Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Whitebeard Still Has Hair, Aunt Is Still A Beauty


after a while.

His appetite increased.


It started to spread among the pirates.

People knew he was a difficult character to mess with.

Ever since,

The number of pirates who came to him to die began to decrease.

Kaido has no choice.

If this continues, I will starve to death.

Ever since,

He thought of a way.

He took the initiative to appear in Marine’s field of vision.


Captured by Marine.

Then burst into trouble,

Smash all Marines into the air,

Then I went to the cafeteria to have a big meal – a meal,

Leave with enough food.

【Kong: Ma De, Kaido, you bastard, when I asked why so many ships lost contact, it turned out to be your fault!】

【 Sengoku: Damn it! I remembered, in Marine’s secret file, there are indeed some ships that were robbed for no reason, and the food on board was not counted. 】

【It is written in the file that suspicion is a kind of unknown Sea Kings with a certain amount of wisdom. Unexpectedly, it was you who did it!】

【Kaido: Ahem, who told you that your Marine food is so delicious?】

【Kong: Made! Are you treating our Marine like a buffet?】

【Zeff: Restaurant? Where is the restaurant?】

With Kaido’s many “committing crimes”.

There were also a few times when they were accidentally caught by Marine.


Several times, nearly killed.


His body has grown very strong.

Ordinary cold weapons can’t hurt him at all.

Even pistols were of no use to him.

His body was simply that of a monster.

No matter how you kill it, you can’t kill it.

However, there are no seastone cages on ordinary marine warships.

Only use handcuffs.

But that kind of thing can’t lock Kaido.

Often, Kaido is locked in a cell with seastone chains.


at night.

Kaido will directly tear off the place where the seastone chain is connected to the Common steel.

Then sweep everyone on board, find the key again, and then walk away after a big meal.

In the process of “eating the buffet” again and again, Kaido’s bounty also started from 70 million Baileys.

It has risen to a staggering 1 billion Baileys.

And Kaido,

Also from a child who was less than ten years old.

Grow into a teenager.

At this time he,

Already has some similarities with the later Kaido of the Beasts.

Strong body.

Two iconic horns.

With knotted muscles, he carried a mace and possessed invincible force.

At that time, it was not the era of big pirates.

Pirates are few in number.

And Marine is not as much as it is now.

Kaido was almost ready to walk sideways in New World.

some day.


The sea is sparkling.

A large ship with exquisite shape rides the wind and waves, sailing on the sea of ​​New World.

There is a gorgeous palace on the deck.

The interior of this palace.

There is a throne.

The king of the vodka kingdom sat on it.

The hair is a little gray.

The body is getting fatter and fatter.


Food, wine, and beauties are not left alone.

He holds a Zhang Tong arrest warrant for Kaido in his hand.

Looking at Kaido’s fierce expression above,

With a sigh.

“Made! This little thing has grown to such an extent.”

“I have to leave the Vodka Kingdom, otherwise if this little bastard comes to take revenge, I will be miserable!”

Thinking of Kaido’s angry eyes back then.

The Vodka Monarch shivered.



His expression returned to normal.

“Hahaha, but my uncle has returned to the sea now,”

“The sea is so big, there’s no way that little bastard can find me!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha…..”


at this time,


Suddenly, the ship vibrated violently.

The Vodka Monarch’s expression became a little suspicious.

“what happened?”

He asked the guard on the side.

Suddenly a man ran in,

He looked panicked.

“It’s not good! Your Majesty! Pirates broke into the ship!!!”


The King of Vodka jumped up when he heard this,


“What a bunch of trash, stop the pirates for me!

“Laozi’s entire fortune is on this ship,”

“You must defend me with all your strength!”


at this time,

The gate of the palace was suddenly kicked out.

“Hahahahaha, there must be many good things in such a magnificent place,”

“Little ones, give me something?”

Kaido is followed by a group of minions.

Carrying a mace on his shoulders,

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped.

His eyes were fixed on the vodka monarch on the throne in the distance.


The King of Vodka was also stunned.

His eyeballs were wide, almost protruding.

next second.

“Hahahahahaha!! It’s really a narrow road!”

A killing intent flashed in Kaido’s eyes.

And the king of vodka is soft,

Immediately, he became incontinent and fell to the ground.


