Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

chapter 373 Two requirements

Meng Ping and Deng Hong looked at each other and knew that Wan Hao should have made a decision in his heart, so they did not hide it from him, Meng Ping said, “This mysterious pair is called the Hope Chapter, the leader is Bai Zhengli, and the deputy leader is Fang Jintang. One of these two people is a third-level power user, and the other is likely to be a third-level peak power user. The three fourth-level power users I mentioned before, one is called Bai Ye, and the remaining two are a pair of brothers and sisters. My name is Fang Yuyang and Fang Yuxin. Listening to what Bai Zhengli said, they plan to stay in this safe base temporarily and find a way to lead Ji Chengtian out, so as not to cause too many casualties in the storm.”

Wan Hao thought for a while, then shook his head slightly: “With Ji Chengtian’s temperament, it’s not easy to draw him out! Didn’t you tell him?”

Meng Ping said: “I think they should have other plans. Besides, even if Ji Chengtian can’t hide and so many people disappear, he can’t just ignore it, right? Someone must be sent to investigate. As long as we If you take people down, there will be fewer and fewer people under him who can use them!”

Wan Hao understood as soon as he heard it, he thought about it carefully, and felt that this idea was a good idea. After all, there are so many people in the security base, and once a fight breaks out, casualties are absolutely unavoidable. But in this way, they eat the people sent by Ji Chengtian little by little, and if the number of times is more, the base will inevitably cause panic. At that time, even if Ji Chengtian wanted to calm everyone’s panic, he could only come out to investigate the situation in person, and this was their chance!

As long as Ji Chengtian and his gang are taken down at this time, it will not be difficult for them to take down the Chengtian base. Ji Chengtian is too domineering and unpopular at all. If it weren’t for his strength, someone would have opposed him long ago.

Therefore, this Hope Chapter wants to replace Ji Chengtian as the ruler of Chengtian Base. It’s actually not difficult.

Wan Hao felt relieved when he thought of this, and at the same time looked forward to it. Then he suddenly thought of a question and hurriedly asked: “Since you have already made plans, what about the others? What are they thinking in their hearts, have you asked?”

Meng Ping nodded: “Deng Hong and I have discussed with the following people before. They are all looking forward to hoping that the chapter will replace Ji Chengtian.”

Wan Hao heard it. I couldn’t help sighing in my heart. speak up. At the beginning of the apocalypse, the Chengtian Base was built by Ji Chengtian with them, and he spent a lot of time in it. In fact, Ji Chengtian was not like this when he first started. At that time, he was very warm-hearted and very righteous, so everyone was willing to follow him and listen to his orders.

But don’t know what happened. Gradually, Ji Chengtian changed, not only being more and more suspicious of people. He likes to enjoy, and his personality has become quite domineering. He can’t rub a little bit of sand in his eyes, and others are slightly disobedient. He won’t be forgiving! It was as if he had completely changed his personality, even the smile on his face was less, and he looked unpredictable and moody all day long. Make them quite uneasy!

Now they are going to help the Hope Chapter to take down the Chengtian base and take Ji Chengtian’s seat. Wan Hao felt that it was unfair to Ji Chengtian, but thinking about it again, if he continued to let Ji Chengtian continue to mess around, the whole base would be in chaos!

He hesitated for a moment, and asked a little uneasily: “What about after taking Ji Chengtian? Shouldn’t it be to… kill him?”

Deng Hong and Meng Ping were looking forward to it, but when they heard this, their expressions instantly changed. After Deng Hong opened it, he said uncertainly: “No… can’t you? I don’t think they are cruel…” Even though he said this, he was not sure at all, so his voice became lower and lower. .

Seeing Meng Ping didn’t speak, Wan Hao asked him, “Meng Ping, what do you think? Will they kill Ji Chengtian?”

Meng Ping frowned and thought about it, and finally shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Deng Hong’s brows also wrinkled tightly: “Isn’t it? It’s not the ancient times to seize the throne, there is no need to kill people?” Although he was a little resentful to Ji Chengtian in his heart, but after all, they have been together for so long, and everyone has been together since the end of the world. Along the way, although he hoped that Ji Chengtian would be replaced, he never thought of taking Ji Chengtian’s life! If the people in the Hope Chapter really want to kill Ji Chengtian, what are they going to do?

Deng Hong scratched his head, but he couldn’t come up with a good idea in his heart, so he could only look at Meng Ping for help: “Aren’t you usually very smart? Tell me, what should we do about this? If they are really like that many……”

Before he could finish speaking, Meng Ping interrupted him: “You’d better pray that they don’t do this! It’s useless to think about this matter too much, let’s just act accordingly.” Wan Hao said.

