Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Have You Heard? A Vicious Marine Appeared On The Sea

Chapter 61 Have you heard? A vicious Marine appeared on the sea

Ended prematurely due to the picture of Sabo.

People don’t know what is the difference between the three brothers and the original world after they go to sea.

I don’t know whether they, who aspire to become marines, should become marines or catch pirates first after going to sea.

at this time,

Most people watched curiously.

want to know,

Determined to be Marine Admiral’s Ace, what will he do after going to sea.

“Ah, it’s such a nice day today. A good day should start with a good night’s sleep, Hululu—hululu—”

Ace lay on the boat, asleep.


Offscreen, people who were watching fell to the ground.

“Is there anyone who sails like you?”

“This is outrageous!”

People complained crazily in their hearts.


Only then did people discover that

Although the three brothers were very strong, none of them knew how to sail.

It’s all wild.

This has to be worrying.

Little Luffy, who is a person with abilities, went to sea two years later.

what to do.

that’s all.

Ace drifted at sea for several days.

He was robbed by a group of pirates.


“Hey, is this your bounty? Isn’t it too little?”

Ace stepped on the back of the pirate leader,

Holding the arrest warrant that the other party used to show off in his hand, eating barbecue, “What face do you give me to take your head to Marine to claim credit?”

“I must defeat a powerful pirate, and then Marine will directly promote me to an executive, otherwise I don’t want to work at the bottom for several years.”

“Brother, big brother, just let me go.” The pirate leader said with tears in his eyes.

Two years ago, there was also a kid who defeated him.

Also said similar things.

He is too miserable.

“I swear, as long as I can survive this time, I will retire and return to my hometown, my wife and children are hot, and I will never be a pirate again in this life!” The pirate leader swore in his heart.


Ace is wandering around on the sea.

Find the famous pirate.

And as one pirate after another was defeated by him.


He disliked that the bounty was too low.

Ever since, a terrible rumor began to spread in East Blue.

“Hey, did you hear that?”

“We East Blue, a vicious Marine has appeared!”

“Fight with pirates everywhere, and finally humiliate them severely, making the other party’s life worse than death!”

“I heard about it!”

“I heard that the silver hooks have now quit the gold basin washing hooks, and ran back to their hometown to sell oden.”

at the same time.

East Blue Marine Division.

A general meeting is being held.

“Ahem, this meeting is mainly to discuss a wild Marine.”

Wild Marine, the name is a bit odd.

“It is said that this guy fought with pirates everywhere, and beat up many vicious pirates all over,”

“Most of the pirates were sent to prison by the local people. This guy doesn’t want a bounty for defeating the pirates. He just wants to defeat the powerful pirates and join the Marine.”

“This guy is a bit like the rookie two years ago.”

“By the way, speaking of it, the rookie from two years ago seems to have gone to the Grand Line and became Colonel Marine.”

“Colonel Marine? Hiss—doesn’t this mean that this newcomer is of the same rank as us?”

“you do not say!”

Ace after going to sea.

After fighting East Blue, all famous pirates were basically removed.


He went straight to the Grand Line.

After choosing a path at will.

So the fight started.

Wherever you go.

Not a single pirate remains.

This once caught the attention of Naval Headquarters.

at last,

Ace directly defeated the supernova “Kid” at the time, took Kid’s head, went to the nearby Marine Base, and changed the position of a Marine colonel.

As two years passed.

In the route where Ace is located.

There are almost no pirates with names.

And people’s faces changed when they heard about it, and they didn’t dare to take the route where Ace was.

Ace was simply transferred directly to the headquarters.

Promoted to Vice Admiral.

Became colleagues with Sabo Vice Admiral.

“Sabo Vice Admiral, hello.”

“Ace Vice Admiral, hello.”

this day.

In the headquarters, Ace finally met his long-lost brother, Sabo.

By this time, both had been promoted to Vice Admiral.

Ace’s face was burning with ambition.

“I will definitely be promoted to Admiral before you!!!”

“No, I must be ahead of you!!!”


With the end of the picture.

People looked at it unsatisfactorily, and then realized that it was over.

“Damn it! Come again! I haven’t seen enough yet!”

“Come again!”

“Hey, what happened next? Did the three brothers become Admiral?”

“Definitely not yet, the timeline is almost here,”

“No! It’s like listening to a story in a tavern, and then the other person stops telling it halfway through.”

“This is too thorny, what will happen next!”

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