Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 124

Chapter 124:

“You must work hard. I believe that one day you will be more powerful than me. You must work hard when you take the exam.”

Nobita left this place together when he pulled Shizuka after giving birth to this sentence.

After all, he still has to take Shizuka to find a more suitable place to watch the performance, otherwise it seems that the two of them are meaningless to come here.

Chapter 133 Attract Attention

At this time, Nagato, after seeing that Nobita and the others had left, immediately summoned other people to carry out their plan.

After all, what they are thinking about now is that Nobita goes to watch this game, just to attract the attention of others.

Then they can steal this ninjutsu scroll, and it will be very easy, which is simply the best way.

At this time, Nobita was also keenly aware that Nagato and the others didn’t know where they went and didn’t follow him.

But Nobita didn’t care, after all, it was absolutely impossible for them to be in danger in this village.

Anyway, I don’t need them to do anything now, let them do their own things, and save them from disturbing them to watch this game.

After all, I also want to have a very harmonious two-person world with Shizuka.

When the first exam started, Nobita never thought that the exam was actually a written exam.

Seeing so many candidates writing and writing in front of him, Nobita felt that he was doing well today~ It seemed like he was wrong.

He originally thought that he would be able to watch a very happy game with Shizuka, but he didn’t expect it to be like this.

But they are here now, and it would be disrespectful to them if they left.

So Nobita turned his head and planned to comfort Shizuka and let Shizuka understand the situation, after all, he didn’t know it in advance.

But what he didn’t expect was that when he turned his head, he found that Shizuka was now looking at the few people in front of him excitedly.

Seeing what Shizuka meant, he seemed to be particularly interested. Naruto and the others took the exam, so Nobita was relieved.

As long as Shizuka doesn’t find it boring, then keep watching at this place, they have nothing to do anyway.

So Nobita didn’t speak any more, and stayed with Shizuka to watch, anyway, he knew it.

The little guy Naruto will definitely pass the exam in the end, he just needs to watch what they will do in it.

Among them, Sakura should be the one with the best academic performance.

Therefore, he is now completely based on his own strength as a scholar and has passed this exam.

・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0・・・

Gaara’s third eye also came in handy at this time.

There is only Naruto, and now he doesn’t dare to copy other people’s answers, but he doesn’t know how to do it at all.

So the whole process is just sitting there and writing flowers and flowers, and at first glance, it is the kind that doesn’t know anything.

So looking at his appearance, Nobita felt very helpless. Who the **** gave him the courage to let him take this exam?


As a result, there is no bottom line for this exam. As long as they are willing to come, they will agree to let them take the exam.

At this time, Shizuka also realized that something was wrong with Naruto, so he turned his head and asked Nobita.

“Isn’t Naruto completely ignorant of these things? Then why did he come to take the exam? He didn’t let us watch his training yesterday. I thought he was so good!”

The reason why Shizuka said this was not that he looked down on the little guys like Naruto, but that he thought it was very strange.

If you don’t know anything, then you shouldn’t come to take the test, otherwise, wouldn’t it be shameful to be the one at the back of the crane? seven.

Chapter 134 Proof of Effort

After hearing Shizuka’s question, Nobita was unable to give an accurate answer.

But he can probably guess why Naruto thinks like this.

“Although he really knows nothing now, he can’t deny that he really worked hard before.”

“After working hard, I want to prove everything. If it is really impossible, he has a clear conscience.”

“May Four Three” There is no such person who doesn’t want to succeed, but sometimes it is not up to them to decide whether to succeed or not.

After all the efforts have been made, the rest will be handed over to Providence, if they cannot pass the test.

That can only prove bad luck or lack of talent, and nothing else can prove anything, the big deal is just one visit.

After saying that to Nobita, Shizuka also felt that it was really like this.

But the truth is this truth, and he also understands this truth.

But he still felt that this comparison was a bit too embarrassing for Naruto.

Because the other people were able to solve it very quickly, Naruto was still there in this exam, and he didn’t even dare to look around.

At this time, the other Venerable Masters had also seen it. At this time, Naruto, who was not very normal, began to whisper.

“Isn’t that kid not good at it? If he can’t, why did he come to take the test?”

“Looking at his appearance, he should know nothing. Otherwise, why would he not write?”

“But since we have stipulated that all people can come to take the test, we can’t kick it out halfway.”

Nobita felt uncomfortable listening to the whispers of these people.

Because he knew how hard this little guy Naruto worked.

But even if he felt uncomfortable, he couldn’t say anything, after all, what people said was right.

It is an undeniable fact that Naruto can’t do anything at first glance.

So now we have to see what kind of answer this little guy Naruto will teach when the test is over.