Wan Hao was clear in his heart, so he nodded, and decided to sleep first and see it tomorrow.

The three of them fell asleep, the night passed quickly, and when they opened their eyes, the sky was already bright. I hope that the people of the chapter will prepare breakfast early. Although Deng Hong and the others are “captives”, I hope that the chapter has not wronged them, and also prepared breakfast for them, including Wan Hao and others who only arrived last night.

Taking advantage of the time to eat breakfast, the gang of Chengtian Base secretly looked at the members of the Hope Chapter, and secretly assessed the strength of the Hope Chapter. After hurriedly finishing the breakfast, Wan Hao took the initiative to find Bai Zhengli and told him: “I already know your plan, I am willing to support you, but I have two requests, I hope you can agree to me.”

Deng Hong and Meng Ping were also there, and they were shocked to hear that. The two of them subconsciously thought of the conversation last night, so what kind of request would Wan Hao make? Could it be that he still wants to plead with Ji Chengtian? Let Bai Zhengli promise not to kill Ji Chengtian? But this is also a requirement, what is the other requirement?

Deng Hong and Meng Ping were both nervous and worried. They not only wanted to know whether Bai Zhengli would agree, but also worried that Wan Hao would annoy Bai Zhengli because of it, and they would not have a good life in the future.

Just when the two were worried, Bai Zhengli had already spoken: “What conditions do you have to say directly, you haven’t said anything yet, how do you want me to promise you?”

Wan Hao nodded, Bai Zhengli’s request was very reasonable, so he said: “This is the first request, I hope that after you take over the Chengtian base, you can put back those wood-type abilities you captured, and at the same time at the base Open a hospital here so that those who are injured can be treated, the second request, I hope you don’t kill Ji Chengtian, although he is wrong, he is not guilty of death, give him a chance to make amends.”

He looked very calm, but in fact he had already been up and down in his heart, for fear that Bai Zhengli would disagree or be angry because of it. So after saying this, he kept his eyes fixed on Bai Zhengli, waiting for his reaction, as did Deng Hong and Meng Ping, who were just as worried as Wan Hao.

Bai Zhengli took a panoramic view of the expressions of the three of them, and suddenly smiled: “This first question, it is certain to open a hospital, but to ensure that every injured person can be treated, I can’t guarantee it, I can only Said that he will arrange as many doctors as possible to help deal with the injured. As for those who have captured wood-type abilities, they will naturally be put back. As for your second request, I can only say that as long as he does not own Courting death, my people will never kill him.”

Wan Hao thought for a while, then nodded: “That’s it! Since you’ve said everything for this sake, I’ll put it here too, and I, Wan Hao, will definitely help you take down the Chengtian Base!”

Hearing this, Deng Hong and Meng Ping next to him breathed a sigh of relief, and then the two said in unison, “We will also help.”

Bai Zhengli smiled and suddenly said, “Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed.” After he finished speaking, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Bai Ye and Fang Yuxin, seeing that not only the two of them were together, but Bai Qianqian was also beside him. He smiled happily. He believed that everything would be fine.

In the Chengtian base, Ji Chengtian was asking one of his subordinates: “You mean, Wan Hao left the base with fifty people last night and never came back?”

The man felt the strong pressure from Ji Chengtian, and did not dare to raise his head at all, so he could only continue to say: “Yes, Wan Hao should have wanted to take people out to find Deng Hong and Meng Ping, but he didn’t come back. Something has happened. City Lord, do you want to send someone to the Ping An Base? This is too evil!”

Ji Chengtian’s face changed, and he directly ordered: “Then take someone to the Ping An base to see what the **** they are doing!”

The man asked again: “Then… how many people do you think is appropriate to bring?”

Ji Chengtian thought for a while, and said a number: “Just bring a hundred people, remember, you are just going to inquire about the situation, don’t get too close. If you find something, don’t act rashly, and come back directly to report. ”

The man’s face instantly became extremely ugly, but because he kept his head down, Ji Chengtian didn’t see it at all. He kept his face tense, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, “Yes, I’ll do it now!” After that, he turned around and quickly left the hall.

Ji Chengtian frowned as he watched the back of his leaving. He knew that this person was dissatisfied with his order, but now that the situation is unclear, he can’t send too many people out, can he? If they all die outside, how will the rest of them protect such a large security base?

After a while, someone suddenly walked into the hall and said, “City Lord, it’s not good! Wan Hao’s deputy Liu Yue suddenly left the base with his men, saying that he was going to rescue Wan Hao. !”

Ji Chengtian’s face became quite ugly as soon as he heard this: “What did you say? This Liu Yue has the courage to take so many people away without my consent. Did he take me seriously? And you! Why don’t you stop him!” (To be continued)

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