Doomsday Rebirth, The Female Partner Turns Over

chapter 441 The location of Fang Mengyao

After Shen Xi smashed Fang Mengyao’s house, looking at the mess, the violence in his heart did not disappear, but became more and more serious. He sat in the wreckage watching the time and waited for a while. Seeing that Fang Mengyao had not returned, he dialed Fang Mengyao’s number again.

This time, it took a while before the other party answered. He was about to show Fang Mengyao the situation here, when he heard Fang Mengyao’s ambiguous moans coming from the loudspeaker. The voice was all too familiar, just like he had heard many times before. It was so familiar that his body reacted when he heard the sound!

However, when he wanted to understand Fang Mengyao’s situation at this time, he could not wait to rush into the screen and destroy all the two people in it!

He took a deep breath before picking up the contactor to look. Although the picture was not very clear due to the light, he could still clearly see Fang Mengyao’s emotional face. There is a person on her body, but due to the angle, the face of the other person does not appear in the picture, only the outline of the body can be seen vaguely.

Fang Mengyao didn’t seem to know that he was in the video at this time, but was intoxicated. Accompanied by her moaning sound, what she remembered was the man’s smug chuckle.

Shen Xi’s face was ugly, but he did not lose his mind as the other party expected. Instead, he sneered and said softly, “You will regret it.” This was said both by the other party Mengyao and the man.

Although his face was not exposed at this time, Shen Xi had already remembered his appearance during the first call. On the contrary, it was the other party. Although he saw Shen Xi’s face, he didn’t know Shen Xi’s identity.

Shen Xi is a researcher in Zhao Qiankun’s hands, and a spiritual ability person, these two identities. They all need to be kept secret, so not many people know about it.

This man will look at Fang Mengyao not only because of her almost perfect appearance, but also because of the strength of Fang Mengyao’s fourth-level ability user. A woman with a fourth-level power user, especially a beautiful woman with an almost perfect appearance, will be sought after no matter which base she is in.

He didn’t know why Zhao Qiankun and Qiu Yiming were indifferent to Mengyao, but since he liked this woman. Naturally, you won’t let go easily. At first he thought it would not be easy. Unexpectedly, he just used some tricks to get Fang Mengyao right.

for this experience. The man is quite satisfied. Sure enough, he was right, this woman is a natural stunner!

He didn’t take Shen Xi’s words to heart, and after he was complacent, he hung up the call. He just wanted to embarrass the other party on purpose. But I’m not interested in letting the other party keep watching. Even if this woman once had an affair with that person, now she is his.

the other side. Shen Xi listened to the busy tone on the loudspeaker, smiled coldly, and immediately dialed a number, directly using the researcher’s authority to order: “I want to reach the current location of the contactor for this number.” He finished. I sent out Fang Mengyao’s contact number.

After a while, the other party sent a picture. It was a simple map marked with a red dot. Indicates Fang Mengyao’s location.

After seeing the picture, Shen Xi laughed dangerously. However, just when he got up and prepared to catch the rape. Suddenly he received a message on his contactor. He opened it quickly and found that it was an order. Zhao Qiankun asked him to return to the research institute immediately.

Shen Xi frowned in distress. Now he wanted to deal with the pair of sluts, but he had to listen to Zhao Qiankun’s orders. He hesitated for a while, and finally had to give up the wonderful plan to trouble Fang Mengyao and go back to the institute obediently. When he went downstairs, he glanced at the two people guarding Shen Xin’s door, and asked in a soft voice, “Has she ever woken up?”

The two of them shook their heads hurriedly, and one of them said, “I haven’t woken up, I should be still sleeping.” They heard it clearly when Shen Xi violently smashed things upstairs just now! Although they don’t know what happened, but Shen Xi is so angry, he must be inseparable from his girlfriend!

So the two of them didn’t dare to make Shen Xi angry at this time, they were afraid that they would accidentally become the target of his anger.

Shen Xi opened the door, went in and took a look. Seeing that Shen Xin was still sleeping soundly, she didn’t wake her up after nothing happened, she went out and locked the door, and led someone downstairs. Fang Yuxin and the three were still hiding downstairs, using the Qingmu Lingfu to monitor nearby movements.

When other people pass by, they don’t know that their every move is being watched. But Shen Xi is different, he is a fourth-level spiritual power user. When he got downstairs, he noticed something was wrong. Shen Xi looked around suspiciously. Although he couldn’t determine the location of the other party, he had a feeling that someone was watching him!

This was a dangerous trembling feeling that made him horrified. His face changed slightly, and his mental power burst out instantly, filling the surrounding space, trying to find out the whereabouts of the other party. However, nothing!