With a yell, he pressed a mechanism on the throne like hell.

card wipe


A door opened behind the throne,

He crawled towards the back of the door.


for a moment,

A dark, burly figure,

Suddenly appeared in front of the Vodka Monarch.

The muscles are knotted, and the mace is carried on the shoulders.

The Vodka Monarch looked up in despair,

Suddenly found that this is the picture.

after many years,

Today’s Kaido is no longer the kid he was back then.

but has grown into a teenager,

“Forgive…..forgive…..I can give you all my property!”

“However, you can’t kill me, I will give you part of the property every once in a while to prevent you from killing me…”

The Vodka Monarch muttered, his eyes lost sight.

“Hehehe… Don’t worry, I won’t let you die so easily.”

Kaido chuckled,

The other party’s “suggestion” was ignored.


Kill the opponent, grab Bailey, and that’s it.

As for the said property.

He cared, but not as much as the other party thought.

He is not the kind of owner who wants to retire after grabbing one vote,

Instead, he regards being a pirate as a way of life, and wants to be a pirate for the rest of his life.

Live the days of eating meat and drinking from bowls.

There is wine today, drunk today,

If the money is gone, grab it.

As for more money and less money, it depends entirely on luck.

bang bang bang——

Kaido held the mace directly,

Knock out everyone on board.


All are tied up.

“Boss, hehehe, can the ceremony begin?”

A younger brother laughed and rubbed his hands together.

Behind him, including the King of Vodka, all the royal families of the Vodka Kingdom were tied up and hung in the air, with the tumbling sea beneath their feet.

Everyone’s hands and feet were bound, and their mouths were gagged with smelly socks and rags.

“Okay, now I will explain to you what will happen next.”

Kaido sat on a chair specially made for him, drinking wine.

“You will be bled, and the smell of blood will attract sharks, and of course it may attract other strange things.

“Then, you will become the nutrient of the sea, give full play to your well-fed body, and ensure that there will be no waste.

“And you, rest assured, you will be the last to die.”

He looked at the vodka king,

A cruel smile appeared.

“You’ll watch your royals get eaten one by one,”

“Finally, in pain and fear, die.

“Woo woo woo…”

The King of Vodka struggled violently.

However, ie can only make some whining noises.

seeing him like this,

A cruel and bloody smile suddenly appeared on Kaido’s face.

“Hehehe, start!”

He clapped his hands.

Pirates, the ceremony began immediately.

A man ran up to a member of the royal family at the bottom very neatly, pulled out his waist knife, and slashed open the man’s stomach with a slash.

The internal organs and other messy things flowed out immediately and fell into the sea below.

The first unlucky person who became a sacrifice suddenly trembled violently,

The eyes are full of fear.

Obviously, he didn’t expect that he would become the first sacrifice.

What’s more, I didn’t expect that I would die so simply and hastily.

He is a member of the royal family, and he was the absolute protagonist in his life in the past.

But now, an unremarkable pariah used a machete that looked dirty and simple.

He directly cut open his well-groomed belly, and his well-maintained internal organs just slipped out and left him.

His body, which was enshrined as a fine work of art, was slaughtered like a beast and was about to die.

But he can’t do anything,

Only in the midst of pain and despair, gradually lose the strength to struggle.

seeing this scene,

The other people who were hung up suddenly let out a desperate whine.

Then, struggling desperately,

Like a fly caught in a spider’s web.


Seeing this scene, the pirates not only didn’t show the slightest fear.

Instead, he laughed.

It’s like watching a wonderful circus.

This scene immediately made the people who were hung up even more desperate and resentful.



The surface of the sea parted, and a big mouth flew out from it, eating the first unlucky egg in one bite.

He struggled to survive until his death, waiting for rescue and miracles that were impossible to come.

However, the miracle did not happen, he died after all.

And it was a tragic death that he had never imagined.

“Woo woo woo…”

The other members of the royal family were all struggling violently again at this moment.

The fear in my heart was immediately aroused to Ultimate.

The blood all over his body was cold, and his body trembled uncontrollably.


A second mouth popped up shortly afterwards, eating a second and a third.

…asking for flowers……

then the fourth

, the fifth, the sixth…

A person is like a fishing worm who is eaten by something in the sea.

