Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 91

Chapter 91:

Nobita smiled slightly.

Zhao Hailun was watching what plane Nobita was doing.

“Zhao Hailun, your biotechnology is very powerful.”

Zhao Hailun didn’t say anything, she is not a person who likes to show off.

But from her expression, you can also see her confidence in her skills.

Nobita continued.

“However, you seem to be going in the wrong direction. The application scenario of this technology should not be treating diseases and saving people.”

“Wrong direction?”

Zhao Hailun was a little reluctant to listen.

“Mr. Boss, my technology can benefit mankind and eliminate all diseases in the world.”

“You have to know, every year, how many people in the world die unexpectedly? Conservative diseases suffer.”

“You’re too young to know the pain involved.”

“I’ve seen too many people go bankrupt just to treat even a small disease.”

“I study this for the purpose of curing diseases and saving people. So many people in the bioengineering and medical industries in the world are all for the purpose of saving people!”

“Wrong direction?”

Nobita’s sentence went in the wrong direction, and Zhao Hailun opened the chat box instantly.

Nobita smiled slightly.

stretched out his right hand.

In the air, countless molecular atoms were captured by his spiritual power.

Then, it began to condense in his hands.

In just a few seconds, a cloud of transparent liquid appeared on Nobita’s hand to show off his wealth.


Zhao Hailun was taken aback, is this a superpower?

However, there are many mutants in this world.

Although she was a little surprised, she felt nothing.

What happened next made her gradually open her mouth.

“All creatures on earth, the source of everything, comes from water.”

The power of the mechanized machine was activated, and Nobita completely controlled the ability to regenerate the cradle.

Under his words, the water mass in the palm gradually expanded, turning into a circular water mass with a diameter of more than one meter, floating in the air of the laboratory.

“From the beginning to the nuances, plants.”

The originally transparent water gradually became turbid, and many green particles evolved in the liquid.


Among the green particles, some of them started to separate out and turned into small primitive fish.

“Organisms and plants, from the original one, differentiated and evolved into a relationship between food and predators.”

Pieces of primitive small fish began to devour the green in the water.

Their bodies are also getting bigger and bigger.

“Evolution, predation, adaptation, have become the main theme of biology.”

Small fish also became larger and more complex.

In addition to the spine, they have evolved fangs and sharp mouths, as well as hard armor scales.

Better predation, of which, another part of it diverged and began to prey on other plant-eating fish.

In the small water mass, a complex biosphere also appeared.

This scene was seen by Zhao Hailun Tony.

Zhao Hailun didn’t even have time to be shocked, and looked at everything in front of him intently.

For her of bioengineering, the pictures and scenes in front of her are almost a feast of gluttony.

She even stretched out her hand subconsciously and put it into the water ball.

She could clearly feel the coolness of the water and the occasional biological touch between her fingers.

“Powerful, can better withstand the harsh environment, adapt to survive, and find the resources they need.”

The biosphere in the water mass began to change at an extremely fast rate.

In just a few minutes, the creatures inside changed hundreds of forms.

And it’s still changing.

For a time, big fish eat small fish, prey, evolve, survive, etc., in this small one-meter-diameter water mass, one after another.

Nobita became more and more handy.

Powerful psychic power combined with the mechanized power of the regenerative cradle.

He seemed to have an illusion that at this moment, he seemed to have a part of God’s authority.

“Eventually, humans appeared.”

In an instant, all the animals and plants in the water mass began to melt and converge.

A miniature human form is formed.

“Humans are not the most powerful creatures. They are injured, they will die, they will die from illness. Even microbial germs that are hard to see with the naked eye can kill humans.”

Under Nobita’s explanation, this human has experienced countless ways of dying, recovering, dying, recovering, and dying. (The scene is too bloody, automatic harmony)

“Why do you say 510 is in the wrong direction?”

“Because, the beginning and the end of life.”

“From start to finish, it’s about evolution, not repair.”

With a thought of Daxiong, the human beings in the water mass began to change form again.

From time to time, he grew long fangs and developed muscles.

Sometimes, he has a hard shell and dense eyes.

Occasionally, he obtained the muscle structure of an ant, and when he waved his hand, the water mass seemed to be raging like a tornado.

“If human beings can continue to evolve, perhaps, they can evolve and never be harmed again.”

“No disease.”

“You can swim in lava.”

“Can fly into space physically.”

“Destroy the planet with your bare hands.”

Nobita didn’t say a word, and the scene in the water mass changed accordingly.

Scenes of god-like pictures constantly impacted Zhao Hailun’s heart.

Even Tony looked at everything in front of him with a shocked expression.

“Medicine is only the means, not the result.”

“Evolution is the ultimate goal.”

Nobita waved his palm.

All the substances in the air disperse in an instant, turning into undetectable molecules.

As everyone breathed, they even felt a touch of dampness.

Seeing Zhao Hailun’s lips slightly parted, she was in shock and couldn’t help herself.

Nobita with his hands behind his back, walked in front of her.

“Now, Dr. Zhao Hailun, you are willing to be my assistant, and you will never leave me… Cough, are you willing to complete my experiment with me?”

Zhao Hailun was silent.

At this moment, her thoughts seemed to be shaken.

Nobita turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands into rain, creating life at will and showing the ability of biological essence.

It made her a little hard to understand, and at the same time she was shocked, but she forgot all the contempt for Nobita before.

“I… can I ask, what kind of experiment is it?”

Zhao Hailun was moved.

Nobita, an existence that she can’t understand, who can create life at will, how terrifying the research will be?

“Well… this is a long story, but it’s a summary.”

“I got a few simple techniques from the two alien races, the Mermaid and the Trisolaran.”

“I’m going to combine these technologies with your help.”

“Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises.”

Alien technology?

Or from two different civilizations? !

For a moment, Zhao Hailun’s mind was full of shock and doubts.

this kid! What the **** is he about! .

Chapter 101 The combination of three black technologies!

[I was discharged from the hospital this afternoon, and will resume normal updates tomorrow, and Nobita’s first key transformation will begin~]

Tony, who was still immersed in the shocking scene just now, received a message.

Looking at the information on the communicator, Tony said anxiously.

“Boss, I have to go first! I’ll leave it all to you here!”

Nobita nodded.

“Go ahead.”

“OK! Boss, you are busy first!”

After speaking, Tony left in a hurry.

Leaving Zhao Hailun with a confused expression.

“Tony! You’re leaving now! Hey!”

However, she could still just watch Tony’s back disappear into the laboratory.

“Zhao Hailun, let’s get started~”

Nobita also doesn’t want ink.

Zhao Hailun: “…I haven’t agreed yet!”

“I don’t know if what you said is true or not, nor do I know the specific experimental content, the experimental manual.”

“And related academic materials and so on…”

Nobita shook his head: “We don’t need these.”

Saying that, he took something out of his pocket.

Watching Nobita take it out from his waist, suddenly, there are many strange devices in the room.

Zhao Hailun’s face full of black question marks.

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