Doomsday Virus

Chapter 282 - Advent

| | |->-> Everyone was calmed down by this unprecedented coercion, both mentally and physically, watching the alien object split apart from the middle, and a black mysterious mist permeated from it.

Is this an alien spaceship? It is to determine how many aliens there are and what they look like.

All of a sudden, everyone’s fear and curiosity spread to their hearts, widening their eyes waiting for the appearance of the narrow-headed aliens in the impressions inside, and their impression of aliens remained in “e.t”.

However, when a black palm over ten meters wide with mountain-like nails caught the unfolding edge, everyone’s breath was completely out of breath.

哪里 How many aliens are there, there is one inside the huge spaceship!

巨 The surface of this giant palm is like a spaceship, also engraved with a similar mysterious symbol, emitting a scarlet light!

Although the black mist diffused from it makes it difficult to see everything inside, it can still barely see the huge outline of the horror!

Gradually, the giant living body inside began to move the entire body out of the slender spaceship.

Such as a basketball court-sized head, a hill-like swollen body and abdomen, tens of meters of giant arms, and giant feet that stepped on the ground as soon as they stepped out of the ground!

This giant creature, which has a total height of more than 100 meters, is much larger than the spacecraft it is riding on!

Isn’t the space inside this spacecraft much wider than what it looks like? !!

Suddenly, two crimson moons the size of a truck’s head and glowing blood appeared in the black mist. This was its pupil that suddenly opened!

I wonder if it is to match this situation. The entire sky is instantly enveloped by dark clouds. The heavy clouds make it impossible to penetrate the scorching sun, and the entire mountain range becomes extremely dark.

“Gulong ~~”

The giant monster opened its mouth capable of swallowing whales, and made a sound like an ancient **** groaning, pierced everyone’s soul, and let their bodies shake with it, finally they can take action!

And the first thing they could do was not to escape, but to kneel to the ground involuntarily, and an inexplicable shock spread to their hearts!

Among those who knelt down, there were mercenaries of ordinary physiques, as well as high-level baptists who surpassed the eighth-order strength!

科 Even Copperfield, chairman of the Friedrich mercenary company that dominates this vein, is one of the kneeling people.

In front of this giant alien life, everything is waiting …

为什么 “Why … my body is not called … what the **** is this **** monster …”

Kobofil, who had the strength of a Tier VI fighter, knelt beside the car with trembling. He wanted to drive away, but his body could not move at all!

And the head of the mining area closest to the alien life body, the head was embarrassed and the flesh was still vague and did not stop, and he made a hoarse voice crying and laughing, looking completely crazy.

But the giant creature shrouded in the dark mist didn’t look at him at all, but twisted his huge skull and stared at those people with blood-red pupils suddenly at the edge of the pit!

The moment he was stared at by Scarlet Giant Pupils, Copperfield felt that his body was struck by a flash of lightning, his body was numb and difficult to breathe, and cold sweat could not stop flowing from his forehead!

“Mum …”

It murmured again. Suddenly, the expressions of hundreds of mercenaries suddenly became dull, and then, like a controlled cricket, walked towards the giant life-body machinery in the center of the pit!

Only some baptizers such as Copperfield and bodyguards behind were not controlled, and only ordinary people were controlled!

These people ignore the difference in height of the terrain, even if the broken bones pierce the skin, dragging a long blood trail and crawling towards the alien life body, it looks like they are bewildered by any charm, it looks extraordinarily scary!

When they climbed all the way to the feet of the alien life body, it suddenly opened its huge mouth, and the swollen abdomen was closed. An invisible force sucked up these humans on the ground, got involved in the mouth of the blood basin, and then closed. Start chewing!

Those who were swallowed were like fried beans, making crunchy and crisp sounds under the chewing of tooth decay in its mouth, and even baptizers such as Copperfield far from the edge of the pit Listen clearly!

The blood flowing out of the corner of the pouting mouth proves that it enjoys the first meal after landing, and it still has the original taste …

Hundreds of humans, just swallowed a few mouthfuls, swallowed it directly, and stretched out a thick tongue, licking the meat residue near the mouth!

“It … it is specifically for humans …” For the time being, the baptizers who escaped from being eaten recalled the sound of those people who had just been chewed, their bodies trembled madly, and they uttered trembling sounds in extreme fear, Seconds are fearing that the next person to be eaten will be himself!

Suddenly, a few rays of light flashed through the sky suddenly. More than a dozen strangely shaped stealth transporters suddenly burst out of the light and appeared around the alien life!

These flying vehicles are in the size of a toy airplane in front of them, and they can be crushed with a fingertip!

“Adventist Church ?! Why are they here? Is this monster related to them?”

波 Kopfer, who was fixed on his knees on the ground, immediately recognized the invisible planes engraved with the eyeball logo ~ ~.

As the most powerful mercenary company in the Americas, he naturally knew that these mysterious religious forces hidden in the dark corners were also the only feared force of the Friedrich mercenary company.

But Copperfield refused to accept them, and thought that one day he would surpass them and become the strongest force on the surface, but on the surface, he was afraid to provoke the church at will.

Now they reappear, and Copperfield has associated it with this sudden and terrifying alien life form.

It reminded him that there were messengers from the Advent Church to preach to himself, saying that the Seven Ambassadors were about to come and make himself a believer.

Copperfield, who never believed in ghosts, naturally did not listen to their words, and perfunctory in the past.

这个 Is this what they call an apostle? A man-eating monster? !!

The gigantic alien monster did not attack these sudden invisible spacecraft. After the spacecraft landed, the hatch opened, and dozens of black robes and a red robe leader led out.

After seeing this monster, they proactively bowed to the ground and performed three great gifts sincerely.

“Master Gluttony, it’s late for us to welcome you, please lower your punishment …” The man in red robe knelt in the first place, speaking reverently and humblely.

Their bodies are shaking violently, but not because they are afraid of shaking, but because they are excited …

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