Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

The two people from Pirate World were speechless when they saw this.

See who is upset and kill whoever is.

What the hell, when it comes to teaching bad kids, people in black are the best!

The first child to teach bad,

Teach Sabo to increase his strength, exceed the trajectory of the original version, and then counter-kill directly when encountering Celestial Dragons.

In the end, it’s even more straightforward to teach him how to kill a Celestial Dragons.

The process of torturing and killing the Celestial Dragons,

It makes people feel very cruel (cruel) forbearing (cool)!

The second one taught the bad boy that he could kill whoever he wanted.


Some people still feel inexplicably that what the man in black said is quite right!

“An orphan who has the blood of a demon, that’s what he should have.”

“You have to have a certain amount of strength. It doesn’t matter what others think of you. The important thing is that your strength must be strong!”

“It’s so strong that others can’t hurt me no matter what!”

“Although, what he said really makes sense!”

“If Laozi is the Four Emperors, he can do whatever he wants!”

“Yeah, in this world, strength is everything!”

“Hey, for a person with a background like little Ace, only strength is the only thing that can be relied on.”

[Second Roger (deceased): Although, what the man in black said really makes sense! 】

[My son can be taught by such a person, it is really inexplicably reassuring! 】

[Even if you don’t become the One Piece in the future, as long as you are strong enough, you can have a happy life! 】

[Roger (deceased): Jealousy, admiration, what is Garp, will it teach children, look at others, and instill in children the idea of ​​self-protection from an early age. 】

[Looking at my Ace again, I was neglected since I was a child, fighting with all kinds of garbage people, and getting a little depressed by the garbage people. 】

[Even, you don’t tell him my story. 】

【No matter how much you look down on Laozi, at least Laozi is also One Piece, right? 】

[As a result, I was preconceived by others, thinking that Laozi is a devil! 】

[Garp: Humph! What’s the matter, old man? It’s not bad that the old man didn’t give Ace to Marine! 】

[Moreover, it’s all Dadan’s fault! 】

[Besides, the old man has beaten him many times, making him a Marine, but will he listen? snort! 】

[You think the old man’s teaching is not good, you can do it! 】

[Second Garp: (pick nose) I just eat melons silently on the sidelines, you say your own. 】

【Akainu: Although, our world does not seem to have the teaching of Vice Admiral Garp. Sabo, Ace, and Luffy have all become Vice Admirals. 】

[Although the three guys seem unreliable, they are quite strong. At least now they have become Admiral’s substitutes, and they will become Admiral in the future. 】

[Moreover, the three of them have captured a large number of pirates in the past. Although they are not reliable, they are Marines with real achievements. 】

【This, I Akainu, obey! 】

[Crane Vice Admiral: Could it be that without Garp’s participation, anyone can turn the three brothers into Marines? 】

【Damn Garp, how many evil things have you done! 】

【Garp: How innocent am I? 】

[ Sengoku: Uhhhhhhh! ! ! Garp! ! ! Look at people! have a look! Garp, let me tell you what’s good about you! You pay me three Admiral substitutes! 】

【Ahhh! ! ! It drives me crazy! 】

[Damn Garp! ! ! 】

【If there is a chance, this old man will definitely kill you! 】

【Kill you! ! ! Garp! ! ! 】

[Long: Dad, you said that if you are a marine, you should be a marine, and if you take care of your children, you should take care of them. If you insist on taking care of both, isn’t it impossible to do both? 】

[Garp: What does this have to do with me? Do you think anyone can turn three little guys into a Marine? Did the old man beat them a few times back then? But don’t they still don’t want to be Marine? 】

【Sengoku: Then why did other people’s three brothers become Marine three Vice Admiral? Why did you teach it… Forget it, don’t talk about it, I’m so mad! 】

[Luffy: What’s so good about being a Marine? 】

[Sabo: Being a Marine has no future! 】

[Ace: Even if you become a Marine Admiral, you still have to obey the orders of the Celestial Dragons, there is no freedom at all! 】

[Second Luffy: Hehe, that’s just what you think. When Marine is strong enough, even Celestial Dragons won’t dare to act recklessly! 】

[Second Ace: Yeah, I didn’t see Sabo, Celestial Dragons, are you all right? 】

[Second Five Elders (1): You guys, enough is enough! 】

[Second Five Elders (2): You have severely damaged the majesty of the Celestial Dragons! 】

[Second Luffy: Sorry! 】

[Second Ace: Sorry! 】

[Second Sabo: Sorry! 】

What’s the use of Marine if I’m sorry it’s useful!

The Five Elders were speechless.

People have been killed, just an apology, is it dead in vain?

It seems to be true!


The Celestial Dragons are even more speechless!

When did the lives of their Celestial Dragons become so worthless?

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