Doomsday Virus

Chapter 483 - Kill the apostles!

Gluttony was scared by the sudden black flame and leaned back, suddenly alleviating the pressure of Xia Leng at this time.

After re-ingesting a large amount of viral nutrients, Xia Leng took the opportunity to release a larger number of tentacles, entangled the gluttonous limbs, and fixed the other end deeply underground!

At the same time, Xia Leng also created the “Tomb Tip Extermination” which is 100 meters high. One after another, black giant thorns protrude from the fungus blanket around the gluttony, and surround it in the center!

With the supply of virus energy from the tree of life, the temporary virus nest also began to “run”, a large number of hatching eggs are generated in the nest, and the hatching speed is greatly increased!

From the formation to the hatching, this time took less than three seconds, the virus creatures broke out of the shell, and collectively issued a creepy roar, ringing outside the cave!

And the hunters hatched this time are all elite level masters!

A large number of masters swarmed out of the cave passage, but after they came out, they did not directly rush to binge eating, but piled up with each other, layered one after another, and piled a dozen piles of meat nearly 100 meters high. mountain!

Immediately afterwards, the viral carpet on the ground covered and shaped these meat mountains until the image of a dozen hundred-meter giants was formed! And move freely!

Now Xia Leng does not need to recycle minced meat to create a huge Goliath giant!

He gave instructions to these giants, and strode toward the bound gluttons, they collectively embraced the giant feet raised by the gluttons, exhausted all the strength of the body, and finally made a bang, with the concerted efforts of everyone, put The behemoth fell to the ground, and once again burst out of the mountains!

Roar! !

When gluttony roared and wanted to get up, he found that after falling down, the virus blanket on the ground had stuck to every skin of his body, just like a giant sticky mouse board!

And the Goliath giants, who are uglier than themselves, also hugged its limbs and pressed it to the ground, and new Goliath giants were born continuously, participating in this “strong man locks men” Among the poses!

Now, the gluttonous food of infinite strength is finally overwhelmed on the ground, unable to move!

Gluttony roared, struggling madly with a huge body. Every time struggling, hundreds of thick tentacles were broken, but soon new tentacles re-rolled its limbs.

“How much strength does this guy have to finish …”

Seeing this scene, Xia Leng couldn’t help but exclaim slightly, but now there is no time for surprise. If left unchecked, it will soon break free again.

He immediately jumped into the body of gluttony, but he wouldn’t approach his mouth anymore, otherwise he would be hit by this sound wave at close range, it is estimated that his body would burst instantly.

Xia Leng’s back extended tentacles of various forms of attack again, taking advantage of the timing of the gluttony, and launched a violent offensive against it like a storm!

Every second, there are hundreds of attacks on the body of gluttony, the speed is so fast that you can only see one afterimage!

Although each attack can only bring a trace of skin trauma to gluttony, under this violent offensive, the scars on its thick skin are getting deeper and deeper, and the struggle for gluttony is becoming more and more intense.

In the end, I only heard a muffled sound, and one of Xia Leng’s sharp tentacles finally penetrated its skin and fell into a gluttonous body!

And the tentacle inserted into the gluttony body was instantly dissolved by its strong corrosive blood, emitting a lot of stench.

Ao! !

The pain of overeating, the strong resentment made its right hand break a lot of bound tentacles, and the brutal force directly smashed the surrounding Goliath into a pool of flesh!

Seeing that binge eating would use the right hand that broke free to grab Xia Leng who was standing on it. Suddenly a thick black thorn fell from the sky and instantly penetrated the wrist of binge eating, completely nailing it to the ground!

And this black giant thorn comes from the thick branches of Phoenix who turned into a tree of life!

During the time they just fought, the Tree of Life once again grew to a height of more than 200 meters. Now it is close to 400 meters, reaching half the height of gluttony, and it has truly become a towering tree!

The most important thing is that the tree is now able to move and launch an attack!

At this time, Phoenix, embedded in the center of the huge tree trunk, was still ugly, and her pupils were occupied by darkness. It seemed that she had not recovered her consciousness. The attack on binge eating was just the natural hatred of the black light virus against the apostle!

Ao! !

The severe pain from the right hand of gluttony caused it to rise up and broke all the restraints on his body. He wanted to break the branches that penetrated his wrist, but with the number of whistling, all the sharp branches of the tree of life were Stabbed down and penetrated every part of gluttony, UU reading completely nailed it to the ground!

Xia Leng’s binge eating skin needs to be attacked by thousands of attacks, and the blood and bones are pierced only by the tree of life!

This time, gluttony has completely become a fish on the board, and it can only be slaughtered on the ground. It finally has fear, because fate will eventually reincarnate and stage again!

“Roar … Let me go, we will never appear on your planet again, let me go back …”

This is the first time the overeating has wailed. If it is heard by the Adventists, it is estimated that their “spiritual pillar” will collapse completely, and faith will cease to exist.

Its pleading has no effect on the black light virus, forgiveness? Huh, that’s God’s business! The mission of the black light virus is to let you see God!

But now the branches of the tree of life have been used to restrain the actions of gluttony, and still rely on the power of Xia Leng to kill it.

Under the instillation of the energy of the tree of life, Xia Leng almost activated all the skills he has learned so far, slashing toward the neck of gluttony! !

The endless bombardment echoed over the sky, and there was also the gluttonous roar of pain that could be heard hundreds of kilometers away!

“Roar … Kill the apostles … You can’t live any of them! This planet will be buried with me!”

Gluttony keeps roaring, and there are threats.

Thorn! !

As a burst of tearing sounded, the big neck of the gluttony was finally torn out of a big mouth, and the purple blood spewed out like a waterfall!

Finally, are you going to kill this behemoth?

Everyone saw this scene, and the long suppressed heart shook uncontrollably, because killing the apostles will also change the history of the earth!

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