Doomsday Virus

Chapter 50 - Shelling

Before, the Mitsubishi Army’s thorns were severely penetrated into the corpse of the Zombie King, and when they were hit, Xia Leng’s ability to respond was extremely rapid, and he took the light blue spar stepped on by his opponent!

This spar from the head of Philip, who is about to break through the third-stage eschatological warrior, is the only and final gift to Xia Leng after his death!

At the moment when the spar was gripped tightly, the black light virus in the body began to work, and began to devour this stone that can give itself powerful power.

Wu Xia Leng already has the power of a second-tier fighter, and after swallowing this second-order spar, his power can reach the peak of the third-order at most, and even approach the fourth stage!

The fourth-stage doomsday warrior, even in the fortress of Komodo, is a mainstay force that cannot be ignored!

The moment the corpse king waved his claws to tear Xia Leng, the spar had already been swallowed half, allowing him to reach the initial level of strength of the third-tier eschatological warrior, which was enough to resist the opponent’s claw with one hand!

现在 Now, the whole light kyanite has been completely converted into nutrients, absorbed by the black light virus and instilled in every corner of Xia Leng’s body.

In other words, he now has the third-tier doomsday warrior peak, and is about to break through the fourth-stage power!

Moreover, after consuming the Baptist’s spar, all the bone fracture wounds in Xia Leng’s body almost healed in an instant, because he got full energy!

The corpse king was very surprised that this human being could resist his offensive with his flesh.

It saw that the eyes of this man started to change, and a trace of black lines converged in his pupils until it covered all the white eyes!

Only then did the living corpse king realize that the man’s body did not seem to have the familiar taste of human beings at all? !!

suddenly! !!

Xia Leng launched a counterattack!

凭借 With the speed of his second-tier hunter and the power of his third-tier warrior, he instantly punched out and hit the abdomen of the corpse king nearby.

boom! !! !!

He only heard a heavy muffler. The nearly half a ton of the body of the living corpse was repelled by the man who was several times smaller than himself several meters away, and a **** fell to the ground!

And the natural armor that was hit on its abdomen even appeared a faint cobweb-like crack!

At this scene, the two mercenaries present were immediately stunned. Why … the situation would change so suddenly? !!

Huh! !! !!

The knocked-out corpse king immediately got up and gave out an extremely angry roar. Even the wounds in the mouth spewed out of the blood, and the momentum like a tank rushed to Xia Leng again!

It does not believe that its authority as a zombie lord will be challenged by a human!

它 Just as it waved its proud claws and was about to tear on the opponent, it forgot that the opponent was faster than himself!

夏 Xia Leng, who is occupied by a violent personality, has an understated body, and easily escapes the opponent’s claws!

Then, he took advantage of the sturdy arm of the Zombie King, and suddenly a powerful force broke out at the waist. He yelled and hugged the whole monster, slamming it over his shoulder. Smashed on the ground behind him!

The corpse king was smashed by this trick, and he couldn’t imagine that he would be dropped to the ground by a little bit!

Huh! !!

在 At this moment, the face of the Zombie King changed again, and his back was seriously injured!

It turned out that after Xia Leng dropped the Living King on the ground, he turned over and turned directly on the opponent’s back, and grabbed his own titanium blade, inserted and penetrated it severely!

The point where the corpse king used the bone claw to tear the armor on his back, now it has become the breakthrough point of Xia Leng’s attack, almost immersing the entire one-meter-long titanium blade into it. Gushing green blood from the beach!

The corpse king, who was seriously injured again, immediately made a painful and angry roar, and suddenly a man who rolled over wanted to ride the guy on his back to the ground, but Xia Rongliang had already realized its purpose and evaded in advance. open.

And while avoiding, leveraging the blade inserted into the back of the opponent to pry fiercely, actually prying a large piece of natural armor with flesh to expose the large inner muscle of the back of the corpse king!

的 The corpse king, who has been injured three times in a row, is completely mad, grabs everything around him, and smashes into Xia Leng crazy, but every time he is quickly avoided by the opponent!


While evading the attack, Xia Leng said coldly to the two mercenaries who were paddling all the way. The two of them finally finally reacted, and quickly picked up the firearms and weapons in their hands against the **** back of the King Pulled the trigger!

一次 This time, the dense warhead can finally be embedded in the muscle exposed by the corpse king, causing substantial damage to it!

At this moment, Captain Gilbert in the syncope was awake in this huge movement, and was a little stunned to see the scene in front of him.

The indestructible king of corpses, now it is already flowing green blood, dyeing it into a more terrifying appearance!

But at this time he didn’t have time to think so much, and immediately shouted at Xia Leng: “Lead it to the window, I ordered the standby tank downstairs to bomb the **** !!”

Immediately ~ ~ He immediately pulled out the communication system carried around his waist, but fortunately it was not damaged, so he immediately contacted the standby tank operator below to raise the gun barrel at a 45 ° angle, locked and aligned it Thirteen floors around.

After hearing Xia Leng, he agreed with Gilbert’s thoughts.

Although he just caused a lot of damage to this living corpse king, he was still able to launch a violent attack, and the heavier the injury, the more violent he became!

Perhaps only tank guns can completely sanction it now!

As a result, Xia Leng began to dodge deliberately toward the window, and gradually introduced the living corpse king to the window step by step.

However, I do not know whether the corpse king was aware of the danger or understood the conversation they just had, but he refused to rush to the window.

When Xia Leng saw this, he didn’t spend much time here.

By nature, he clenched the titanium steel blade backhand, rushed to this monster, and launched a more crazy attack! !!

Every time Xia Leng’s slashing like a phantom was extremely fast and full of explosive power, the strong body of the living corpse king was beaten back and forth and began to be gradually forced to the window!

Gilbert couldn’t say a word in shock when he saw this scene. Isn’t this man an agile eschatology hunter? !!

Why is he showing more power than Philip at the moment, and he can attack the seemingly invincible corpse king to retreat continuously …

Huh ~

At this critical moment, Xia Leng exerted almost all his strength and jumped up suddenly. He put his knee on the chin of the corpse Wang Shuo’s large head, kicked his body back for a while, and his head directly broke the window. Exposed outside the building!

I was also exposed to the aiming range of the tank downstairs!

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