Doomsday Virus

Chapter 307 - Brother and sister

“Damn! Are you cockroaches not eating enough! Hurry up!”

The fierce mercenary mercenaries snarled and forced the group of homeless people chained together in a chain and walked towards the transport vehicle in front.

It is true that they have never eaten enough food, which can be seen from the skinny and skinny figure of these refugees.

Each of them had a look of terror and despair, and the bodies of the exiles all over the place proved how terrible it would be to end up disobeying these mercenaries.

The ordinary exiles who live in the wasteland have already lived a tragic life of nine deaths. Every day they risked their lives in order to find only a little bit of fruit, so they could barely survive.

But the place where these mercenaries finally escorted them was simply dead without a lifetime!

Especially since this period, major forces have been catching fugitives in waste soil more and more frequently, and there are no survivors, and I do n’t know where they will be escorted to …

这 Among these hundreds of refugees, two boys and girls with a little childishness on their cheeks, like the other refugees being escorted, are all dirty, ragged, and as thin as the wind blows.

The only difference is that the expressions of the two of them are not as frightened and desperate as others, but full of anger with gritted teeth, and two lines of tears on the dirty faces have not completely dried up.

They are twin brothers and sisters, and one of the refugees’ gathering place, and their parents are also included.

Although this gathering place is deficient in material and the environment is harsh, the people living here still relatively comply with the rules of the gathering place. Compared with other gathering places of refugees, it is rare to kill each other, and it is relatively peaceful.

The twins are dependent on their parents here, and the food they get during the cooperative hunting every day makes them barely able to survive.

Until the arrival of these heavily armed mercenaries, it completely broke the quietness of this gathering place in the wasteland.

流 When the refugees heard the roar of the car coming towards the gathering place, it was too late to escape, and the mercenaries who had jumped out of the carriage had already left a little gap around the area.

流 Any refugee who wants to escape will be interrupted by a shot without hesitation, and some who resist will directly headshot …

However, everyone knows that the only way to be arrested is to die. If scattered, then there is still a chance to survive.

Suddenly, relying on their larger number of exiles, they chose to run away, and only the merciless guns of the mercenaries were obtained.

The twins and their parents are part of the escape. In order to allow their two children to escape the claws of these forces, they are desperately protecting the siblings from hurting the children by stray bullets passing by.

最后 But in the end, the human body still could n’t run through the icy bullets. It ended in failure to escape. More than 300 refugees were killed to just over 100 points. The camp was full of broken bodies!

The thick **** smell and the fear of death eventually made the remaining exiles kneel on the ground in despair and capture their hands. The idea in their hearts was that it would be better to live another day than to be killed immediately …

As for the parents of the siblings, they have been sieve-shaped. Through the dense bullet holes on their bodies, they can even see the scenery on the other side!

The brothers and sisters who were protected by them, luckily survived, although only temporarily …

The blood stains on the clothes of the siblings now come from their parents …

They are now chained to a group of refugees in the escort. After waking up from the stagnation of the death of their parents, they have produced extremely strong hatred and anger in their hearts. They can’t wait to kill the mercenaries who killed their loved ones with their teeth!

The mercenaries on the sidelines saw the girl stare at herself with hatred, and immediately felt unhappy, scolding: “Mom’s little bastard, you can’t help but believe that Laozi dug out your eyes!”

“However, it looks like you’re a bit small, and you shouldn’t send it to that church. I think I should stay in the kiln in the fortress. When that happens, I will be the first to visit you.”

猥 He showed a wry smile, his eyes locked on this skinny girl, and a wry smile, this kind of appearance can grow back as long as you feed some food casually.

However, the response from the mercenary was still the girl’s cold and vicious eyes, like a ghost, and he couldn’t help but get goosebumps.

“Bad! It seems that Lao Tzu really doesn’t teach you anything, you don’t know the sweetness and bitterness!”

The mercenary became furious, turned against the firearm in the handshake, walked up, raised the butt, and slammed the girl’s head severely. He wanted to teach her a lesson. By? !!

The moment he was about to hit, the boy next to him rushed in front of his sister to protect her, so that the **** smashed on the back of his head, and only heard a muffled sound, suddenly a warm blood Flowed from his dirty hair, followed the steps, and fell on the girl …

Seeing this scene, the girl who lost her parents immediately widened her eyes, hugged her only loved one, and howled madly, and desperately covered her brother’s head with a thin palm, but how? Can’t stop the blood flowing down continuously, this makes the boy who has lack of nutrition and yellow face has paler lips.

哟 “Oh, I still care about others at this time? Just let you die together !!!”

The mercenary hummed ~ ~ In order to fight back for some face in front of his teammates, he opened the bolt and aimed the brothers and sisters’ heads with black hole muzzles, ready to give them a double shot. Anyway, they never take the lives of refugees as their life, killing them is like stepping on a cockroach.

“Once, Aspi, don’t **** waste time on this little thing, this boy is probably already scrapped by you, throw it aside, and get them into the car at speed!” The captain of the mercenary heard the noise The sound, impatiently said, what trouble the province caused again.

The mercenary named Asby was told by the captain that he had to put away the killing heart, walked over and grabbed the fainting boy’s body, ready to be thrown aside, and threatened the girl viciously: “Hum, you Fate is big, wait till I go back and slowly pack you up! “

However, the boy was tightly hugged by the girl and sat on the ground. He refused to let go of his life, and still glared at the mercenary with bloodshot eyes.

“Shit, let me let go of Laozi!” The mercenary grasped the girl’s slender wrist and tried to separate her hand from the boy, but the other party refused to let go, which immediately annoyed him. , So ready to rudely break her arm directly, let her completely loosen his hand!

歘 ~~~

Suddenly at this moment, he heard that something seemed to be flying above him overhead, and he looked up subconsciously, and saw dozens of hundreds of black mutant birds hovering above them in the sky. And uttered a death-like tweet.

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