Doomsday Virus

Chapter 298 - Haunted house

“Floating? Are you sure you’re floating in the air?”

He Soro heard the words of the two of them, but did not think of the ghosts, but thought whether there would be a baptist lurking in that house.

He heard Xia Leng once said that there is a branch of the baptist called the master, who has all kinds of abilities beyond common sense, such as ideas, manipulating elements, etc. Some ideas are so powerful that they can even fly by themselves.

So there may be forces from the enemy inside, thinking about how to avenge yourself.

“Well, it’s floating, or let’s talk to the boss.” Lyon frowned and said, in fact, he did not believe in ghosts and gods, but the scene I just saw was too weird.

“I have already reported what you said with telepathy. He asked us to check the situation first. If we can’t meet the enemy, he will take another shot.”

Saw Solo opened his eyes and said, I don’t know how far Xia Leng created his home under the ground at this time, but he can only see that there is a continuous stream of mud in the cave entrance to be transported by the virus blanket.

“Well, then I’ll call some of you together to see.”

“No need, Fack, you and the two of them will take a look. Maybe this is the enemy ’s plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. When we all leave, other enemies may all be here, affecting the construction progress of our God-chosen person. Soro glanced at the house they were pointing at in the distance, and saw nothing unusual.

什么 “What? Just the three of us?” Fack heard, and then screamed out loud, if there was something insanely horrible …

怎么 “What? What are you afraid of? Then you pay attention to the surrounding situation here, I will take them over to see.”

As soon as Soro spoke, he would take the two soldiers to the so-called “ghost house”.

Fak, who was the captain of the team, certainly would not easily admit it, so he quickly grabbed Solo’s clothes. “Where did I say I was scared, but I think there are a lot of three people going, which is likely to cause grass and snakes …”

“Then you quickly go back, if you find something abnormal, immediately contact us with a black light sensor.”

Uh …

Buffak took the two soldiers and walked up the desolate street to the house where the feet of the woman were seen.

喂 “Hello, are you two sure that someone is in that house?”

Fack clenched his fists and was ready to fight. If they really had pale feet flying inside as they described, I do n’t know what the foot master would look like …

当然 “Of course, even if we read wrong, it is impossible for us both to read wrong.” The two soldiers answered in unison.

With a distance of dozens of meters, it took two or three sentences to reach the front of this two-story wooden house painted with white paint.

几乎 Almost all the houses in this town are of this wooden structure. The style looks relatively fresh and simple, which makes people feel refreshed.

Only under the baptism of the harsh environment, the storm has made this house crumbling, and the dark and damp interior looks quite like a haunted house.

Creak ~

As soon as the three men stepped on the wooden courtyard floor, they made a crisp and fragile sound, as if something living inside was protesting against someone invading their territory.

But after all, the three of them were also from the Black Overwatch Force. This terrible atmosphere did not affect them much.

“From these traces, no one should have entered this house in the near future.”

Lyon walked to the wooden door first, and looked at the dusty floor and door handles. No one stepped on.

“I guess the two you just saw should only be the zombies hiding in the dark room. As for floating, you must be wrong.” Fakke still firmly believed in his views, because those zombies were basically white enough See clear blood vessels under the skin surface.

“Go in and see.”

Lyon held the doorknob and pushed it hard, clicked, and the corroded wooden door broke into two pieces instantly, and at the same time a lot of dust fell from the ceiling above his head.

三个 The three of them turned away from the thick smoke and looked intently into the room, and saw that the dark inside of the room was so messy that it couldn’t be messed up anymore.

大 A large pit collapsed in the middle of the floor. The dusty sofa and various types of furniture fell to the ground scatteredly. It seems that there should have been fighting here.

They shared the black light ability with Xia Leng, and their night vision ability is naturally good, and they can see many details inside.

The broken glass frame fell on the messy ruins. From the blurred photos, it used to be a family of three. A pair of parents stood with a girl with a more beautiful appearance.

Fack picked up the frame next to his feet and looked at it. “It’s beautiful, it looks like my ex-girlfriend.”

“Captain, don’t look at this anymore, let’s go to the second floor and look at those feet.”

As if eager to see a woman, Lyon led the way to the stairs leading to the second floor.

每 Every step on this staircase also makes a crunching sound, and in this quiet room, it looks particularly scary.

But the three big men crawling out of the dead pile did not care, and went all the way to the second floor.

There are also several rooms on the second floor, and the floating legs they just saw are behind the door at the end of the corridor.

等等 “Wait, there seems to be something moving …”

Roar! !! !!

suddenly! A sharp growl came from a certain room, and then, a very fast figure rushed out of it and rushed to Lyon, which was walking in front!

This sudden situation is enough to scare people, but the three soldiers from the Black Overwatch Force are already ready to fight, regardless of whether you are a ghost or a ghost, as long as you pose a threat to yourself, kill all!

Faced with the fast-moving figure rushing towards him, Lyon immediately changed his arm into a claw shape, and suddenly took the initiative!


The speed blessed by the black light virus made him shoot instantly, the sharp claws penetrated the belly of the black shadow, and held it up!

Huh! !!

But the shadow who attacked them still waved his arms fiercely, making a deafening roar, and emitting an unpleasant stench.

The faint light that was faintly transmitted through the corridor window, everyone finally saw what the dark shadow was, and it turned out to be a highly rotten zombie!

Its tightly connected eyeball was swinging outside the orbit, and the rotting mouth with few teeth kept roaring at Lyon piercing its belly.

干 “Go! I’ll just say it’s a zombie, and quickly fix it.”

Fak, who was standing behind him, saw this alive zombie and couldn’t help swallowing his throat. Since he had swallowed dozens of zombies on the beach, he was hard to resist this “delicious” …

Alas, he found that the tattered plaid shirt worn by this zombie ~ ~ seems to be wearing the same kind as the man in the photo frame just picked up.

It seems that it may be that the male master of the family suddenly had a corpse change at that time. Eat the wife and daughter. The chaotic situation in the downstairs hall can be seen.

From this point of view, this zombie is quite pathetic, and has been quietly staying in this room without going out until the arrival of these people …

Lyon didn’t waste time either. He sharply pushed the sharp claws inserted into the opponent’s abdomen, cut them directly, swallowed them cleanly, and then showed a slightly satisfied expression.

“Don’t you leave us something to try?”

Falcon and another soldier, like greedy diners at this time, couldn’t help complaining …

其实 “In fact, I still feel a bit strange. I saw floating feet before, and I should still be wearing a white pajama skirt, but just now …”

“Okay, you can see the white curtains. Besides, can the zombies also climb the wall? It is estimated that this guy just saw the feet in the room when he climbed through the window to expose his feet. He was mistaken for a woman. My feet are floating, I think you are thinking that women want to go crazy. “

Falcon spit out, and then turned to leave the house downstairs.


When the three of them were about to leave together and return to report the situation, a long, weeping cry suddenly passed into their ears from the room at the end of the corridor …

“Woo … wow …”

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