Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

chapter 197 \"Life\" (First Update)

When Lin Feiyin left, her face was very ugly. Her kindness was abandoned like a sham, and everyone didn’t take her seriously!

She clearly has the ability to purify zombie viruses and has cured so many people, why do they treat her like this?

The more Lin Feiyin thought about it, the more angry she became, and she no longer had the intention to continue helping those prisoners. She has now understood that her own words don’t work at all. If she annoys the military, her life will probably become more difficult.

She was about to go back to the place where she lived, but suddenly remembered that there was no food at home. So, she diverted to the safety store. When she got there, she suddenly remembered that the prices of the items in the security store had gone up!

Thinking of the new regulations she heard just now, she was full of anxiety. But there is no food at home, if she doesn’t buy some, she can only drink the northwest wind. But as soon as she entered, she found that the price had been refreshed. Depressed, she picked out a few foods that were relatively cheap and resistant to hunger. When she took out her ID card to check out, she was told that her account had been frozen and she had to go to the account center to unfreeze it before it could be used.

Lin Feiyin was stunned: “What’s the matter? How could my account be frozen?” She looked at the salesperson of the security store suspiciously, suspecting that the other party deceived her.

The smile on the salesperson’s face faded immediately. She looked at Lin Feiyin with a bad look and said loudly, “Miss Lin Feiyin, don’t you know? Because you disobeyed the military order last night and caused huge losses to the military. , the credits and contributions in your account have been cleared. The account has also been frozen. And, from now on, you will not enjoy any discounts in the safe store.”

“What?” Lin Feiyin exclaimed, staring fiercely at each other. “How could you do this to me?”

The salesperson looked at her fearlessly and laughed sarcastically: “It’s useless to tell me this, that’s what the above means. If you feel dissatisfied, you can go to the people above to make a theory. But if I were you, I would I won’t do such a stupid thing. As far as you escaped from the battle last night, the above is just deducting the credit points and contribution value from your account, which is very kind!”

Her boyfriend was injured and infected with the zombie virus when he fought against the zombies last night. If it weren’t for Fang Yuxin, her boyfriend would have…

If Lin Feiyin is not a doctor. It’s just that you don’t enjoy the benefits of being a doctor. However, she obviously enjoyed the preferential treatment of a doctor, but she defied the military order at a critical moment, fled and almost killed her boyfriend. How can she tolerate it?

Why does this woman think that everyone should revolve around her, and that no matter what she did wrong, others should let it go?

Lin Feiyin’s face became more and more ugly, and she also understood that it would not be of any use to continue to entangle with this salesperson. This person is just a low-level salesperson. Can he still influence the opinions of the top management?

So she gave the salesperson a cold look, turned around and left with a snort.

There are other people beside them who are picking out products, watching this scene in their eyes. However, after they learned the identity of Lin Feiyin. There was no sympathy for her at all. Even though there were those who thought her pitiful, they just thought about it in their hearts, and they didn’t dare to stand up for her and challenge everyone’s anger.

before. Lin Feiyin hadn’t thought about really looking for a high-level theory, but now she has to do it. There are still a lot of credit points in her account, and the contribution value is even more. How can she endure it being emptied like this?

Those things were earned by her hard work saving people. She deserves it! Why did those people empty her out?

In fact, she was not only rewarded with credit points and contribution points for saving people. There are also many nuclei. Although the military emptied her credit points and contribution points in her account, it did not let her hand over all the crystal cores she had obtained. After all, she is a power user, and those crystal cores are also the income of her labor.

However, Lin Feiyin was not satisfied, she still didn’t feel that she was wrong. There are still so many doctors, Fang Yuxin also has something to purify the zombie virus, what does it matter if she goes? Even if she didn’t go, weren’t those people rescued?

She didn’t think about it, there were so many wounded and one less doctor, the tasks of other doctors were even heavier! Last night, almost all of the doctors were tired. Even Fang Yuxin was too tired to move after running three makeshift hospitals.

But just when everyone was so busy, time was running out, and life and death were critical, how could she not be despised?

Lin Feiyin hesitated for a while and decided to go to General Song. He is recognized as the best tempered among the three generals, and looks like a kind and kind old man, not as strong as the other two generals.

But she managed to find a place, but the soldier on duty stopped at the door: “I’m sorry, the general can’t see you, please leave.”

