Doomsday Virus

Chapter 251 - teaching

After arguing about this boring question, the two staff members returned to the protective cover without any delay.

They don’t know why they suddenly became so real about this problem, as if something was controlling their thoughts …

Xia Leng was also puzzled by this too strange coincidence, anyway, he found a breakthrough anyway.

In the barrel of a staff member, a trace of the virus tentacles remained in it. The two of them did not notice it and took it back to the dock factory. This was Xia Leng’s breakthrough point.

After returning, they habitually set aside their firearms aside, and returned to work to continue their work, and soon forgot about the little accident outside.

In this building, the roar of machinery is constantly sounding, and the dazzling sparks of welding flash in the workshop.

In a large test pool in the center, a large metal keel was suspended and floated above, and various types of staff were busy around it.

On the side, there are still wrecks of many ship parts. They added these parts to the keel one by one, forming a hodgepodge, like welding some strange marine vehicle.

It really is a hidden shipbuilding factory. The huge metal keel is proof, except that it looks very strange, and whether it can be launched safely is a question …

Then, without Xia Leng’s manipulation, the black light virus tentacles remaining in the barrel will find the host by itself.

It dragged a black earthworm-like body, creeped out of the barrel, and crawled towards one of the workers just now.

It’s like having self-awareness. It can avoid the ditch on the way and flip over the tables and chairs until it crawls all the way to the heels of the staff!

Then, the end of the virus’s tentacles began to harden and become sharp, and a piercing piercing pierced his special work clothes, which he could take off in the future!

Another staff member on the side saw his body suddenly shake, and immediately began to stand still like a puppet!

“Hey, Mike, what are you doing? Do you want to be lazy again?” The companion said a little bit off, but didn’t get any response.

suddenly! The staffer named Mike turned his head and exposed the dark-eroded pupils. The moment he penetrated into the body with the virus tentacles, he had been completely occupied by the brain consciousness by the black light virus and became a black light puppet!

Seeing this weird scene, the companion was frightened and shouted loudly, and suddenly he touched his body at a very fast speed, which caused the companion to close his mouth instantly, and then the other pupils of the other side were also the same Into black!

The black light virus has evolved among ordinary people, and only a touch on the limb can successfully infect the parasite!

Xia Leng immediately established a spiritual link with the two tadpoles and gained their memories at the same time.

Their company does have barrel fuel for submarines to drive, and the quantity is quite large, it is just stored in a warehouse in the town.

And closing the switch position of the entire energy shield is not in their memory fragments, because they are not qualified to know such an important switch, but Xia Leng did not plan to do so, because closing the entire shield will definitely The highest alert that aroused the entire base was undoubtedly announcing their arrival to them. Xia Leng did not want to waste time on fighting again.

If you want to steal those fuels from the resource warehouse guarded by Yan Bing, it must not be easy, and it is not easy for you to transport it by yourself, so at this time, the role of these black watch soldiers will come into play.

They can also be disguised as internal staff and apply for oil pickup with the management of the urban warehouse, because the dock staff will occasionally request the transfer of fuel to maintain the ship’s operational testing.

As a result, while avoiding several monitoring probes in the dock workshop, Xia Leng asked two Hei Guangyu to turn the other eight staff members into a silent virus infection.

It’s just that these puppets will only perform a single task silly, and will not respond to accidents accidentally, so Xia Leng is not asking them to move oil for themselves, but to change their identity to the ten blacks they bring. Overwatch soldier.

Xia Leng’s remote control through the mind link allowed ten virus puppets to go out of the dockyard in turn, wearing special clothing that could avoid the current energy shield without being aware of the abnormality.

At the same time, he also brought the black watch soldiers to the edge of the protective cover, waiting for the food to be delivered to the door.

“Sir, there is a team of men and women walking in our direction, should we avoid it for now?”

Unsuspecting soldiers saw those who walked somewhat mechanically, and they were immediately on guard.

“No, these people are for you.” Xia Leng uttered this somewhat infiltrating sentence very calmly …

“Eat? As if you digested the virus prototype?”

The soldiers immediately showed an intriguing expression. Of course, they had also seen failed virus experiments before. After killing the staff, they melted each other like a candle into a blood-red liquid, and finally absorbed it, but they never saw it. Never experienced it in person.

Xia Leng didn’t answer, he said it was the default.

When the ten virus puppets stood in front of each soldier, they did not know how to eat, and could not speak for a while.

“Kill them, then the virus in your body will deal with itself, don’t waste time.” Xia Leng rarely “teaches” himself, but it is only a short sentence ~ ~ killing for these black watch soldier It was commonplace, so after a brief hesitation, they directly attacked the fatal points of the staff in front of them with their respective killing methods.

Of course, Xia Leng ordered Xun to take off the special chemical protective clothing that can resist the energy hood before killing.

The moment they stabbed their weapon into the target’s neck or skull, they suddenly swarmed numerous scalp black tentacles from their arms, wrapping the entire person in front of them instantly!

In less than two seconds, the tightly wrapped living creature was like a leaking balloon, quickly discouraged until it disappeared, and the appearance of the soldiers changed at the same time, becoming what they killed. The dead man looks like that!

What surprised them most was that while killing each other, a flood of unfamiliar and familiar memories poured into their minds.

These memories are just the lives of these staff members who have been swallowed up!

“The memory you just got is the character you want to role-play. I hope you don’t let go of it then.”

Xia Leng looked at these watchful soldiers with an incredible expression on his face and said lightly.


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