And the other Jōnin have long thought that Naruto, this little guy, can’t do anything, and didn’t care about him at all…

So when the paper was handed in, as expected, Naruto handed in a blank paper.

The other few people looked at this blank scroll and fell into danger.

Because they don’t know what this blank paper means now, and they don’t know how to grade it.

And after seeing their embarrassed look, Nobita stood up automatically and said to them.

“Do you think he was right or wrong in handing in this blank paper?”

After Nobita’s question was asked, the rest of the people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Because they can’t say exactly whether this blank paper should be judged right or wrong.

After all, even if the subject of this exam is to hand in a 0.7 blank paper, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

The problem is that Naruto’s performance just now was very obvious, that is, he didn’t know anything, so he handed in a blank paper.

It was not because he had realized the true meaning of this exam that he handed over this blank paper.

These two concepts are basically two different meanings, so they don’t know how to do it now.

Chapter 135

If the judgment is wrong, but he did hand in a blank, which is the most perfect answer.

But if the verdict is correct, it means that they must be unfair. After all, Naruto knows nothing, which is well known.

After seeing their embarrassed appearance, Nobita felt that it was time for him to appear, so he said to them.

“Since we can’t discuss whether it’s right or wrong now, it’s better to let him pass the test.”

“Otherwise, if you keep entangled in this matter, when do you think you will be able to entangle this answer?”

26 After those few people heard Nobita say this, they were too embarrassed to continue to struggle, after all, Nobita had already said so.

That means that Naruto will pass the level. If they don’t let him pass the level at this time, it will be like hitting Nobita in the face.

So there was a Shangnin who stood up, and this was considered to be in charge of the overall situation.

“Since the distinguished guests have already said so, then we will let him pass the test. After all, it will not affect the next exams of these people.”

With this sentence, their tangled matter this time is officially resolved.

And this first exam Naruto passed even with the tail of a crane, and inexplicably won the highest score in this exam.

But this score has not been announced yet, so other people are not clear, otherwise, I am afraid some people will be dissatisfied.

After the first exam has passed, it is time to start preparing for the second exam.

As a result, when they organized other people to gather, suddenly something unexpected happened to them.

The sky suddenly turned dark and cloudy, and it looked like it was about to rain.

Although the weather factor had nothing to do with their exams, the sudden situation still surprised them.

On the day of Nobita, he also brought Shizuka with him. When Shizuka looked at the scene of the sky outside, he felt a little familiar, and then turned his head and said to Nobita.

“Do you think this looks like the way we both looked when we came to this world?”

After Shizuka’s reminder, Nobita suddenly remembered that it was the same weather when they came to this world.

So Nobita’s vigilance suddenly changed, because he was afraid that they were going to another world inexplicably.

After finally getting used to the rules of this world, if you go to other places as a result, it is really a bit unacceptable.

Although she is okay, but Shizuka is a girl, Nobita 543 is really afraid that her psychological endurance is not enough to pass the test.

After thinking of this, he immediately pulled Shizuka behind him and said with relief.

“Don’t think about so many messes, even if such a thing really happens, I will protect you.”

In fact, Shizuka was not afraid at all at this time, but just said it casually. After all, with Nobita by his side, how could he be afraid?

But after hearing Nobita’s statement at this time, he still felt very moved in his heart.

After all, this man stood in front of him without hesitation, and he was not afraid of those dangers and had to protect himself.

Chapter 136 Not So Fragile

After thinking of this, he patted Nobita on the shoulder and said to Nobita.

“You can rest assured. I’m not that vulnerable. Besides, with you by my side, I can’t be afraid of wherever I go.”

And when Nobita heard Shizuka say this at this time, he felt very moved in his heart, and at the same time felt very relieved.

As expected of her own woman, when she met this kind of thing, she didn’t feel scared at all, and she didn’t even tremble in her voice.

It’s just that the two of them are nervous now. After all, the other people just think it’s a change of weather.

There was no response at all, and they were even eagerly preparing for their second exam.

After a while, there was indeed no other reaction, so Nobita was relieved.

After all, changes in the weather are also normal, and they can’t worry too much sometimes.

So in this way, all the people didn’t care about the change of the weather, and regarded it as a very ordinary change.

But what they don’t know is that the weather is getting so gloomy now that they can’t see what’s going on above at all.

But the rest of the people are busy preparing, and no one cares about this change at all.

When they were preparing for the second exam, Nagato led a few people he trusted to start stealing ninjutsu scrolls.

After all, in his opinion, this is Nobita, creating a very perfect opportunity for him. It would be a pity if he missed it.

Now that everyone is going to manage this exam, there is not much power to guard here.

Even if there are one or two powerful people here, and you have brought so many people, as long as you can delay the time.

He can steal this thing out of the delay for that little time, and in this case, he can be considered a great contribution.

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