Doomsday Virus

Chapter 96 - strict

The leader Johnny urged Xia Leng in the back and asked him to repeat the same work as these colleagues, that is, to extract the so-called “Holy Water” from the brains of these abnormal fetuses …

But when the team leader saw this usually obedient guy, he was still standing still, and he was going to get angry again.

Suddenly, the other person turned his head suddenly, staring at his cold eyes for a moment!

The leader Johnny trembled somehow, as if he saw the most horrible creature he had seen in his life, which made him inexplicably feel a sense of fear.

This is a huge gap in strength between creatures, caused by instinct suppression!

咳 “Ah … you … if you are tired, just take a break …”

Johnny stuttered uncontrollably and said that he didn’t know why he was so afraid of the other person suddenly.

When other colleagues heard this, they were also quite surprised. The extremely harsh team leader usually came out from the west, and also knew how to care about his subordinates? ?

But now the sun does come out from the west …

Just when a few colleagues were preparing to try to take a break and take a break, an excited shout came from another staff member.

“Experiment No. 92, extraction was successful! Holy water’s activity is about 13%, and the next stage of experiment is still available!”

When everyone heard this voice, they looked at it subconsciously, and Xia Leng looked back.

I saw a staff member with disheveled hair, holding a tube of extractor, which contained a drop of pale gray liquid, which had not reached the point of pure black.

However, from their excited expressions, the 13% concentration seems to be very rare, because Johnny immediately broke away from the inexplicable fear when he heard the news, and ran away excitedly.

He took the extractor carefully from his subordinates, dropped the light gray liquid into a glass test tube, and sealed it more carefully.

Xia Leng was curious what they wanted to do with the so-called “holy water”, because in the memory of swallowed staff, their job was to simply extract this liquid and send it to the next department No more interference.

“Leader, this is the fifth drop we have extracted these days. What are they going to do?”

One of the staff members was also very curious and asked.

“Well, do your own work well, knowing so much is not good for you! I will personally send this drop of water to the next department.”

Johnny responded with a bad temper, put the test tube containing “Holy Water” in a liquid nitrogen refrigerator, then picked it up and left the studio. It seemed that he couldn’t wait to invite the work in person.

When Xia Leng saw this scene, he already had the next goal in his mind, and that was to look at the next place of this drop of holy water.

“Well, Johnny must have given me credit for this old thing. I never thought of us. We usually do all our work?”

Others started complaining, and continued to numbly start repeated and **** work, like an assembly line …

Wu Xia Leng left the laboratory room like a ghost without anyone paying attention, but he never let go of these deformed fetuses who may have the same roots as himself …

I walked out of the laboratory and, with her keen hearing, quietly followed Johnny’s footsteps in front.

的 The corridors here are like mazes extending in all directions, and there are many forks. I do n’t know if there are so many research departments, or do they deliberately do this to confuse the enemy …

Also, in almost every corridor, almost armed guards are patrolling, inspecting everyone passing by.

However, at this time Xia Leng had changed back to the young sentry who had been swallowed at the base entrance. He was familiar with these guards, and persuaded them in the past. After all, they belonged to the same security department and knew each other.

Black light virus can “storage” everyone who has been swallowed, changing their appearance and clothing at any time and any place.

But this did not make him unblocked all the way. After getting deeper, the patrols he encountered became even more difficult.

喂 “Hello, what are you doing?”

Xia Leng tracked Johnny as he was about to turn over the next corridor entrance, and was stopped by two guards wearing special security clothing.

没有 These two security personnel did not have guns in their hands, but two sharp daggers hung around their waists. One of them was nearly two meters strong and was actually a soldier-powered baptist and the other was a hunter.

Although their stage is only one stage, as a baptist, they are reduced to security personnel in such a place. It can be seen that the unknown scene behind is definitely an important place.

“Hello sir! I am Corporal Kelsen under the Security Division II. This is my identity card. My job has been transferred. Let me now go to your Security Division I to report.”

Relying on the obtained memory fragments, Xi Xialeng blurted out these contents smoothly, and even took out a work card. When devouring the other party, just in case, he took this work card with him all the time.

The first security department is the department that these ordinary guards aspire to Kelsen ~ ~ Although they are also security personnel, the personnel of the first security department enjoy the treatment of cadres.

Of course, if you want to enter this department, you must also have certain strength.

“Just you? Can you join us?”

The elite guard, who was a warrior in the last days, looked at this young sentry with a scornful glance, and did not feel any strong breath on the other side.

When he was about to take out the communicator and ask the boss of his department to verify the situation, Xia Rong turned suddenly and returned to the other side of the corridor!

突发 The sudden scene between these two elite guards immediately felt something wrong, and immediately chased after it!

“Hello! Stop!”

However, just after chasing the corner, suddenly his eyes glared!

Oncoming were a pair of domineering black light claws that instantly penetrated their skulls!

Xia Leng used his ability to conceal his breath and easily killed and devoured the two first-tier elite guards.

Afterwards, the memory fragments obtained from the engulfment immediately filled the geographical location information behind. After this corridor, there really exists a core security research department with heavy security, and there are multiple levels set in each corridor behind.

约翰 And Johnny was holding the so-called “Holy Water” and went to that core research department!

Why didn’t Xia Leng swallow the two guards right away because he saw the existence of monitoring probes from this corridor, so he led them out of the monitoring range.

However, even if they are disguised as one of them, if they pass directly through the monitoring range, the personnel responsible for monitoring this area will definitely find abnormalities, because two people must travel together for patrol.

Therefore, Xia Leng has to think of another method or force it directly!

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