Doomsday Virus

Chapter 6 - Doomsday Hunter

From the beginning, ducking to avoid the oncoming arrows, to falling from a height without damage and running at an extraordinary speed.

In addition to the “baptist”, Xia Leng can no longer think of other reasons from that leader!

And a “hunter-type” baptist!

The sudden black rain that covered the world five years ago, in addition to making 97% of humans become bloodthirsty walking dead, the remaining 3% of the lucky ones not only did not lose their will, but also were strengthened by genetic mutation. !!

The lucky ones who have been baptized by the black rain and strengthened are called “baptizers”.

People like Xia Leng, who have not been exposed to rain or zombies, have not been strengthened. They are called low-ly low-income people.

In this eschatology, science, culture and everything are destroyed by that rain. Only pure power can control everything, so it is also the eschatology controlled by the Baptist!

The capabilities acquired by mutant humans are also very different, even with thousands of branches, but they have gradually been summarized into five categories.

The first category is also the most mutated category among baptizers. It is known as the last-day warrior, with unparalleled strength and indestructible bones.

第二 The second largest category is the baptist known as the eschatological hunter. He has superb perception ability, metamorphic reaction speed, light body, and strange to dazzling attack methods.

The third category in the back is the rare brain mutant baptist, which is called “wise man”.

These “wise men” do not have super powers, no amazing agility speed, and are almost the same as ordinary people.

The only difference is that their superb IQ can plan tricks that are difficult to be cracked. Generally, they serve as leaders in some high-level fortresses, mercenary companies, and other organizations.

第四 The fourth type is the rarest and most powerful type of baptizers. They have superb powers that cannot be explained by science, such as the ability to manipulate elements and master ideas. They are called masters.

The best of those who are in control, even powerful enough to create natural disasters!

Legend has it that when two rival mercenary companies competed for the site, in the stalemate, one party spent a lot of money to hire a high-level controller.

And this controller directly raised a huge active volcano on the ground of the enemy company’s base camp, and the gushing hot lava instantly drowned the entire base camp without a mouth …

In the end, it is the most controversial and most puzzling ability. It is also useful to talk about chicken ribs, and it is useful to say that it is useful. Many people do n’t even know that they are also baptizers of this type. .

Among the mystic scholars, some have better luck than ordinary people; some are able to predict future events to avoid a calamity when they are in danger; others are said to even make time go backwards and so on.

In a nutshell, He is also a preached god, whose power is God, but no one has seen it with his own eyes.

In addition to the contention of the mutating ability of hundreds of schools, the mastery strength of each ability has also been divided into three, six, and nine by some testing agencies.

For example, the first-tier doomsday soldier can easily lift a heavy weight of 100KG with one hand, and the second-tier can lift a weight of nearly 300KG.

The higher the stage, the more the force under control has grown geometrically, and it is divided into nine stages.

It is said that there is a more powerful stage above the ninth stage, but no one has surpassed it.

As for the method of ascension, it is a rumored spar refined from spar, and the refining technology is mastered by some high-level mercenary companies, shelters and other organizations, which basically belong to the top of the market without price article.

And the duel between the baptists is not necessarily whose stage is high, who can secure the victory.

For example, if you are a fourth-tier warrior, you can punch out a powerful force of terror with one punch, but you may not catch up with the second-tier agile hunter.

Of course, second-tier hunters can’t break the defense of fifth-tier soldiers. In short, there is a subtle restraint relationship between baptizers.

The little boss who chases Xia Leng closely can be inferred to be a first-order agile hunter based on his running speed.

Although it is only a first-order, in this inaccessible ruined city, relative to them ordinary people belong to the aristocratic existence.

As for why this “aristocrat” is willing to come forward and grab a bowl with ordinary refugees, it is because first-order hunters can only exist as civilians slightly higher than refugees in medium and large towns, forts and shelters.

But in the wild countryside, you can enjoy the king’s treatment enshrined by hundreds of ordinary refugees.

Suining does chicken heads instead of phoenix tails, everyone knows this truth.

At this time, the nobility of the ability is divided. If it is a rare first-order controller, it can enjoy knight-level treatment in the organization.

Uh …

Xia Leng looked at the approaching eschatological hunter, knowing that he could not escape the robbery.

He would not believe that he would be a hidden mystic scholar, otherwise how could a lot of bad luck happen on this day …

A bit of physical strength recovered by sucking the giant beetle’s brain medullary fluid was consumed more than half of the battle just after one after another, so that in order to leave the remaining physical strength to fight when running, the speed also slowed down a lot.

When Xia Leng heard the running sound and cursing coming behind him, he was getting closer, and roughly calculated that in less than ten seconds, he would be caught up by the “nobility” behind him!

“Is today my day of checkmate, maybe …”

His right hand reached the bone dagger with ghost ghost spider venom at the blade of his waist. As long as he can slightly hurt the opponent, he can turn over again!

Although he knows that this opportunity is slim, only because the other party is a baptist.

In the past five years, I have experienced the siege of the tyrannical race, the group attack of cannibals, the betrayal of my teammates, etc., and have been lucky to survive.

And there is no doubt that their own survivability has improved linearly.

But in the last days, “blood” represents everything.

Even if you are an old hunter with decades of experience living in the mountains and forests before the last days, the marksmanship is not as good as a first-order vision-enhanced last-day hunter.

Reality is not fair, let alone in the last days.

“Boy, try to spread the girl and run away, UU reading This is your last chance to run, because wait, your hands and hamstrings will be drawn by me!”

The faceless boss chased frantically behind Xia Leng, while sending out a creepy grin, putting psychological pressure on his prey.

“Five seconds left.”

Qi Xia Leng ignored the threat behind him, and roughly measured the sound coming from the rear. He kept the other side close to his attack range.

In fact, he already glanced at the leader with a crossbow hanging around his waist. He could have lifted the crossbow and shot at himself, but the other side did not.

Because the hunters in the last days have a kind of abnormal psychology playing in the palms of their prey.

Xia Leng, using the other side to scorn his own psychology, wants to give the other party a counterattack that can’t be prevented!

For a second! !!

A distance of about 13 meters!

For first-order speed hunters, it’s the distance you blink!

Ha Xia Leng shot, without a slight drag and turned abruptly, and waved the poisonous dagger on the edge of the blade, chopping out in the air!

At the same time, the little leader, as he guessed, rushed behind him within this second, and also raised the steel knife with a strong wind, severely chopped Xia Leng’s neck!

However, Xia Leng’s advance made him unexpected. No matter how fast he was, the opponent’s next attack was only equivalent to hitting the knife edge! !!

The **** was widened with unbelievable eyes, and he could see the green blade in the opponent’s hand. It was too late to close it. This is also one of the shortcomings of speed …

Uh ~

The dagger with the Venom of the Ghost Spider crossed the back of his finger holding the steel knife …

(Ball recommendation ticket)

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