Doomsday Virus

Chapter 75 - revenge

A sharp laughter sounded outside. Then, a tall and thin man with a thin body and a sharp-mouthed monkey gill came in, behind him, followed by a strong man who almost touched the ceiling!

Wearing black prison uniforms on their bodies, the whole body was covered with shocking scars. Even the right eye of the tall man had only black holes, showing how they were tortured in the dungeon. .

“Uh … Lord Parrick, save me …”

The tadpole’s body is as strong as a mutant bear. The broad palm is carrying a guard like a tadpole chicken. The guard was out of breath without being grasped by the powerful force, and even Qiqiao began to bleed.

When he saw the two prisoners in front of him, his expression suddenly gloomed, but he did not show any fear.

The thin-skinned man with a grim expression on the front door and the strong man who can be seen at a glance behind him, of course, he has known him, and he has known him since he was the city owner of Komodo fortress for the first time three years ago.

At that time, Parik was just a wise man who had just broken through the third tier. Because of his fierce work, his superior was promoted to the fortress master.

Before him, he had replaced no less than ten former city owners, and the reason why they were resigned was not because they could not afford the post, but because their lives were too short …

Some even as the Lord of the City did n’t have time to experience it for a day, they were separated by the dead that night …

They were all killed by spies lurking from various hostile forces in order not to let Komodo develop.

After all, when an organization is developed in the last days when resources are extremely limited, other forces are also equivalent to eating less food.

Hesitant to find specially trained spies among thousands of residents is no more difficult than reaching the sky.

At that time, the first thing after Parek took office was to investigate these “rat feces”.

The method of investigation is a simple but extremely time-consuming method.

That is, Parrick stayed in a small room himself. All residents, including those registered in the company, entered the room and got along with Parrick alone after being named.

No one knows what they are doing, only the expressions on everyone’s face are dull, and they completely forget what just happened.

Although the process of entering is very fast, and one person can come out in less than half a minute, there are a large number of residents in the fortress. There are nearly 10,000 people waiting for Parik’s “acceptance”!

Even if the whole journey is not delayed, it will take at least five days and five nights to be able to check all of them one by one.

During this period of time, many staff members involved in maintaining order could not bear this workload and took turns to rest.

But there is only one Parek, except for eating and excreting, he has never been out again, and has not closed his eyes. It lasted for five days!

No one had thought that this ordinary physique city host had such a strong ability to bear!

Until the investigation entered the final stage, after one person entered it, it caused a huge noise in the room, so that the guards around who had been boring to yawn in the sky reacted and rushed in.

Pushing open the door, I saw that the tables and chairs inside had been smashed by brute force, and Prick was also leaning against the corner of the mouth and bleeding blood. In front of him, he knelt down on the strong man who entered, holding his hands Tighten into a fist, and blood stains remained at the fist peak.

However, the eyes of this reckless man became stunned, his expression still and motionless.

As a second-tier eschatological warrior who served as the captain of a certain team, it was the spy sent by other forces that was found to be flawed when he was alone with Prick. So he decided to break the dead net with the new city lord. .

But at the last moment, he was controlled by Prick who broke through the third-order wise man and gained mental control.

Finally, under the spiritual hypnosis of Parrick, the spy involuntarily recruited several other spies of the same force that were also lurking in the fort.

Therefore, in the first week of Parik’s appointment, all the spies from the major forces in the fortress were selected by him in this way.

They ended up in a secret prison that was originally transformed into an underground garage. Endless torture is waiting for them …

At this time, the two men who broke into Parrick’s office were just the remaining two of the first spies that Parrick took the lead in a hell-like prison a few years ago. Or it was completely insane and was exposed to the door of the fortress to kill chickens and tamarins.

Now, the first thing these two men did after coming out of jail was to seek revenge on Prick!

期间 During the tortured years, they were thinking about tearing each other up a little bit and devouring it! Can’t swallow this hate!

“How did you come out, Bernal, Locke.”

Parick looked coldly at the two stink prisoners standing in his office, frowned slightly, and at the same time continued his hand to the monitoring button, because the next picture was about to replay these prisoners. the process of!

Huh! !!

However, the bear-like strong man mistakenly thought it was a trap, so he threw the guard in his hand like a toy and smashed the surveillance system on Prick’s desk!

Suddenly, the unfortunate guard fell completely to the ground after losing this smash and lost all movement …

“Parrick, in the years we have been tortured, you have never seen us in the prison below, but you still remember our two names, rare!”

Slim tall man stared at Parick ~ ~ Gritted his teeth and said, can’t wait to tear the flesh of his opponent! !!

With the strength of his third-tier eschatology hunter, such a distance of less than 10 meters, it is almost instantaneous to want to kill the opponent’s ordinary physique as a wise man.

I was just tortured in a hellish prison for three years, every day thinking about how to avenge each other!

Now killing Parick directly can make him die too much, so these two revenge spies want to see Parrick’s panic! !!

“Oh, I didn’t go down because you were too dirty and smelly, and I was afraid to pollute my senses.”

Parick gently lifted the fragments spattered on the broken monitor by his hand, and gently took a handkerchief from his pocket, put it on his nose, raised his eyelids and gave them a scornful look …

Uh …

After years of resentment and contempt in the eyes of Prick, these two men who were once spies finally detonated!

“Asshole !! I’m still looking down on Lao Tzu when he’s dying, don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking, is it because you want to anger our emotions and better control us ?! Don’t forget, Lao Tzu is a doomsday hunter! I can kill you without opening my eyes !!! “

The slender tall man suddenly closed his resentful one-eyed eye, preventing the eyes on the opponent from being manipulated, and at the same time covering the entire room with his perception ability, the outline of all the objects in his mind was clearly presented in his mind!

“I will first dig out your beautiful pair of eyeballs, and then release the essence of our three years in your hollow eyes !!! Hahaha !!!”

Then, the prisoner spy named Bernal suddenly slammed his legs, with a lunatic smile, and rushed to Paric, whose expression was still plain!

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