Doomsday Virus

Chapter 279 - Foreign visitors

| | |->-> The Dadulu Mountains are a plateau dry area located in the central area of ​​the American continent. The rolling high mountains surround this place as a lost natural maze.

It’s just that the virgin forest with many trees once, now only barren and dry land, and the daily super-dust storms, make the sky always gray, which has the advantage that it can reduce the ground more or less. Intense light from the sun.

Although the harsh environment formed by the destruction of the black rain here makes it difficult for living things to live here, there is an old saying that there is nothing wrong with it. As long as it can stand, there will be humans like “cockroaches” everywhere.

The Dalu Mountains have the most abundant ore resources in the Americas. Although it has entered the end of the world, all kinds of minerals are still indispensable. Therefore, this place where the birds do not **** is also organized by a huge force. Occupied.

The Frieder Mercenary Company is one of the independent forces on this continent. It has a large number of arms and weapons left over from the old times, and has trained a large number of elite mercenaries. The number of baptizers has occupied the entire American continent. one fifth!

It can be said that the Friedrich mercenary company, even in each sector, has the strength to be proud of its heroes!

What’s more, their headquarters base is built in the endless mountains of the Daluo Mountains, forcing many slaves, exiles and people captured from hostile companies to mine for them.

In this mountain range, no other forces dare to compete with them for the mine.

The continuous input of ore resources day and night directly to a metallurgical plant, forging plant, etc. will only make Ferid mercenary companies stronger and stronger. Their ambitions do not stop there, but the entire waste land. It’s only a matter of time until it continues to develop and become the overlord in the wasteland!

In one of the Ferid mines surrounded by mountains, the underground pit spiraled down to a depth of hundreds of meters, and the diameter reached a kilometer, as if a huge deep-sea vortex appeared in this area. On a dry land, one looks at it as if it would be sucked in.

Here is one of the largest mines of the company Ferryd. Overlooking the densely moving dots in the vortex, there are thousands and thousands of miner slaves!

They were taken by the mercenaries from the wilderness to serve as free labor, no wages, only a small amount of poor food and sewage every day.

If you do not obey the orders of each mine manager or lose the ability to work, you will be mercilessly killed by the heavily armed mercenary monitors in the mine!

But in many cases, they do not need to deal with the corpses, and the miners who are hungry and emaciated like a zombie will swarm up, rushing to bite the thin miners who succumbed to the ground, so that they can be seen everywhere in this mine Sensen bones, like **** on earth …

“Damn! All the actions are for Lao Tzu! Haven’t I fed you enough?”

A burly man with a long black whip, standing indifferently among these skinny miners, fiercely lashing out at the thirty miners in their mine group.

有人 Someone’s mining operation is slower, and a roaring breaking sound will come, followed by a severe whip beat on his body, and it will be drawn to the skin flesh and blood instantly.

However, the weak miner could not utter a scream, but the strong survival made him tolerate all kinds of discomforts in the body. He continued to lift the mining basket on the ground, moved his thin feet, and shivered towards the meeting point of the mine. Go on.

The other miners around smelled the **** smell in the air, couldn’t help licking their chapped lips, and stared gloomily at the beaten miner. As soon as the other party fell, they would rush up and spit it out. food!

Extreme hunger has brought these people back to the most primitive beast instincts, so that they can reach a cannibalism!

这么 So many miners have only one mine manager, but no one dares to have the idea of ​​resistance. Everyone just thinks as long as they live longer than others.

In addition, the mine chief is a second-tier soldier. It is estimated that these skinny miners will not be his opponents together …

“Your gang of waste! What a difference to make again, I want to die!”

The mine chief, a second-tier eschatological fighter, saw several people suddenly stop his movements, raised his head and wondered what he was looking at, and immediately made him angry.

Originally, the performance of this mine group is in the tail of the crane. If it does not catch up, it is estimated that his own food quota and other benefits will be affected.

Then he raised the leather whip in his hand again, ready to give these dirty miners a hard lesson!

“Yes … there are meteors …”

The head of the mine was preparing to remove the whip in his hand, but after hearing the trembling words of one of the miners, he was frozen in mid air.

“I have your mother’s meteor in the daytime! Dare I play?”

After hearing the words of the miners, the supervisory leader became even more angry, and he was going to go and stab this guy alive.

However, it turned out that all the miners looked up to the sky, showing a stunned expression, and there was a red light on their faces.

At this moment, he finally couldn’t help it, turned his head and looked into the air ~ ~ the same eyes widened to the point of utter tears!

I saw a huge meteorite flaming down from the sky in the scorching sun, and the location of the fall was in their mine field! !!

“Fuck! This **** is your **** meteor ???”

The ore miner saw this, and left the whip in his hand without saying a word, with a horrified expression, spreading the girl in the opposite direction of the falling meteorite and desperately running away!

Mining miners also left their mining tools and fled around.

More than just them, almost everyone in the entire Ferryd pit saw this sudden scene, like a blasted ant nest, fleeing wildly around!

In a temporary command building located on the edge of the pit, the head of the pit shook his legs and quickly picked up the connector, preparing to report to the headquarters less than ten kilometers away from the incredible but actual situation at this time. .

As the group of meteorite was getting closer and closer to the ground, an innumerable amount of heat exceeding the sun’s light appeared from the person in charge. He opened his mouth wide and could not say a word because the phone in his hand and His entire body instantly burned and melted like a candle! !!

Boom! !! !! !! !!

The falling meteorite arrived on schedule, and the bullseye in the middle fell in the center of the rotating pit, perfectly fitting at the center point, as if everything had been prepared in advance!

The extreme heat brought by the fall also instantly swept everything within five kilometers with the pit as the center point!

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