Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

Chapter 234 Pack Up (Second)

When Feng Yue returned to the bedroom, Li Ranqiu was still awake. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at her beautiful face. Thinking of what she had done before, his handsome face gradually became distorted.

He didn’t wake Li Ranqiu directly, but stretched out his hand and put it gently on her lower abdomen, trying to feel the life that was bred inside.

Before Bai Ye and the others left, he deliberately found an opportunity to secretly ask Meng Qingluo for confirmation, wondering if Li Ranqiu was really pregnant. He really didn’t want to believe that the woman he had been holding in his hand didn’t even care about his children!

Meng Qingluo told him with certainty that Li Ranqiu was indeed pregnant, but the exact time would only be known after careful inspection. He gently touched her still flat belly, imagining that his son or daughter was pregnant in it, and his expression softened unconsciously.

But suddenly, he remembered something! When he asked Li Ranqiu for the first time, although Li Ranqiu was very jerky, he did not represent the pure Luohong, which made him very concerned at that time. Men like that their other half is a pure virgin who has never been taken first by anyone, and he is no exception.

So when he found out about this, he was in a bad mood. But Li Ranqiu sadly talked to him about popular science, saying that some strenuous exercise would cause the film to fall off. She learned dance since she was a child, and she often fell during dance practice, so she didn’t fall into the red.

At that time, they had just been loving, and he liked Li Ranqiu very much in his heart. Seeing her pitiful appearance, he believed it in his heart. Later, he asked other people, some people didn’t know, and some people said it was true. He later asked the doctors at the base and listened to their affirmative answer. This is completely believed.

But now, he suddenly felt that Li Ranqiu was lying! Since seeing Li Ranqiu’s pretentious posture in front of Bai Ye, she is no longer the beautiful and pure woman in his mind. He feels that he is blind, and at the same time, he has done everything Li Ranqiu said. All things are uncontrollably doubted!

This suspicion arose. He could no longer face the child in her womb. Is that really his child? Or is she a wild breed with others?

Feng Yue didn’t know.

He hesitated for a while. He stood up abruptly from the bedside, summoned his subordinates outside, and instructed, “Go and invite Dr. Zhou to come over. Just say there are patients here.”

That subordinate didn’t dare to say much, and he didn’t even dare to look around. Feng Yue has a bad temper, and now, he is a volcano that can erupt at any time. Can’t be provoked!

Dr. Zhou is a doctor at the village health station and an old Chinese medicine practitioner retired from the city’s major hospital. His medical skills are very good. If he doesn’t want to stay in his hometown to spend his old age in peace, some hospitals are willing to invite him.

When Li Ranqiu had severe morning sickness before, he helped to massage her. relieved her symptoms. There is no instrument now, Western medicine is unreliable, and the only person Feng Yue can think of is him. He had heard. Some experienced Chinese medicine practitioners can tell the time of pregnancy by taking the pulse. Just don’t know if it’s true or not.

Feng Yue is the leader of the base, and no one dares to ignore his words. Soon, Dr. Zhou came. Feng Yue didn’t let his subordinates come in, he only let people guard outside, and then personally took Dr. Zhou to the bedroom and asked him to take Li Ranqiu’s pulse: “Look, how long has she been pregnant.”

Dr. Zhou carried a small aluminum alloy medicine box in his hand. He opened the box, took out a soft pad and placed it under Li Ranqiu’s wrist, then sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his fingers and pressed her pulse, carefully. Feel it carefully.

Feng Yue stood beside him and waited, his face was calm, but his heart was up and down, for fear that the child in Li Ranqiu’s belly was not his own.

A minute passed, but he felt as if a long time had passed. Seeing Dr. Zhou retract his finger, he immediately asked, “How is it, Dr. Zhou? Do you see it?”

Dr. Zhou pondered for a moment. He stayed in the village when the apocalypse happened. Later, he survived by luck. He also witnessed everything that happened in the village, and knew that Li Ranqiu came with Feng Yue and was a couple. So he said, “I’ve been pregnant for a month and a half, and the world is not good now, so you have to be careful, you…”

Speaking of this, he suddenly saw Feng Yue’s face turning blue and black, his blue veins bulging, his eyes were red, and he felt a “squeak” in his heart, feeling that things were broken. He always thought that Li Ranqiu and Feng Yue were a couple, or husband and wife, but now looking at Feng Yue’s appearance, it seems that he guessed wrong.

Oops, this is really bad!

He is a doctor after all, and the patients he has encountered are all kinds of strange, what strange things have he never encountered? Not to mention the ones he encountered himself, in the hospital, he could hear all kinds of gossip all day, all about strange patients.

So he looked at Feng Yue’s face and guessed that the child in Li Ranqiu’s belly was probably not Feng Yue’s. Thinking of Feng Yue’s usual methods, Li Ranqiu and the child in her belly are probably in danger!

