Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Red Hair Pirates, Disband!

Two people from Pirate World saw a spectacular scene.

[ Benn Beckman: I, Benn Beckman, quit the Red Hair Pirates! 】

[ Yasopp: I, Yasopp, quit the Red Hair Pirates! 】

[Larch: I, Luckey, quit the Red Hair Pirates! 】

[Dege: I, Dege, quit the Red Hair Pirates! 】

[Snake: I, Snake, quit the Red Hair Pirates! 】

[Rocks: I, Rocks, quit Red Hair Pirates! 】

As barrages of barrages passed by.

It was found that

Those who sent out the barrage of quitting the group,

All are members of the Red Hair Pirates!

Benn Beckman, Yasopp, Larch…

Each name is a famous figure in the New World!

Even the generals and big billboards of the Hundred Beasts Group and the Big Mom Group are not as famous as the core figures of the Red Hair Group.

Red Hair Pirates, as the most powerful Iron Arm Pirates among the Four Emperors.

Has a very balanced bounty.

There are almost no shortcomings.

Other Four Emperors regiment.

There are many people, but there are only a few who are powerful.

Most of the people are actually scumbags.

However, there are very few people in the red-haired group, and they are short and sharp.

It can be said that everyone has a strong combat power.

Also, the Red Hair Pirates are very united.


Such a united Red Hair Pirates, but now all members except the red hair have quit.

It just shocked everyone for a whole year.

“Damn! The members of the Red Hair Pirates, all quit?!”

“Outrageous! Is it because the red-haired person has collapsed?!”

“Hey, if it’s me, there is a person I trust the most who has been cheating on me, then I absolutely can’t bear it!”

“Six six six, a group of Four Emperors has fallen!”

“Little ones, follow me to the New World, Laozi will be the Four Emperors!”

“Hahaha, a corner of New World has collapsed, and the place is vacant. It depends on who can become the new Four Emperors!”

“Naval Headquarters is conducting the Summit War. In New World, a Four Emperors regiment is disbanded, and a Four Emperors regiment is fighting with Marine. Now the world is in chaos. We can do whatever we want!”

All over the original world.

Some pirate groups took advantage of the situation.

Start doing evil.

Because of the Summit War, Marine transferred the Marine elites from all over the world.

The rest are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Not vulnerable at all.

And there are some aspiring pirates.

It is heading directly towards the Grand Line, towards the New World.

A Whitebeard pirate group, after the Summit War, will inevitably be seriously injured, and it is even a question of whether they can come back alive.

A red-haired group disbanded on the spot.

Of the four Four Emperors, two were lost.

This is simply a huge opportunity! ! !

[ Kaido: Ha ha ha! Redheads, redheads! Your pirate group is disbanded, so your territory belongs to me too! 】

[Auntie: Well, well, those who see it have a share! Kaido, I want half of the redheads too! 】

[ Kaido: Huh! Linlin, if you want it, come and grab it with me! 】

[Aunt: Well, well, do you think I’m afraid of you? Kaido! 】

[Kaido: Start the war! There must be war! Let me see if your strength has regressed! Linlin! 】

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku and other Marine executives, as well as the White Group and the Revolutionary Army, were all dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, during the Summit War, I suddenly witnessed the disbandment of a Four Emperors pirate group!

[ Sengoku: Damn! A Four Emperors pirate group disbanded, so exciting? 】

[Garp: Liuliuliu, I can’t beat a Four Emperors pirate group myself, but this comparison system only revealed some secrets of the redheads, which actually led to the disbandment of the Four Emperors group! 】

[Crane Vice Admiral: Unexpectedly, we have witnessed the destruction of a Four Emperors pirate group without any effort! 】

【Akainu: Haha! Not bad! Red-haired, red-haired, never would have thought that before we even made a move, you would be self-defeating! 】

【Aokiji: Allah, our workload has dropped by a quarter. 】

【Kizaru: Wow, I never imagined that the Iron Armed Pirates in Legendary could disintegrate in an instant. It seems that the so-called iron wall is not an iron wall, but riddled with holes. 】

[Whitebeard: Kulala la la la, I can’t think of it, I haven’t come to the end of the old man, but you, the red-haired one, are already dead. 】

[Blackbeard: Thief hahahahaha… Redhead, redhead, I was afraid of your entire pirate group, but now you are just a loner, I am not afraid of you anymore! Thief hahahahahaha…]

[Dragon: Hmph! The destruction of a Four Emperors regiment is very beneficial to the development of our revolutionary army! 】


On Red Force.

The members of the red-haired group had already left the ship.

Take a boat and leave Red Force.

On the boat, there was only red hair left.

The red-haired look is very ugly.

At the same time, he looked at the screen in the sky a little coldly.

next second.

boom! ! !

An astonishing sword energy instantly broke through the clouds and rushed towards the screen in the sky!


A wave of energy.

The screen just fluctuated for a moment.

Immediately, it returned to its original state.

[System: Warning! The original World Redhead Shanks has launched an attack on the system with a punishment: strip the Conqueror’s Haki! 】

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