Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 The Mysterious Man In Black, Sabo Physical Training!

That night, at Sabo’s home, a man in black suddenly appeared.

The appearance of the man in black directly lifted the spirits of the people in the two worlds.

[Koala: Appeared! A different encounter with Sabo in the original world appeared! 】

【Sabo: Hey, I remember, I never met such a man in black when I was young. 】

【Long: Could it be that in another world, I found Sabo in advance? 】

[Second Dragon: Error! In the second world, I didn’t meet Sabo at that time! 】

[Garp: What’s going on? Why did a man in black suddenly appear? 】

[Second Garp: Wow Kaka, I seem to have already guessed who this person is, but I won’t tell you, I’m going to piss you off! wakaka! 】

[Second Crane Vice Admiral: Wait, I guessed it too! 】

[Second Sabo: Heck, this person is indeed one of the most important people to me, because it is because of his appearance that I am what I am today. 】

[Second Luffy: What? ! It turns out that Sabo, you are still hiding things from us! 】

[Second Sabo: I’m sorry, Luffy, because this is really something that cannot be disclosed. 】

[Second Ace: It doesn’t matter, anyway, I have already guessed who this person is, because I also met this mysterious person when I was young! 】

[Second Luffy: Who and who? Who is it? 】

[Second Sabo: Hey, my stupid Odoudou, knowing too much is of no benefit to you. 】

[Second Ace: I didn’t expect Luffy in the two worlds to be so clear and stupid. 】

In the picture, with the appearance of the mysterious man in black.

Sabo is full of vigilance and fear.

“You, who are you?”

“Why did you appear in my room!”

This mysterious man in black appeared suddenly.

Sabo asked himself that he was very confident in his own strength, but he still didn’t realize how this man got here.

Neither doors nor windows were opened.

Through the closed wooden door, Sabo could still hear his parents arguing about his affairs outside.

“We can’t have this child anymore, he has already been adopted by us.”

“However, he is our own flesh and blood after all, if he is discarded, he will be caught by other nobles.”

“Then treat it like a dog.”

“Just adopt another one.”

“Tomorrow, let’s go to the orphanage to see if there are any suitable children.”

The conversation between his parents outside the door directly chilled Sabo’s young heart.

An immature face was full of disappointment and sadness.

[Crane Vice Admiral: Hey, poor child, such a cruel thing happened at such a young age. 】

[Tashigi: Born but not raised, such parents are really scum! 】

[Dragon: Hmph! This is the hypocritical face of nobles in this world, it is disgusting! 】

[Garp: These scumbags should be glad that the old man wasn’t there at the time, otherwise a pair of iron fists would directly blow their heads off! 】

[Sengoku: But they are nobles of the Goa Kingdom, and they are still alive and well, and Sabo’s younger brother has now become the king of the Goa Kingdom. 】

[Second Sengoku: Oh? And this thing? 】

【Second Crane Vice Admiral: That was just what happened in the original world, but in our world, things are completely different! 】

[Sabo: Heh! In fact, I also experienced similar things when I was young. Anyway, I have already forgotten the parents who gave birth to me. Whether they live or die has nothing to do with me. 】

[Second Sabo: I have to say that I have the same idea as myself in another world, but my biological parents are already… huh… I won’t spoil it for now. 】

The mysterious man in black suddenly spoke at this moment.

“Is it sad? This noble status.”

The man in black’s voice was indistinguishable, and it was even difficult to tell his age.

The young Sabo, with an immature face, looked at the man in black.

“Who the hell are you?”

The voice of the man in black sounded again, “Hehe, young man, don’t care who I am. Knowing who I am is not good for you or me. You just need to know that I am here to help you, and that’s enough.”

Sabo asked: “Since you are here to help me, please tell me, how can I get rid of this noble status? How can I get out of this suffocating hell!”

“Become stronger!”

The man in black’s answer was simple.

“This is a world where strength comes first. As long as your strength is strong enough, you can get almost everything!”

When the man in black spoke, he deliberately emphasized the word “everything”, as if he meant something.

However, the young Sabo obviously didn’t hear anything wrong.

The man in black suddenly extended his hand to the young Sabo, “Young man, do you want to become stronger? Come on, I can make you stronger!”

The screen changed.

The man in black and the young second Sabo, have appeared on a mountain.

“Go, climb to the top of this mountain before dawn!”

The man in black mentioned the first practice project, mountain climbing.

At this time, Sabo is very young, and his peers may still be playing house with children, but Sabo has already started training to become stronger!

Gritting his teeth, the young Sabo didn’t hesitate at all.

Started climbing straight away.

In the beginning, he was fast, but then he got slower and slower.

Finally, out of breath, he simply sat down.

At this time, he inadvertently raised his head and saw that the sky had begun to turn slightly white.

In my mind, I recalled the words of the man in black.

Climb up before dawn!


Sabo had to stand up and continue to climb up desperately.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and his physical strength gradually became difficult to support.

However, in the end, he relied on his amazing willpower to finally climb to the top of the mountain!

And this, I am afraid, is a speed that many adults find difficult to achieve!

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