This is impossible!

Shen Xi became more vigilant, and the sense of danger became stronger. When he checked Shen Xin’s spiritual world before, he was still guessing who moved the hand, but now he understands that the other party must be a spiritual power user with a higher level than him! Or, is it a spiritual zombie?

Shen Xi was not sure, but he knew that this person was definitely not a good person! However, the other party has not started, is there another plan? If he had just appeared before he had time to react, he would have been caught by now!

Shen Xi couldn’t understand why the other party didn’t make a move, but he knew that this was his chance! At this time, an idea suddenly popped into his mind! So he deliberately said to the two third-level ability users: “Now you go to the abandoned supermarket one kilometer away from the southwest gate of the base to help me find someone, that person is Fang Mengyao, and it is very important to me.”

He deliberately said this to mislead and test the other party, making the other party think that Fang Mengyao was more important to him than Shen Xin, lest this person do anything to Shen Xin again. If this person really went to Fang Mengyao, then the adulterer and prostitute would not have a good end. If this person didn’t go, he would not have any loss by saying so.

The two third-level ability users were a little puzzled when they heard the words. They were the people responsible for the safety of the research institute. They followed Shen Xi out to protect Shen Xi’s safety, but they had no obligation to help him go outside the base to find someone! Just when the two were hesitating how to remind him that the order exceeded their authority, Shen Xi glared at the two of them and said angrily, “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!”

Knowing that the other party’s level was better, Shen Xi didn’t make any extra moves, for fear of being seen through. Those two third-level ability users were not stupid. Although they didn’t get more hints, they could hear what Shen Xi meant, so even though they were strange, they didn’t ask directly.

Shen Xi was worried that the other party would make a move, and after speaking, she quickly walked out of the community, while her body was tense all the time, for fear that the other party would suddenly attack. Fortunately, until he walked to the guard duty room at the gate of the community, the other party did not take action.

He was relieved when he saw the captain of the supernatural team in charge of guarding the community.

On the other side, Bai Ye looked at Shen Xi who left suddenly and said, “He found us, he said that on purpose.”

Fang Yuxin and Fang Yuyang nodded, Fang Yuxin said, “Don’t worry about it so much, go to Fang Mengyao’s room and see. If she’s not here, we’ll go to the place Shen Xi said.”

Fang Yuyang worried: “But this is probably a trap!”

Fang Yuxin shook his head lightly: “Even if Shen Xi discovered us, he just discovered it. They couldn’t have set up a trap in such a short period of time. We will be invisible when the time comes. If it is a trap, we can retreat in time.”

Bai Ye suddenly said, “The roar from outside seems to be from Shen Xi. He probably hadn’t discovered us at that time. He seems to be very angry. This is a clue.”

The three of them didn’t say any more. They went upstairs to see Fang Mengyao’s room. After they found that the things in the room had been severely smashed, the three of them thought of the sound they heard before, and guessed that there was a possibility between Shen Xi and Fang Mengyao. What conflict arises. That’s why he just said that deliberately, clearly because he didn’t have a good heart!

If that’s the case, Fang Mengyao is probably really in that place! However, since Shen Xi deliberately said those words, it is very likely that he really set a trap for them, so he had to be careful.

The three hurriedly left the Qiankun Community, but it was a little late at this time, and almost all the corpse hunters came back from the base at the entrance of the base. The three found an opportunity to sneak out of the base, and then ran towards the location mentioned by Shen Xi.

At the same time, Shen Xi had already communicated with the captain of the supernatural power team responsible for the security of the Qiankun community, and told the other party that the enemy might have sneaked into the community, and asked the other party to send someone to search. However, he did not make the words too clear, nor did he tell Zhao Qiankun about it.

Since the other party is a spiritual power user with a higher level than him, he is definitely not from the Beishi base. Even if he goes to that place and arrests Fang Mengyao, Fang Mengyao’s scandal will not be known to everyone. But if he told Zhao Qiankun about this, but the other party didn’t go, he would be completely embarrassed!

So he pretended not to know anything, and took the two third-level abilities directly back to the research institute, waiting for further news.

The three of Fang Yuxin didn’t know Shen Xi’s plan, and the three of them were very alert when they went out, for fear of falling into each other’s tricks. They walked very fast, and Shen Xi deliberately mentioned the abandoned supermarket, the three of them searched a little and found where Fang Mengyao was.

When they arrived, the car shock had not ended, and dozens of people surrounded the car, cleaning up the zombies that were approaching.

The three people’s hearing is very sensitive, and there is no special sound insulation treatment in the car. The three people are more than 100 meters away when they hear the ambiguous sound from the car, and they are suddenly stunned. (To be continued)

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