Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 A World Without Pirates, People’S Yearning! ! !

As the picture ends.

At this moment, two images of Kizaru appeared on the screen in the sky.

One is Kizaru, the king of fishing, and the other is Kizaru, the model worker.

In the two worlds, a figure of yearning value appeared at the same time.

All are 0.

However, in just an instant, the yearning value of the second world broke through 1000 in an instant!

Moreover, it is still soaring upwards at a crazy speed! ! !

In just three breaths, it has already broken through 10,000! ! !

[ Sengoku: I’ll go! It seems that many Marines want to retire early, but I also think so in my heart. 】

[Garp: Wow, Kaka, I really yearn for the second world. If all the Marines are like the second Kizaru, catching pirates like crazy, I am afraid that I would like to retire and enjoy life. 】

[Second Garp: Hehe, me in another world, is your son filial to you? Is your grandson filial to you? My son and my grandson are now the elite of Marine, they both have a bright future, and I have already started to plan whether to hold grandchildren first after retirement or rush that silly boy Luffy to find a partner. 】

[Garp: Damn it! Me in another world, come here if you have the ability, and see if this old man doesn’t beat you to death! ! ! 】

【Garp: Damn dragon! You bastard, look at the dragons in the second world, why don’t you learn from them? Damn it! ! ! 】

[Dragon: Hmph! Will the world be a better place just by getting rid of the pirates? People still live in a oppressive and unfair world, as long as there are Celestial Dragons in this world, then this world will never be a better place! 】

【Five Elders (1): Monkey·D·Dragon, be careful what you say, you must know the consequences of angering our Celestial Dragons, right? 】

【Five Elders (2): It was just that we didn’t know the location of your revolutionary army headquarters before, but now you have jumped out yourself, very good, this is very good! After this Summit War is over, your revolutionary army will be hit hard! 】

[Dragon: Hmph! A clown, a pampered clown! Those of you who only hide behind the Marine, it is impossible to risk your life to challenge me! Just a bunch of cowards! How dare you bark and bark in front of me! I bother! ! ! 】

[Five Elders (1) You! very good! you are fine! Monkey D Garp, this is your good son? He managed to arouse our anger, believe me, once this war is over, once you leave Naval Headquarters, you will be nothing but scum in no time! ! ! 】

At this time, the yearning value of people in the original world for the second world has exceeded 100,000.

And it is still soaring at a very exaggerated speed.

[ Sengoku: What’s going on? There should only be some Marines who want to retire and want to go to the second world, right? Why is this number so high? 】

【Crane Vice Admiral: Hey, Sengoku, you forgot, not only Marine, but also Marine’s family. If Marine retires, his family will be very happy too! 】

[Garp: Damn it! My family is all gone now! 】

[Second Sengoku: Hehe, friends in the original world, you have forgotten one thing: because of the emergence of the Model Worker Contest, the number of pirates in our world has decreased dramatically! All ordinary people live in a peaceful era, and there is no need to worry about being robbed! Just have to have a good time! 】

[ Sengoku: Nani? ! It’s still possible! 】

With these bullet screens drifting by.

The yearning value of the second world, which had already soared and slowed down, suddenly exceeded one million!

Followed by two million, three million!

Non-stop soaring!

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded at this moment!

They only realized at this moment, the number of people who suffered from pirate attacks and hated pirates, how many!

These are all the lessons of their blood and tears!

【Whitebeard: No, it’s impossible! So many people hate pirates? Aren’t pirates a symbol of freedom? 】

[Luffy: Yes! I want to be the One Piece just because I yearn for freedom! 】

[Second Luffy: Hehehe, how naive, your so-called freedom is all based on the pain of others, so let me ask you two, do you grow your own food when you are pirates? Do you work by yourself? Where does the money for your travel come from? 】

[Whitebeard: Kula la la la, I can tell you clearly that all the money of our Whitebeard pirate group is robbed of other pirates’ money! is clean! 】

[Second Luffy: Hehehe, how naive! So please! The money of the pirates you robbed, whose money was robbed? Not yet Common people! In other words, your money actually comes from the hands of ordinary people! 】


【Luffy: We can fish and eat by ourselves! We don’t rob other people’s money! 】

[Second Luffy: Then you are just living the lives of primitive people. Have you made any contribution to the development of this world? 】

[Luffy: We defeated many pirates who did evil, and we did good things! 】

[Second Luffy: In our world, there are not many such pirates as you mentioned. These are just the things that our Marines are responsible for. There are so many pirates in your world, which only shows the Marines in your world. Too incompetent! 】

[Second Luffy: Moreover, even if you Whitebeard Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates can do it without taking a needle from the common people, can you guarantee that other pirates will not do the same? cannot! Even if you are as pure as lilies growing on the garbage dump, the name Pirate is also very dirty! evil! Disgraceful! 】

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