Doomsday Virus

Chapter 81 - Clean up

The fireball thrown from the palm of Eric’s palm drew a perfect arc in the air, and then seemed to be harmlessly landed slowly on the ground in the crowd.

Huh! !! !!

The moment the fireball touched the **** ground!

The flame suddenly fell like a Mars into a gasoline barrel, instantly detonating the audience!

The bursting fireball burst through the entire hall almost in an blink of an eye. When people reacted, they found themselves in a sea of ​​hellish fire!


“No! 嗷 …”

Uh …

For a moment, the thugs and prisoners who were standing still were “jumping and cheering” again and again, and screamed screaming, like falling into Abi Hell and being executed by the fire of **** forever!

Their feet with nowhere to rest in the sea of ​​fire want to find a clear land.

However, as long as you haven’t had a few steps to run into contact with the flames, you will find that your eyes are getting shorter and shorter. That is because the extreme temperature of the flames instantly carbonizes their legs …

The mercenaries were also covered by these weird flames. They were horrified to think that they would die in the baptism of flames like the rebellious mobs around them.

But I was shocked to find that I could not suffer any harm from these flames that could carbonize the human body instantly, even if standing directly in the flame!

This is because Eric, as a sixth-order flame controller, has reached the point where controlling a flame is as simple as controlling breathing, and even changing the natural shape of the flame …

Now, relying on him alone, he can instantly reverse the current situation!

All the rioters in the sea of ​​fire were completely quiet at this time, turned into a puddle of ash on the ground, and they could no longer see who was who.

Puppet civilians, or baptizers or prisoners, have now become a pile of black ash on the ground, and there will be no difference.

Captain Cromi, who was aside, kept his expression stunned, unable to return to God for a long time.

Is this the strength of the legendary elemental controller …

Raising his hands and feet, he settled the rebellion inside the fortress, showing such an understatement on the way.

This made him can’t help but think that if he fought with Eric, it is estimated that he can end the fight in less than a blink of an eye, and his end is one of these ashes in the hall at this time …

This caused him a lot of blows. They are also baptizers. Why is the gap so big …

Of course, when all types of baptists break through a certain stage and awaken to a higher level of ability, they will not be weak.

就有 At the Komodo headquarters, there is an eschatological fighter who is a heavy duty and one of the founders. No, it can already be called an eschatological general, called Renault.

There is no testing agency that can determine whether the strength of his baptist has reached the first stage, because almost all the equipment used for testing is destroyed by the power of his fingers …

It is said that Renault’s power was so absurd that he struck a punch against the air, and the shock wave created by it could smash targets thousands of meters away, so he also had a nickname like Thunder Pass called Earthshaker.

He is just that, all of this may also be passed on to him. He has n’t seen much of him personally at all, or it is just a deliberate word made to put pressure on the hostile forces.

If this “trump card” really exists at the company headquarters, then it is estimated that Eric, the sixth-order fire system controller, will be instantly hanged in front of Renault like these mobs …

Captain Cromi swallowed his dry throat and watched the flames on the floor of the hall begin to fade away, but there were no traces of scorch after being burned. Only the ashes left by the insurgents were burnt, and even the ashes No relics were left.

And the flames in Eric’s eyes began to dissipate, and the whole person gradually recovered from the **** as a flame demon, and gradually recovered into the original narcissistic man.

“Damn, I’m angry again, I think I will get acne again tomorrow.” Eric frowned and touched his smooth face, anxious and narcissistic.

The others on the sidelines heard the black line on the back, and as the fire master, they would get angry …

“That’s right! Let’s rush to see the condition of Lord Parrick!”

Captain Kromi finally remembered the business and had just been hindered by the fight. He could not go to the top floor to protect Parrick, so he could only temporarily dispatch the guards who were already in the C building to take the lead.

Now, the troubles in the hall are basically resolved, and only some disabled parties who have fled into the buildings are still alive.

Alas, he immediately summoned all the mercenaries who were still able to participate in the war, and began to pay off all levels of fugitives and rioters.

Of course, he will not rush to kill, otherwise it will bring bad influence if it spreads to the outside world and is ignited by hostile forces. Therefore, some residents who are old, weak, sick and have little fighting power will survive.

Captain Kromi took some of the personnel personally and hurried to the floor where Parek was.

“Really, there is strength to be your city owner, what else is there to worry about, listen to the news and say what new ability he has awakened?”

Eric followed them unhurriedly, and followed his expressions indifferently to the top of Building C ~ ~ He once attended the baptist training organized by the company with Parrick in the same session , Also know how much this man with severe cleanliness.

Now, he wanted to see with his own eyes what this wise man, who had always followed in his footsteps, looked like.

Uh …

About a few minutes later, when Cromy took the lead and annihilated the residual molecules along the floor, he came to the corridor in the top Paric office.

发现 They found that at the end of the corridor, Paric’s office door was fragmented and scattered on the ground, and seemed to have been attacked.

This made Cromy suddenly startled and rushed forward. The huge body continued to step on the corridor and made heavy noises. If it was changed to normal, Parek, who likes to be quiet, would definitely be furious, but now he ca n’t control it. too much.

The moment they rushed into Parrick’s office, an unbelievably thick **** smell hit their sense of smell, poured directly into their brains, and almost smoked them out!

I waited for a moment to calm down and got used to it. Take a closer look. The visual impact in the office is not worse than the sense of smell!

I saw that the wall surface, which should have been white and clean, was now covered with a thick layer of viscous “red carpet”. The same is true of the floor. Even on the ceiling, the blood mixed with minced meat was dripping from time to time, forming a picture. Disgusting horror style …

Even if it fell into a giant meat grinder, the end result is just that!

A part of the mercenaries with low tolerance, seeing this scene, they even bent down and vomited madly!

在 At this moment, Captain Cromy, who was shocked by the scene in front of him, couldn’t say a word, heard a hoarse painful moan from one side, turned his head, and his eyes stared at him again!

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