Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 14

014. I’Ll Prove It To You, I… I’M A Man!

“Promise him!”

“Quickly promise him!”

“It’s so cute and cute, who can say no to that?”

“Hurry up and let him join the Marine, stop teasing him.”

There are more bullet chats from the two worlds on the public screen.

“(Now) Garp: Hahaha, my good grandson, the old man really couldn’t hold back at that time. If Commissar Ron hadn’t given me a wink, I’m afraid I would have agreed as soon as I couldn’t control myself. After all, who How can you refuse such a cute grandson? Hahaha.”

Garp laughed and patted Luffy Admiral on the head while sending barrage.

“(now) Luffy: Grandpa, get your hands away quickly, there are so many people watching here! I’m Admiral now anyway, save me some face Hey, and ah, get your stubble chin away, It hit me!!!”

“(Now) Momousagi: Luffy Admiral was much cuter when she was little than she is now, and she wasn’t so shy before.”

“(Now) Luffy: Shut up, Momousagi! Don’t bring up the past!”

“(Present) Sengoku: Ahem, I just hate that I wasn’t there at the time. I didn’t expect Luffy Admiral to go through such a big twists and turns after joining Marine.”

“(Now) Tashigi: By the way, Luffy Admiral, can I interview you, is your process going well with Marine?”

“(Present) Luffy: How can it be smooth, I have experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and now I really regret it. If I had known it at the beginning, I would have directly agreed to Commissar Ron.”

Sengoku from the world of the original world, watching such a lively chatting atmosphere on the public screen.

The above name also exists in his world, so he also knows it.

Including people from all walks of life in Marine.

It’s… unbelievable that they can talk so casually.

It’s like a family.

How did you do it?

Sengoku doesn’t understand.

in his world

There is a strict hierarchy within the Marine.

How dare the subordinates chat with the chief so casually.

This is against the rules.

Sengoku would like to ask.

But I’m sorry.

After all, this is a public screen.

If you ask yourself, isn’t it just showing that you envy the other person’s way of getting along.

As the Marine marshal here, he can’t lose face.

This is equivalent to admitting in disguise that the Marine managed by oneself is not as good as the Marine managed by the opposite party.

He didn’t want to admit it.

“Forget it. Let the old man observe and experience it slowly through the live video. I believe you should be able to see the clues from it.”

Sengoku secretly made up his mind.

He also wanted to know why the atmosphere in the opposite Marine was so good.

You can also learn from it here.

“(Original) Luffy: Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can I ask to join Marine?”

Luffy was dumbfounded.

Is that person on the screen still himself?

He couldn’t imagine himself hugging his grandpa’s thigh, begging him to let him join the Marine.

The members of the Straw Hat Crew who are scattered all over the world are also shocked by the picture played on the screen.

Unexpectedly, their captain wanted to join Marine.

If the Luffy of that world becomes a Marine.

So where will these partners go?



Looking at Luffy holding his thigh, begging to let him join the Marine.

Garp’s mouth and feet are cracked to the back of his head, this big grandson, now the more he looks at him, the more he likes him.

cough cough.

They are about to make an exception and let him join Marine.

Then I saw Ron’s eyes.

Garp took the words back immediately.

“This, grandpa can’t make the decision. We still have to look at Commissar Ron. You should go and beg him.”

oops. Heart hurts.

I didn’t expect that it would be so uncomfortable to refuse the request of my lovely grandson.

Garp clutches his chest.

Why didn’t I feel it before?

In the past, I often refused Luffy’s request.


That’s because the eldest grandson was not cute at all before.

Garp suddenly remembered.

The previous grandsons are one bite at a time. I want to be a pirate.

Where is half the cuteness?

Every time I see it, I can’t help but beat him up.

“(Original) Garp: Another me, promise him now, I can’t stand it anymore.”

Garp in the original world also felt a little heartache.

Turn around and look at your silly grandson again.

My heart hurts even more.


I am an incompetent, stupid grandson, and I know how to make things difficult for the old man.

Whenever, I can let the old man enjoy the family happiness in that world.

And this time.

The silly grandson Luffy still gritted his teeth and said to Garp:

“Hey, grandpa, don’t worry, I won’t beg you to be Marine, I’m the man who wants to be One Piece.”


One sentence directly brought Garp back to reality.

Almost vomited blood.

“Speak again, be careful that this old man beats you with an iron fist!!!”

This stupid grandson is mad at me to death!

Sengoku also felt a headache when he looked at the grandpa and grandson on his side.

People are more than people, it’s maddening.

It’s a good thing I don’t have children, otherwise, if I’m like the stubborn elder son and stupid grandson in the Garp family, how can I fix it?

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.



Didn’t the self in another world have two children with Staff He?

I don’t know what happened to them.


Sengoku was kind of curious.

And he also wanted to ask.

But… if asked in public on the public screen.

Still a little embarrassing.

And the crane was right next to him, so it seemed a bit old-fashioned to ask him that.

never mind.

Maybe it will appear in the video in the future, I’d better bear with it and don’t ask.

I hope it will not be like the Garp family in this world.


in the video.

Little Luffy went to Ron’s place to have a hard time.


“Then tell me, why not!”

Hmph, I don’t believe it, I can’t become an Excellent sailor.

Luffy puffed his cheeks and thought angrily.

This appearance made the audience of the two worlds call it cute again.

Ron held up a finger.

“The first point, you are not satisfied.”

“Which point, tell me quickly.” Little Luffy couldn’t wait, eager to know.

“You are not a man yet, you are too weak, do you think anyone can join the Marine, our Marine does not accept such weak people.”

“When you go to the battlefield in the future, do you still need your partner to protect you?”

With a wave of his hand, Ron pointed at the army, and his cloak suddenly rose in the wind.

“Just ask the thousands of troops behind me.”

“Do they dare to hand over their backs to you?”

“Remember.” Ron’s expression suddenly became serious.

“On the battlefield, a comrade-in-arms is the most trustworthy partner, a qualified comrade-in-arms…”

“You can safely hand over your back to him.”

“Do you think fighting is just playing tricks?”

“Now you, are you qualified to let others hand over your back to you?”

“Do you still expect everyone to protect you?”

Luffy was stunned by what he said.

This was the first time he was overwhelmed by Marine’s aura.

The man in front of me is so handsome!

The thousands of troops and horses behind them all turned into little stars in Luffy’s eyes.

The filter is full.

I, want to join Marine!

“I will prove that I am a man!”

Little Luffy said firmly.

“I’ll prove it to you, I…I…I can make my partner turn over to me!”


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