Doomsday: with unlimited warehouse system

Chapter 123 Mysterious Laboratory

However, observant David noticed that Little black seemed to be constantly looking towards the middle floor of the building and sniffing around with his nose, as if there was a special scent on that floor.

This piqued David's curiosity. Little black, being a hellhound, had a sense of smell hundreds of times stronger than ordinary dogs, so he could detect even faint special odors in the air. Even if it was several blocks away, it was no problem for Little black. Therefore, David also looked curiously at that floor of the building, feeling a slight interest. Whatever caught Little black's attention couldn't be ordinary. It might be some crystals of exceptional quality. So, David decided to go and investigate.

"You guys wait in the car, I'll go back and get something." After casually giving a reason, David took Little black back into the building. The reason he didn't tell the truth to Arnold and the others was that David was afraid there might be other higher-level zombies upstairs. If that was the case, they would have no energy left to fight again after just going through a battle. He did this to protect the lives of his team members.

After all, in his view, some difficulties were meant to be borne by David alone. If his entire team were to perish, he would regret it in this life. Hearing what David said, Sally was skeptical but still nodded and returned to the car.

Cola also had a puzzled expression and stared at David's figure for a while, then softly called out and jumped into Sally's arms.

Entering the building once again, Little black continued to sniff ahead, diligently searching for that special scent. David followed behind him, holding the short knife with a cautious expression, afraid of encountering another Titan zombie. If that happened, the best course of action would be to quickly run with Little black.

Although David had plenty of high-explosive grenades in his storage system, he didn't want to experience the sensation of being choked again. Following Little black through one floor after another, Little black stopped at the stairs on the 38th floor of the building. He wagged his tail towards David, indicating that the special scent was coming from here.

At this point, David could also smell the faint scent in the air. However, he felt that this scent was somewhat peculiar. It was like the smell of a corpse, while also resembling the smell of certain chemical substances. This made him even more puzzled.

After ensuring there was no danger in the surroundings, David slowly walked to the entrance of this floor. When he saw that the door here was a high-security door that required a card to enter, David's eyebrows slightly furrowed. Because he knew that such doors were not typically installed in regular places. They were only installed in secretive laboratories and important bases that required confidentiality and access control.

In other words, this place could be a laboratory or an important secret base. After contemplating for a moment, David decided to go in and take a look. "Little black, wait here obediently. If there's any danger, run away quickly. Understand?"

David didn't plan to bring Little black inside. If there was really danger inside, he didn't think it was a wise choice. Besides, if there was danger outside, Little black staying outside could quickly relay the information to him, ensuring his safety.

Listening to David's words, Little black crouched down obediently and nodded, raising its ears attentively, cautiously observing the surroundings. At that moment, David activated the Gate of Space. The powerful Gate of Space could surpass any obstacles and enter any space that Road Far desired. Therefore, a security door could not stop David from entering.

As a dazzling halo appeared, the Gate of Space slowly materialized in front of David. He leaped towards the gate and disappeared into the void, while the Gate of Space gradually closed, leaving only Little black outside.

Another dazzling halo appeared, and David slowly walked out of the halo behind the security door. There were two huge glass doors behind the security door, with little black and yellow biohazard symbols affixed to them. This instantly made David understand that this was likely a secret laboratory.

However, David had no idea what they were experimenting on. He slowly pushed open the glass doors and walked inside. In the instant he opened the glass doors, the faint scent of decay and chemical substances in the air suddenly rushed into his nostrils.

This made David involuntarily furrow his brows tightly and quickly covered his nose with his hand to avoid the strong odor from harming his body. After entering through the glass doors, David continued to walk forward. Ahead of him was a spacious corridor with various shelves embedded in the walls on both sides, displaying a wide variety of chemical substances.

David continued to move forward, and there was still a huge glass door ahead. The little black and yellow biohazard symbol was affixed to it as well. This made David sigh with emotion. The size of this laboratory was unexpectedly large. It had taken him more than ten minutes just to walk from the security door to this point.

Suppressing his inner doubts, David continued forward. After walking for about ten minutes, David finally arrived at the center of the laboratory. However, as soon as he stepped into this area, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

In front of him was a spacious hall filled with various experimental instruments, as well as chemicals and equipment for experiments. In the middle of the hall, there were a dozen or so glass jars of different sizes, filled with yellow liquid. Looking at the darkening color of the liquid inside, David speculated that the rotten odor in the air earlier must have come from here.

At the same time, David noticed that these liquids seemed to be soaking something. He quickly approached for a closer look and discovered that the liquids contained the corpses of zombies. This surprised him once again.

"How could there be so many zombie corpses here?" David couldn't help but ask. At the same time, he carefully observed these corpses and found that they varied in rank. There were low-rank and high-rank zombies, as well as some intermediate-rank zombies.

"Could there be people in this world who have a hobby of preserving zombie corpses?" David became more and more bewildered. He had no idea what this laboratory was used for, or even what these zombie corpses soaked in yellow liquid were used for. He began to wander around the laboratory, hoping to find some clues.

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