Doomsday Virus

Chapter 468 - Decisive battle (13)

“Uncle Soro … Boss … was he knocked down …”

At this time, the trio flying into space to prepare to destroy the adventurous satellites, Fidler heard the thunderous blast from the ground below, and there was an unpredictable bad hunch in his heart.

Looking down at the ground, the binge-eating body is still very large from the perspective of a bird’s-eye view flying to nearly a thousand meters.

I saw it waving two huge fists, facing the ground in a burst of bombardment, the sputtered soil piled up into a volcanic shape, and the large amount of smoke and dust even floated into the high-altitude clouds and merged with it. Come together to form a giant tornado vortex!

When they saw this scene, they couldn’t help but giggled. If they were hit by this punch, with just one punch, they were estimated to have been crushed …

Soro also bowed his head to see this scene. Although a lot of smoke blocked his sight, he was inexplicably disturbed from the bottom of his heart that he could roughly guess that it was Xia Leng who was smashed.

“Don’t worry, he will be fine. Let’s complete our task first.”

Soro turned his head and said flatly.

After fighting with Xia Leng for such a long time, he firmly believes that Xia Leng, who is the virus mother and the **** chooser, can definitely withstand this robbery, maybe …

And Oleku, who has been wrapped in a lot of tentacles and behind his back, has rarely said a word throughout the journey, which is in sharp contrast with his previous unruly character.

As their flying height increases, the dark clouds that accumulate in the sky year by year also gradually thin out. Although the sky will occasionally shoot down the celestial beams, their black light induction can still predict the weakness of the beam slightly in advance, so as to avoid ahead of time If you are distracted and stumble, you will fall into a state of annihilation.

“We will let the earth be full of sunshine again, and let these ugly guys get out of the earth!”

Federer looked closer and closer to the dark clouds, and had begun to imagine how blue the sky would be after breaking through the dark clouds. It had been a long time since I had seen the sky well …

Xin! !

Along with the sharp roar produced by several sounds of breaking the sky, the three of them broke through the clouds and finally entered the sky!

Just as Federer was happily preparing to greet the warm sunlight, he didn’t feel a trace of warmth …

Above the dark clouds, there is no clear blue sky, no fresh air, and no warm sunshine.

Some are just endless darkness, bitter cold winds, deafening thunder, and dense Adventist unmanned aerial vehicles hovering in the air …

“Dodge !!!”

Soro’s wide-eyed eyes just screamed out, and the unmanned aerial vehicles that almost spread over the entire cloud burst out of the collectively charged glare!

The laser beams emitted by thousands of crystals drive from all directions to the three virus members who have broken into the sky! !

Adventists are not unprepared, they pay more attention to the protection of the satellites of the condemnation than anything else.

Because it is the existence of such a weapon that destroys the heavens and the earth, so that the Adventists can suppress all forces on the waste soil and rule the earth in the end-time!

Since the Adventists have moved from behind the scenes to the front desk, and there have been more and more incidents involving the wasteland forces, there have been some forces and organizations that feel abhorrence and resistance to the ubiquitous satellite monitoring of the Adventists and the indestructible system of condemnation.

Therefore, some forces and the remnant army of the old era do not know where to get the anti-aircraft rockets from the old era, that is, weapons specifically for dealing with space equipment, aiming at the satellites of the Adventist branch above the earth.

Although most of the rockets launched failed due to the influence of environmental factors, a small part of them successfully flew into space, dragging the turbulent tail flames to the adventist celestial satellite! !

Fortunately, the surveillance personnel of the Ministry of Supervision discovered in time that they were destroyed by the spacecraft mounted on the space station, and they luckily survived the precious satellites, but this also sounded the alarm for them.

Since then, the Adventist R & D department has developed a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles that are also driven by spars, spread all over the atmosphere under the satellite, and follow the satellite with the orbital movement. Once an unknown flying object enters its airspace, It will gather powerful firepower to destroy it.

The reason why it attaches such importance is because the weapons of the condemnation have become the core of the Adventists, a deterrent to major organizations.


When Thoreau saw the surrounding lights illuminating at the same time, he knew that it was too late to escape, and he was still too careless …

Desperate for success, strong self-healing power, black light induction, etc., make you lose the ability to distinguish and anticipate danger in advance, and become too dependent on the black light virus.

But this time, the black light sensor failed, because it only focused on the light beam of the celestial blame that was shot at any time, but did not notice the greater danger hidden above the clouds …

Now ~ ~ For the first time, he felt so desperate and helpless. In the last few seconds, he could feel that the sickle of death was hanging on his neck.

Death … coming …

“Uncle Soro, take good care of my sister …”

boom! ! !

A burst of violent light like a neutron star burst at their location, thousands of spar beams condensing together, the power is already very close to the light of the condemnation!

No creature can survive in this cluster!

However, Thoreau survived, with Oleku behind him …

His eyes widened suddenly, and it seemed that a boy’s slightly childish voice had just entered his ears.

When I opened my eyes, I didn’t know when they appeared above these unmanned aerial vehicles and the beams at a few hundred meters.

And Fidler, still in the position just now, enveloped by the beam of light, turned into a black coke and fell to the ground …

Just at the last moment, Fideller realized almost all of his potential. With his teleporting finger, he moved the nearby Soro and the Oleku behind him to the beam convergence point, but he was here. The last moment was enveloped by the beam …

At this time, Fiddler, who was already scorched all over the body, had no viable virus cells on his body. During the fall, his body gradually turned into black mist and dust, dragging out a black tail flame, and looked a little bit beautiful and desolate, taking him with his last days. The most yearned freedom afterwards will spread with the wind …

“Federal …”

Soro looked at this scene with bloodshot eyes, and murmured the boy’s name in his mouth. He, a super soldier who licked blood from the tip of the knife, was rescued again by a thin boy who was not yet a teenager …

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