Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 38

038. Can’T Pass The Ace Political Review? The Identity Of The Person Behind The Alliance Is Exposed

Not to mention the people watching the video.

Momousagi on the scene was dumbfounded.

what happened?

What just happened?

How could this brat turn his back on the light after passing a blanket by himself?

This rhythm is too fast.

The two of them lay here without talking a few words.

Am I missing something critical?

How can I get excited about this little Ace while talking about it?

Momousagi looked at little Ace who suddenly stood up impassioned.

Completely dumbfounded.

Suddenly there is a feeling of watching street magic.

Do magic tricks in front of your face, and you can’t even see the clues.

Obviously, he was present at all the conversations of Commissar Ron.

Momousagi thought the conversation had just begun.

Who would have thought it was over.

This little pirate has joined the army, of course it’s over.

Ron also stood up slowly.

Hit the Aces up and down.

Then laughed.

“You…can’t be a Marine.”

Little Ace was stunned.

He didn’t expect Ron to give this answer.

Momousagi was also stunned.

what happened?

Why was it rejected again?

What kind of rhythm is this, why can’t I understand it?


Ace blurted out.

“Because you can’t pass the political trial, haha.”

Ron said half-jokingly.

“What is a political trial?”

Little Ace frowned and asked.

“It means that immediate family members who have criminal records cannot join the army.”

Ron came up with a very new concept.

Ace was speechless.

I finally made up my mind to become a Marine, but in the end I couldn’t.

I blame my One Piece father.

“(Original) Sengoku: The concept of political review is very thoughtful and worth promoting.”

Sengoku didn’t know what the political review meant at first, but after listening to Ron’s explanation.

Suddenly it dawned on me.

This is really necessary in the military.

If someone in the immediate family is a pirate or has a criminal record, they really shouldn’t be allowed to join the army.

if not.

Later, when I ran into my relatives who were pirates during missions, it was inevitable that I would be merciful and let the water go.

Isn’t this causing trouble for Marine herself?

Why didn’t I think about this question before?

When thinking of here.

Sengoku gave a blank look to Garp who was standing beside him.

Especially this guy.

Reminiscent of what the previous Death of Ace video played.

This Garp is very suspected of letting Luffy go.

If you want to fundamentally solve this problem, then you cannot allow people whose immediate family members are pirates to stay in the Marine.

Garp: “You old man, what do you always watch me do?”

Sengoku snorted coldly.

“I think the political commissar across the street proposed the concept of political review, and we should implement it here as well.”

Garp: “Hey, hey, what do you mean, old man? This is aimed at the old man. The old man has said it, it is definitely impossible to let Luffy go.”

Sengoku: “Yes, you put it directly into the sea.”

“(Present) Garp: The old man’s political trial is absolutely fine! A whole family of Third Generation members are Marine Admirals, so they are very popular. It’s me in another world. With your status, how can you stay in Marine Admiral? Woolen cloth?”

“(Original) Garp: Because there is no political review here, old man!!! What kind of nonsense is this?”

“(Original) Sengoku: I will implement this system after I prepare for the Summit War!”

“(Original) Garp: You old man! Backstab me, huh?”


Little Ace was very disappointed.

For some reason, after today’s talk, I really want to be a Marine.

But now I can’t do it again.

“Then, what else can I do? Anyway, I won’t be a pirate, and I can’t go the way that guy wants me to go.”

Little Ace looked at Ron firmly.

“I have a secret job for you, can I trust you?”

Ron said.

Ron knew what Ace wanted most, which was trust and affection, which touched him the most.

This is related to the growth environment of Ace.

This can be seen from the fact that he gave up his own pirate group and accepted Whitebeard as his godfather.

A sudden sentence.

Instantly let Ace break the defense.


This word is so strange and distant to him.

No one had ever said that to him in all his life.

Ace suddenly felt that the Marine in front of him seemed to be different from his father, and had an inexplicable intimacy.

“Okay! Tell me, what is the mission?”

Ace said seriously.

He is far more mature than children of the same age.

Ron pulled out the map he’d been looking at.

Glanced sideways at Momousagi.

Momousagi tactfully retreated left and right, and retreated herself.

On deck, just Ron and Ace.

See here.

Ace was even more excited.

Is it so secret?

This Marine, who just met him, trusts him too much.

I can’t let him down.

Ron slowly unfolded the map.

Several countries with important strategic positions are highlighted above

Ron cut to the chase.

“I’m planning an organization called the Peace League.”

“As for what the purpose is, you don’t need to know now.”

“I hope that you will lead more countries to join this organization.”

“This matter is top secret. You must not let anyone know that the person behind you is me, understand.”

After Ace finished listening, he couldn’t help shaking.

Is this going to supersede the World government?

Ace is smart, even if Ron didn’t elaborate, Ace guessed it from the correspondence on the map.

Immediately, a rush of blood was ignited.

He actually entrusted such an important task to himself.

“Do you trust me that much?” Ace said in disbelief.

Ron patted Ace on the head.

Asked rhetorically:

“Aren’t you worthy of my trust?”

“Okay, I won’t let you down.” Ace said seriously.

“(Original) Ace: Unexpectedly, in another world, I could meet someone who trusts me so much.”

See here.

Now the world is frying pan.

“(Now) Five Elders: Huh? So Ron is the real ruler of the Peace League? Sabo and Ace are just superficial agents?”

“(Currently) Sengoku: Commissar Ron? Why do I feel that you are not trying to persuade these children to change their ways, but secretly cultivating your own power?”

“(now) Garp; eh? At that time, the old man clearly followed the whole process, why didn’t he see anything?”

“(Present) Sengoku: You idiot, it’s because you can’t see it, so the political commissar took you with confidence.”

“(Present) Five Elders: Sengoku, did your Marines know about it a long time ago, and are you all acting with me here? The members of the Peace Alliance are almost catching up with the members of our World government! Let your Marines keep investigating the mastermind behind it You have been unable to find out the information. It turns out that the mastermind behind it is inside your Marine! You also said that it has something to do with your Marine.”

late at night.

Ron had gone back to rest.

Ace lay alone on the deck overnight.

Early in the morning, little Ace takes this secret mission.

Back in the tent again.

Looking at the sleeping Sabo and Luffy.

He found that there was only one slipper left in Luffy’s mouth.

“This guy, shouldn’t he eat the other one?”

“You two, get up soon! It’s time for training.”

“Aren’t you going to be the king of the Kingdom of Goa, aren’t you going to capture Whitebeard? Why don’t you hurry up and train!!!”

Ace wakes them up.

Sabo: “Huh? Are you going to train with us too? You agreed to join us?”

Sabo was a little surprised.

“Well, that’s right, the three of us will train together from today on.”

Luffy said childishly:

“How do you feel that Ace is completely different today from yesterday, like a different person, doesn’t he hate Marine the most?”

Sabo thought for a while and said:

“Could it be that you went to talk to Commissar Ron last night?”

Ace refused to admit it. After all, he had sworn before that he would never be swayed by Ron’s talk.

So now I admit that I talked to Ron and was persuaded by the other party.

Wouldn’t that be a slap in the face?

So, Ace said very seriously with a straight face.

“Of course I didn’t. I slept very hard yesterday. I didn’t get up in the middle of the night, and I didn’t board the warship at all, and I didn’t watch the stars and talk with that guy named Ron. I just figured it out. I’m afraid you two don’t I protect, die too soon.”

At this time, Lu Fei said out of time:

“Huh? But Ace, you are weaker than both of us.”

“Shut up! That’s only temporary, as long as we train together, I’m sure I’ll overtake you two in no time.” Ace was angrily shouted by Luffy.

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