Dr. Zhou knew that this matter should not be handled by himself, nor could he, and as a man, he could understand Feng Yue’s mood very well. But the doctor’s parents heart, he really can’t bear to watch a good person die like this, and he is still hurt by him.

So he thought about it, and hesitated to persuade: “Mr. Feng, it’s the end of the world now. It’s not easy to have a child. Seeing that Miss Li is young, I’m afraid it’s the first time to be a mother. You should take more care.”

He didn’t dare to speak too clearly, for fear that Feng Yue would become angry and not only could not save Li Ranqiu and the child in her womb, but trapped himself.

However, as soon as he said these words, Feng Yue glared at him savagely, with undisguised killing intent in his eyes. He saw that the alarm bell was ringing in Dr. Zhou’s heart, and he was remorseful, but he didn’t know how to plead for himself. Although he guessed the truth of the matter, how could the truth be said casually? If he doesn’t say it now, he can still pretend that he doesn’t know anything. If he does, I’m afraid he will really die!

Feng Yue kept staring at him, and after a while, the killing intent in his eyes dissipated, and he warned, “Don’t tell anyone what happened today, otherwise, not only will you die, your son, daughter-in-law, and precious grandson will also die. Don’t even want to live!”

When Doctor Zhou heard this, his face instantly turned pale, and he was sweating profusely. He cautiously assured: “Don’t worry, Mr. Feng, I will never say anything about today’s matter!”

Feng Yue then nodded, but he still said, “As long as you are obedient, I will not treat you badly. However, if you have other thoughts or want to escape, I will never be soft-hearted!”

When Doctor Zhou heard this, his face became even more ugly. Just now, he did consider the possibility of escaping with his family!

Feng Yue then let him leave, and seeing Doctor Zhou leaving in a hurry, Feng Yue sneered. He believed that this old man would never dare to disobey him!

In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that this person is a good doctor and a good doctor, he would never let this person live! However, it is not bad to let this person go. There are so many people in the base, not everyone can be trained as a fighter, and the remaining ones who have no strength, just can let them learn some medical skills, and they can be useful at that time.

He thought of this, and did not continue to think deeply. After all, Li Ranqiu’s matter has not been resolved. This woman dared to deceive him, and even caused him to almost raise a son for someone else. For this alone, he would never let her go!

Thinking that the child in Li Ranqiu’s belly was not his own, the only pity he had left for her was gone. He looked at Li Ranqiu’s quiet sleeping face, and suddenly a tyrannical bullying, abusive, desire, and hope arose in his heart!

He roughly pulled Li Ranqiu’s wrist, pulled her up from the bed and threw her on the ground, then raised his foot and stepped on her lower abdomen.


Li Ranqiu hit the back of her head on the floor. Although she was not injured, it also woke her up in pain. She frowned in pain, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Feng Yue looking down at her with cold eyes. In his eyes there is no love and pity of the past, only cruelty and madness.

What shocked her even more was that Feng Yue’s foot actually stepped on her lower abdomen! Although he hasn’t used his strength yet, this picture alone is enough to make her horrified!

Li Ranqiu panicked and immediately begged for mercy. Her eyes were full of tears, her eyes were sad, and her voice was gentle: “Brother Feng! What are you doing?”

“What am I doing? You have the face to ask me what I am doing!” Brother Feng couldn’t help being excited when he saw Li Ranqiu’s pitiful appearance. Back then, he was deceived by her sympathetic look! Now, this **** dares to repeat his old tricks, does she really think he is still the idiot who let her deceive in the past?

Thinking of this, the foot he stepped on Li Ranqiu’s lower abdomen began to exert force.

Li Ranqiu originally thought that Feng Yue would feel a little pity when he saw her like this, but he thought it would stimulate Feng Yue instead! Seeing the ruthless expression on his face, she immediately struggled, and while struggling, she pleaded, “Brother Feng, I know I was wrong! Just forgive me this time! Have you forgotten? I’m pregnant with your child! Don’t do this, you’ll hurt him!”

It’s good that she didn’t mention this, but when she mentioned it, Feng Yue was completely pissed. He increased the force on his feet again, while the other foot stepped on her chest, feeling the softness of her chest, and he maliciously rolled it with his shoes.

He was wearing a pair of military boots, which he bought from an outdoor equipment store. The soles were thick and angular, and it was absolutely unpleasant to step on people.

Li Ranqiu’s thin skin and tender flesh soon burst into tears: “Brother Feng, please forgive me! Forgive me! I will listen to you in the future! Please! Forgive me!” She is already terrified. She is only twenty years old this year, and she has not graduated yet. She has been spoiled by her family. Where has she been treated like this?

She faintly guessed that the child in her womb might not belong to Feng Yue, but her dead boyfriend, but she didn’t dare to say it, she could only beg, hoping that Feng Yue could pity herself as before.

As long as Feng Yue was willing to spare her, she would follow him honestly and never ask for anything else! (To be continued)

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