Doomsday Virus

Chapter 417 - protection

“The above is quiet again. Is the battle completely over?”

The three virus advance members who have been staying under the ground to feel the movement above, they want to go up to help the boss, but they also have the self-knowledge that knowing that these people are only going to give people a head, but they will also hinder.

So I can only continue to wait for the boss’s news here.


Suddenly, a figure jumped from the secret passageway they built and landed on the carpet of the virus nest!

This made them nervous, thinking that it was the blind man who jumped down again, and quickly prepared for battle.

But soon, they felt the familiar breath, the taste of the boss …

“Boss, I didn’t expect you to become so much stronger during this time. That guy must be more than level 7 baptist strength? Did you defeat and devour him?”

“That’s to say, are you questioning the boss’s strength?”


Xia Leng ignored their flattery and looked at the construction of the nest here. The tone was soft: “I let him go.”


The overwatch soldiers were surprised in unison. In their impression, this man has always been a cold-hearted spokesperson, speaking coldly, no matter who he is, how merciful he is today. Threatening enemy?

But this farce is also due to them, and I am embarrassed to ask the reason.

Xia Leng did not answer their plan, just glanced at the construction of the nest here.

The three virus advance team members used the virus seeds given to them by Xia Leng before departure, and buried them in the tens of meters underground.

The virus blanket grown from seeds has covered about 200 square meters of space at this time, and is still being slowly excavated.

This is a huge gap from the headquarters of the lair, which has almost expanded to the bottom of the entire Porto town.

However, this has nothing to do with the three players. The virus seed Xia Leng gave them was the original version more than half a month ago. In this short time, Xia Leng’s strength has doubled.

So this time he came, in addition to helping them solve their troubles, he also came to update the “latest version” of the virus den.

I saw that Xia Leng was standing on a viral blanket without any action. Numerous tentacles extended instantly under his feet, quickly rushing in all directions and inserted into the viral blankets at various locations. Similarly, the chests of these “outdated” virus pioneers were inserted.

At first, they thought that they hadn’t established the nest, which made the boss angry and wanted to devour and recycle these people.

But after the tentacles released by Xia Leng penetrated their bodies, they felt a warm spring-like warmth spread instantly to every part of the body and every blood vessel, bringing an indescribable wonderful pleasure, the body is full power!

Xia Leng’s updated version was released quickly and ended quickly. It probably took less than half a minute, and countless tentacles recovered his body.

However, this slow-moving virus lair, like eating Viagra, is constantly rumbling around, which means that the virus blanket is accelerating the expansion of the nest space here!

And the three virus advance team members also jumped from only the fourth-order strength to the sixth-order strength, and they have the same strength as other overwatch soldiers staying beside Xia Leng!

“I … I’m relying on it, and we’re upgrading now ?? Do nothing?”

Before these players reacted, their strength was strengthened, and they already possessed the Tier 6 strength of walking across most places in this wasteland world. Of course, if they encounter such envious ascetics, they will say otherwise.

“The trouble is solved, you continue to guard the nest branch here, continue to implement the plan, you will know when I need you.”

After Xia Leng said this sentence coldly, she suddenly spread her wings and flew out of the tunnel suddenly from the tunnel, disappearing …

This made several players stunned, and didn’t have time to ask for a few words of warmth. It was less than a minute after seeing it. It was too fast …

Xia Lengfei flew in the air, and began to fly back to where she was before starting at a supersonic speed close to Mach.

Such a hurry, because before this, there was an inexplicable restlessness in his heart, is the team left behind having trouble again?

Since the beginning of the construction of the Black Light Corps, Xia Leng feels that he will soon become a nanny, taking care of the scattered children …


At the same time, in the small town of Centralia, which was “missed” by Xia Leng, it was still a scene of a group of demons.

Almost all of the mutant creatures that have covered the “Encyclopedia of Biological Biology” are gathered here, running on the ground, flying in the sky, drilling in the soil, etc. All monsters with terrible appearances are rushing crazy here. Come, just like a group of old ladies snapping up eggs at the reserve price in the supermarket, the scene is chaotic!

There was a suffocating stench spreading throughout the air, and the roaring noises of the monsters shattered almost all the glass in the town! !

“Damn it! Where did that woman hide, are all these monsters really called by her ?!”

At this time, the overwatch soldiers flying in the air trying to find the target, UU reading www. eyes have looked at the flowers and have not seen any woman’s figure exist.

Among these monsters, there are also many primate variants, which greatly influenced them to distinguish their targets.

And in the process of searching, a large number of mutant birds attacked them. Although the soldiers killed these creatures and engulfed them to get energy supplements, the strength of these foreign birds came more and more powerful each time, and they also learned to sneak around. Waiting for the tactics, there is definitely someone behind them who is commanding them!

“Isn’t the boss back … I feel almost unable to support …”

On the ground, because of the need to protect his sister Fidler, he could not fight back against these monsters at all, and could only spread his wings to wrap his sister Phoenixs on the ground with wings, so that he would not be hurt a little, but himself However, he was constantly attacked.

In the arms of his sister who was protected by him, he also held the exotic animal egg, because it was something the boss personally handed to himself, and he had to protect it.

Although there is a black-light heart Alice beside him, his tentacles are driving him to kill the monsters who come to attack, but the number is too much to meet.

Ao! !

suddenly! Only a few deafening roars sounded, and the golden lion blood lions with all five ranks or more on the four heads scattered the weaker beasts beside them and swooped towards Fidler, who was surrounded by the incapable shot. come.

They stand upright with a huge body nearly three meters high, and the thick teeth like children’s arms attack from four directions, so that the black light heart Alice can’t take care of them at the same time!

Seeing this time, Federer could be hit hard by them!

boom! ! !

A tall and mighty figure folded his wings and suddenly landed in front of Fidler. It was Soro who came to protect the children!

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