, we look, never let these three people escape!” He said Here, I looked coldly, I saw three people including small children.

Three people who have specially picked out were very honest, or they were small, and they were not lying. Three people who stayed in the small child are not so good.

The little child is obviously a distant attitude that is not accompanied, and he is considered to be a waste of time. In this way, it is better to leave them to these angry ‘onlookers’, and these people will take them well.

So Zhou Yan said again: “By the way, if you ask anything from them, you can write it down, and someone will come to collect it tomorrow, which is to help those who have been damaged.” After a few polite words, he brought People also searched in these households. These people can’t see an abnormal place, they have not been prejecteder, soon leaving.

Zhou Yan took people, including three people, including small children were violently pushed into the room. Those who faced the zombies are like a nice, and they are hard and squeezed.

The house quickly came out of the fist in the body, and the scream of the person. Zhou Yancai went out and did not have much, heard very well. Not only him, others have heard it. He deliberately, he saw the three captive people trembled, and a frightened appearance.

He smiled at him, and he said that he knows this. Why do you have to start? This man is still ‘onlookers’. If those that are damaged, they will only suffer thousands of times!

His eyes let three people tremble more, I am afraid of being 揍, one of them cried: “I said I said! I said! Don’t hit me! Don’t hit me!”

The soldiers around him were spending a white eye, he was caught in the arm of this person, nothing is good? This person cries a fart!

He is in his heart, and the hand is slightly smart. Originally, I wanted the man to shut up, and I knew that people crying even more powerful: “Don’t kill me! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! I said!”

Listening to his voice, Zhou Yan frowned unpleasantly, and asked him a few simple questions. After asking the key content, he simply waved his hand and asked them to send the three back to the room, leaving it to those who ‘Onlookers’ care.

He chooses to take these three people, but it is worried that these six people are tossing by others. He asked not to accurately. Now that since the news is already in the hands, he doesn’t have to take these three people.

As for the three people inside, they can live their own compilation.

For this kind of person, Zhou Yan is in the heart of a little bit of sympathy and pity!

After three people sent back, didn’t have long, and there was their scream in the house. Zhou Yan did not ignite, with people to go to the remaining households.

He must check the drop of theft item as soon as possible, you can’t delay!

Lin Wei pinched the crystal nucleus absorbed, she remembered that she was so happy when I found my own purification. She is so sincerely, she can use her own purification ability to treat those zombie virus infections. However, reality has given her a loud slap!

Her power level is too low. Although she can purify the first-level zombie virus, it is very reluctant, and the second-level zombie virus is completely impossible to purify!

Originally, she is a rare variant of the variant in the safety area, but also purifies the zombie virus. Everyone respects her, and I don’t dare to get sin. That is, Fang Yuzhen, always put her in the eyes!

What she didn’t think of it was that when she found that she couldn’t purify the secondary zombie virus, Fang Yuzhen got a variant plant juice! The juice not only has the ability to purify zombie viruses, but also can purify the secondary zombie virus!

This is not what she cares about the most. What makes her care the most is that because of Fang Yuxin’s relationship, Fang Yuyang, who she has a good impression of, has always been honest with her, and Fang Yuxin’s wood power has even been promoted to the second level! And she is still the primary, and even the level has not broken!

She secretly said to herself, “Heaven will give great responsibilities to the people of this country, and they must first suffer their will, work their muscles and bones, and starve their skin…”, but her heart is like a hundred claws scratching her heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it is!

She thinks her feelings, there is no way to continue cultivation. The crystal nuclear pin is in the palm, and there is no movement.

At this moment, a dissatisfied voice sounded: “Sister Lin, you don’t really want to keep them, do you? You see these two people are so weak, what if they die here later? Too bad! ”

Lin Yi open his eyes, looking at the woman in a cold air.

The woman came and suddenly turned, and the eyes were turned, and the courage continued: “Lin Sister, you can don’t talk about me, I said it is for you. I know you is good, but I have to have a limit. Let’s see that they hurt so heavy, will definitely sin, if they are discovered by the person, you are not dangerous! ”

Lin Yan sounded slightly eyebrows, then she worried about two people lying on the bed, watching their pale and handsome face, she couldn’t help but say soft, turned to the woman: “You don’t have to worry, I will not Let them die, I will find someone to cure them. They are not like a bad guy, even if they are really sinned, there is also someone who deliberately bully them. They are already pitiful, how can we abandon them at this time? ? ”

She said that the eyebrows have dyed a bit of pity.

When a woman listened to her, smoked his mouth and turned over a white eye.

Then, the thin child who was snuggling up to her suddenly said impatiently: “We don’t have much food, how can we give it to such two big living people?” (To be continued)

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