Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 16

016. Ron’S Education Method And Garp’S Education Method

in the video.

“I’ll prove I’m a man.”

Little Luffy finished the sentence.

Then he turned his head and left.

“I want to become stronger!”

Little Luffy muttered to himself as he walked.

“But how can I become stronger?”

It’s all because I left too hastily.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked my grandfather or that Marine big brother.

“By the way, didn’t that Marine big brother say that eating this Devil Fruit would make him stronger?”

Luffy rubbed his stomach.

Gurg grunt.

It didn’t feel strong.

Instead, I feel very hungry.

“It’s all because the fruit is too unpalatable. I’m hungry now, why don’t I eat first.”

Little Luffy thinks that it is better to think about becoming stronger after eating.

Little Luffy is back at Makino’s Tavern.

After all, he used to eat here a lot too, because Garp didn’t care about him.

“Makino, I’m going to be a Marine!”

Luffy said it to everyone.

Very proud, as if he has become a Marine.

Makino squeezed Luffy’s face with a smile and said:

“Aren’t you going to be a pirate this time?”

Luffy held the barbecue made by Makino, and said vaguely while eating:

“No, I have already decided, I want to be a Marine! I want to be a Marine Marshal, a Marine even more powerful than grandpa!”

“That’s amazing, hehe,” Makino was amused. “Then you have to work hard, your grandfather is also a very good Marine.”

“I will be even better! Grandpa can eat a meal for three people, and I will eat a meal for ten people! Hiccup~”

Luffy burped, and after eating ten servings, he was still too full.

After eating, Luffy was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and said to Makino:

“How much.”

Makino was a little surprised.

This is the first time Luffy asks this question, he has been eating and drinking for nothing before.

“Windmill Village has always been protected by Mr. Garp. No pirate dares to make trouble here. In order to thank Mr. Garp, you will not be charged for meals.”

“That won’t work, that Marine big brother said, an Excellent Marine won’t take the masses one by one.”

Luffy still remembered that Ron had to pay for a cup of hot water.

Now he also needs to demand himself according to the principles of Marine.

“That, 1000 Baileys.” Makino held out ten fingers and waved them in front of Luffy.

“I don’t have any money.” Luffy was a little embarrassed, only thinking about paying, but didn’t think about whether he had money.

“By the way, I’ll catch you a big beast and come back to pay for the meal.”

Luffy thought that people in the village would always go to the mountains to hunt and sell money, so he said.

Luffy decides to go up the mountain and fight the beast.

Get out of the tavern.

Little Luffy saw Marine’s people escorting Shanks and his gang to the warship.

Shanks saw Luffy too, so he paused.

Luffy ran over and looked up at Shanks and others who were crushed aboard the warship.



“I’m not a pirate anymore.”

“I want to be a Marine!”

“I will find a partner who will not lose to you, a onepiece who will go ahead of you, and if we meet again on the sea one day, I will catch you.”

Milky voice.

It made the people on the Marine warship laugh.

Although there is no momentum.

But cute.

Shanks froze for a moment.

He didn’t even think that after only a few hours of separation, Luffy would not be a pirate but want to be a Marine?

This changed too quickly.

“I’m really looking forward to that day.” After Shanks finished speaking, he was escorted onto the warship.

“(Original) Sengoku: After meeting Ron, the farewell to Shanks is different.”

I remember in another video, Luffy shouted at Shanks at this time, he wanted to find a group of partners who would not lose to Shanks, and become One Piece.

Such a comparison.

The ideological awareness of the two Luffys is indeed very different.

“(Original) Shanks: Luffy actually wants to catch me?”

“(Original) Garp: The Luffy in that world is still cute, much better than my stupid grandson.”

“(Original) Luffy: …”

Little Luffy after saying goodbye to Shanks.

Then set off towards the mountain.

Looking at Luffy’s back from a distance.

Garp said with some concern.

“What if he changes his mind? Then I’ll say yes to joining Marine.”

It’s hard to fool Luffy… No, I persuaded Luffy to join Marine.

I’m so afraid that all my previous efforts will be wasted.

Ron took a sip from his thermos and said.

“Do you want a responsible Marine Admiral, or just an Excellent Marine soldier.”


Is this still an option?

Without even thinking about it, Garp said directly, “Of course it’s Marine Admiral.”

“Then listen to me.”

“But.” Garp was still a little worried.

“You educate or I educate.” Ron smiled, and he also understood Garp’s mentality.

Finally, my grandson can agree to be Marine.

Garp is afraid of long nights and dreams.

“Of course it’s your political commissar’s education.” Garp scratched his head and said.

But at this moment.


The picture on the screen pauses.

Then switch to another screen.

A line of words appeared on the screen.

“Garp’s Education Vs Ron’s Education”

“Play Now Garp’s Way of Education”

Then, Admiral Luffy’s video paused, and Luffy’s life in the original world began to play.

Same goes for little Luffy.

Also just said goodbye to Shanks.

At the moment, he has put on Shanks’ straw hat.

Fast forward time.

Garp is taking Luffy up the hill.

“Grandpa, where are we going?”

Garp said casually: “Leave you in the village, how can you keep in touch with pirates?”

“Starting today, I will train you to become an Excellent Marine soldier!”

“I don’t want to be a Marine, I want to be a pirate!” Luffy said stubbornly.


Garp punches Luffy on the head.

Suddenly a big bag appeared on his head.

“I’m obviously a rubber man, why do I feel pain?”

“That’s because it’s the fist of love!” Garp said with a laugh.

“It hurts so much, grandpa, so what are we going to train today?” Luffy covered her head, tears were about to come out from the pain.

“Throwing you off a cliff at practice today.”

During the conversation, Garp had brought Luffy to the edge of the cliff.

Luffy:? ? ? ?

“(Original) Sengoku: Garp, are you serious?”

“(Original) Garp: Hahaha, of course, the old man’s education method is definitely much better than Ron’s education method, only I can train Excellent sailors!!!”

“(Original) Sengoku: Would you like to see what your grandson is now? Say that again.”

People in both worlds were stunned.

This is the first time I have heard of this training method.

Are you sure this is training, not murder?


Ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets

Every flower, evaluation ticket, and monthly ticket are the motivation for the author to code. I will ask for a wave of data at night, and I will continue to code early tomorrow.

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