Lin Feiyin didn’t want to give up just like that. She rolled her eyes and pushed the soldier abruptly, wanting to break in directly. However, just after running three steps, she heard a light “click”, which was the sound of a bullet being loaded.

There were two soldiers guarding the door with live ammunition. At this time, both of them aimed their guns at Lin Feiyin. The dark muzzle of the gun gave people a strong sense of crisis. Lin Feiyin had an intuition that if she moved indiscriminately, the other party would really shoot!

She swallowed and said at a loss: “I just want to see General Song, I have no ill intentions!”

The soldier was unmoved, and his voice sternly implied a warning: “The general will not see you, please leave!”

Lin Feiyin pursed her lips, she was not willing to leave like this. But it is obviously not possible to break in hard, these people will really shoot! So she said, “Then I’ll wait at the door! If the general doesn’t see me, I’ll wait here! Until the general wants to see me!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two soldiers became even more ugly, and then one of them grinned and smiled grimly: “Wait as long as you want, but it can only be at a distance of 100 meters! Now, Please get out of the 100-meter range, or don’t blame us for being rude!”

Lin Feiyin has never been treated so unreasonably since her supernatural ability mutated! She said in a low voice, “It’s too deceiving”, but in the end, she didn’t dare to risk her own life, and obediently withdrew from the distance of 100 meters.

After she left, another soldier frowned and said dissatisfiedly, “Why don’t you just drive her away? Let her stay here, what does it look like!”

Soldier A glanced at him speechlessly: “Look at her like that, is it useful for me to let her go? She can wait if she wants to. The general won’t go out anyway, so what’s there to worry about?”

Soldier B thought for a while and felt that he was right. After secretly cursing “really bad luck”, he ignored Lin Feiyin who was standing far away and continued to stand at his post.

It was almost noon at this time, and Lin Feiyin didn’t eat much in the morning, because there were two more people in the family suddenly, and their food was running out. After they were distributed, what she could eat was really limited.

So gradually, she felt uncomfortably hungry. Rubbing her stomach, she looked at the villa not far away, wishing that the people inside came out quickly.

After a while, someone finally came out, but it was not the person she was expecting, but two soldiers with live ammunition, who came out to change the guard. It was time for dinner. After they had eaten, they came out to stand guard and let the two soldiers outside go in to eat.

Gradually, the smell of food wafted out of the villa, tormenting Lin Feiyin’s keen sense of smell. Soon, her stomach began to rebel.

She was really hungry and uncomfortable. Seeing that the people inside had no intention of coming out, she hesitated for a while and then stepped forward again. She originally wanted to try her luck to see if she could get in, and said she could still have a meal if she couldn’t.

Who knows that the two new soldiers are also not good stubborn.

Lin Feiyin was already very hungry, and she was treated so ‘unjustly’ that she almost exploded with anger. She said dissatisfiedly: “I just want to see General Song, why did you stop me? You didn’t report it, how do you know that General Song refused to see me?”

The soldier smiled but said, “Miss Lin, please come back. The general has already told us that he will not see you.”

Lin Feiyin was so angry that she couldn’t speak. The smell of the food wafting out of the villa kept torturing her stomach and making her almost crazy. The taste of hunger is hard to bear, and what is even more difficult is that when you are too hungry to bear, you smell the fragrance of food, but you can’t eat it!

So she was reluctant to wait any longer and was going to try elsewhere.

Anyway, her ability is still there, even if General Song can’t see her ability, someone else will always see it!

Not long after she went out, she saw a man in an officer’s uniform walking towards her with a smile. Obviously, this person came for her.

Lin Feiyin was overjoyed at first, and then a little wary. What did this man come to her for?

However, although she was a little worried, she still chose to stay and see the purpose of this person. She has now been cornered, and any possible opportunity cannot be missed.

At this time, the visitor had already walked up to her. He smiled slightly, and the smile was very gentle, which made Lin Feiyin instantly feel a warm feeling of being wrapped in the winter sun.

She had suffered too much cold reception before, and she was almost desperate. The appearance of this person was like a sunbeam breaking through the haze, so how could she not be moved?

The visitor smiled and said, “Miss Lin, General Li wants to see you, I’ll take you there.” Although his smile still made people feel gentle, his tone was faintly tough.

Lin Feiyin was still immersed in the other’s gentle trap, and did not notice the inappropriateness of his tone.

She was overjoyed in her heart, but she just nodded reservedly on her face: “Okay, you can lead the way.” (To be continued)

ps: Let’s update early today, hum hum~

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