In New World, there are all kinds of strange creatures.

In the end, there was only Vodka Monarch left.

His fear at this time, as well as reached its peak, has even become numb.

The soul seems to have been withdrawn from the body, watching all this from the perspective of a bystander.



He felt a burning pain in his thigh.

A pirate cut him with a knife.


He glared at the other party immediately, and said something desperately in his throat, but he couldn’t make a sound.

At this moment, a stream of warm liquid dripped down his body to the sea below.

Suddenly, he stopped being angry.

His eyes stared at the sea below without blinking.

There, there is obviously a large area, the color is darker than the surrounding.

Deep, dark, as if something dangerous is lurking.

this moment,

The King of Vodka suddenly trembled violently, and even convulsed because the trembling was so violent.

The fat all over her body trembled as if it was about to fall off.


A gigantic strange mouth jumped out of the water, and there were rows of densely packed and jagged teeth inside that were extremely sharp and gave off a faint cold light.

Instantly devoured the vodka king.

ended his sinful life.


the people who witnessed all this,

Everyone was stunned.

How can common people who abide by laws and regulations on weekdays have the opportunity to see this scene?

“Fuck! So cruel! So bloody!”

“It’s disgusting! I like it, though!”

“This fat pig is finally dead. I thought Kaido wouldn’t kill him. I didn’t expect such a cool punishment!”

“I don’t know why, I hope this guy dies, this time I stand more.

“Hiss——isn’t this killing innocent people indiscriminately?”

“Among the people who died just now, someone should be innocent?”

“Hahaha, good death, wonderful death!”

“These so-called nobles are all vampires lying on top of us Common people, satisfying their own desires by exploiting others, a good death!”


People don’t hate Kaido’s actions,


There is also a hint of excitement and appreciation.

【Auntie: Well, well, I didn’t expect Kaido to kill people in such a cruel way at such a young age, but I like it. 】

【Shiki: It has to be you, Kaido, well done!】

[Garp: Although, if I meet this kind of guy, I would want to beat him up. 】

【Sengoku: I didn’t expect the king of Vodka to die like this. It became a mystery for a while, and now I finally have an answer】

【Kong: This guy is not the king of a member country of the World government, so the World government will not increase the bounty for Kaido. 】

[ Kaido: Shark fishing feast, this is just a way for pirates to deal with traitors, nothing to brag about. 】

Kaido has galloped on the sea for many years.


A man named Rocks found him.

Two pirate ships docked on an uninhabited island.

a man with bristling red hair,

Standing in front of Kaido.

And behind the man,

A beautiful pink-haired female pirate was standing, eating a cream-filled cake in her hand.

And a strong man with long Gold hair and a long knife.

“Hey, Kaido, you’ve been in the limelight recently, and you can be said to be the most promising rookie in recent years besides Linlin,”

Rocks held out his hand,

with a smile on your face,

“How about it, do you want to consider joining my pirate group?

“Tch, let me join the pirates?”

Kaido is carrying a mace.

A look of contempt.

“Don’t think that all of you have higher bounties than me, that I’m afraid of you.”

“The bounty is just the threat to the world government. In terms of strength, none of you are my opponents!”

Kaido at this time,

It’s like a complete stunned young man.

【Rocks (deceased): Ha! Look! Look! How immature Kaido was back then!】

【Auntie: Well, well, how dare you tell Captain Rocks, me, and Whitebeard that we can go together, it’s really shameless. 】

[Whitebeard: Kulala la la la, Kaido was still young at that time. 】

【Kaido: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Nima! It’s black history again! Damn it! Don’t broadcast it!】

[Quinn: I didn’t expect my elder brother to be so stunned. 】

【Jack: Rocks, if I had been there, I would have pulled the boat over!】

People in the two worlds haven’t reacted yet,

Who are these guys who dare to provoke Kaido.



When I saw the barrage sent by the big guys.

one by one dumbfounded,

“Damn it! These are the Whitebeards from when they were younger, Mom?”

“That redhead is Rocks from Legendary?”

“Auntie was so beautiful when she was young? Such a good figure??”

“What about my eyes? Why are my eyes blind? Why is Mao’s current aunt so ugly?”

“When Whitebeard was young, he was also a handsome guy? I rely on it!”.

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