Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 54

054. Koshiro: In Just A Few Days, I Trained My Daughter Like This. Depart From Cocosia Village

This is beyond the normal state of Mera-mera Fruit.

Flames covered almost the entire island.

Now look up from below.

It’s like looking at a torrent of flames.

Layers of huge waves rolled across the sky.

And the beginning of everything.

That’s the flame blade in Kuina’s hand!


It’s still like ~burned oil well.

Continuously shoots flames into the sky.

Shimotsuki village.

It turned out that everyone was in a dreamland.

Suddenly woke up by this hellish scene.

Looking up, many people thought that they were still asleep, that what they were having was a nightmare.

Because all this is not like what can be seen in reality.

The entire sky was set on fire.

This billowing flame.

It’s scary.

Koshiro also hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out.

He ran to Kuina’s house immediately.

“Guina, open the door quickly, and put on your clothes quickly! We have to get out of here!”

Koshiro is very anxious.

The most terrifying sight in the sky was one he had never seen before.

If this flame falls from the sky.

The entire village of Shimotsuki will be instantly incinerated.

At that time, no one can escape.


It is necessary to flee here immediately with Kuina before the flames fall.

But no matter how he knocked on the door.

There was no movement inside.

“This Guyina, did she sleep so deeply? If I don’t open the door, I’ll crash in.”

After shouting for a long time, there was still no movement inside.

Time is running out.

If you don’t leave, it will be too late.

Koshiro went straight to the goal.

However, after going in.

Koshiro was completely dumbfounded.

After a while.

There was Koshiro’s upward roar.

“Where’s my daughter?”

People are gone.

The door locked well from the inside.

Koshiro panicked.

He didn’t know that his daughter would run to the back mountain every night.

“This guy, did you sneak off to practice swords again?”

Before that, his daughter often went to the gymnasium to practice swinging a sword in the middle of the night.

Koshiro immediately ran to the inside of the gym, but found that there was still no one inside.

This time, Koshiro was totally dumbfounded.

He couldn’t even dream of it.

The overwhelming scene of hell in front of me.

It was his daughter who made it.

The daughter he thought would never become a great swordsman.

audience in the original world.

See the blazing scene in the video.

Even through the screen.

Can feel the power of burning heaven and earth.

It’s also horrible.

Can the fruit’s ability reach this level?

Impossible, covering the entire island.

“(Original) Ace: This, is this really the power that Mera-mera Fruit can burst out? It is infinitely stronger than when I use it. This is just a weapon that can eat shrimp Mera-mera Fruit.”

Ace on the execution platform at the moment.

His face was full of disbelief.

He is the current owner of Mera-mera Fruit.

is the most vocal.

His development of fruit can be said to be very powerful.

Although it has not yet reached the level of awakening.

With his current strength, use it with all his strength.

The Yandi Great Flame Ring that was issued probably doesn’t even have 1/10 of this scale.


What hits Ace the most is.

The other party was just a 10-year-old girl.


She only practiced for 4 days.

Will it be able to release the fruit power of this scale?

If this is practiced for two and a half years, is it okay?

Is this the method taught by Commissar Ron?

This is too strong.

When you meet a good teacher, the speed of learning is really different.

Ace thinks of himself in another world.

He is only 11 years old and can use Haki and Marine styles.

I have been tossing for so many years, and I am not as good as Ron’s two students in terms of the use of fruits and the development of Haki.

first time. t

Ace had the idea of ​​envious of another world.

“(Original) Hawkeye: With this kind of damage, what kind of swordsmanship do you still practice? I admit that I was too superficial before. This guy named Ron’s political commissar really has his own unique training method. After this incident, the world The methods used by all those who learn swords have become stupid methods.”

Hawkeye Mihawk felt embarrassed to talk about the training methods he used when he was a child.

Even the world’s number one swordsman has spoken

It can be seen that the weight of Gu Yina’s blow with the sword is enough.

Even Hawkeye had to admit it.

This is the most impenetrable swordsmanship he has ever seen in his life.

hard to imagine.

In another world, what is the scene of a decisive battle with this person?

At the same time he finally understood.

What did Ron mean when he said that he didn’t care about anything and heaped attack power.

Also finally clear.

How can a woman become the number one swordsman in the world.

It is not uncommon for a woman to become a swordsman, but the number one swordsman has only one position, and no woman has ever been able to occupy this position.

If you continue to practice according to this trend.

With Kuina’s Haki enhanced, the attacks that come out will be devastating.

can not imagine.

Even Akainu from the original world.

They were all shocked.

He is currently the strongest Devil Fruit holder.

The same is the fire department.

“(Original) Akainu: With Mera-mera Fruit itself, it is impossible to emit such a powerful flame. That Ron does have a method, and he is able to stimulate Devil Fruit to such an extent. How did he do it?”

“(Original) Kizaru: Eh? It’s scary.”

[(Original) Sengoku: Today, I really opened my eyes, Ron is not training a profession, he created a profession, what should we call such a swordsman in the future?”

“(Currently) Sengoku: We are generally called Demon Swordsmen here!”

in the video.

Little Gu Yina was also frightened by the attack she issued.


Is this the swordsmanship my master taught me?

It seems that the master did not lie to himself.

I really can become the world’s number one swordsman one day.

But not happy for long.

Little Kuina realized something was wrong.

I can’t seem to control myself.

After all, this is the first time she has used this technique.

Therefore, there is no way to control the trend of the flame.

Cause the flames to spread around the sky.

There was no way she could take it back.

There is no way to control it.

If this continues.

The flames will get out of control.


It’s out of control now.

Little Kuina’s complexion changed drastically.

After all, the following are all villagers of Shimotsuki village.

Judging from the monstrous flames now.

Once the flames go down.

Everyone will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

This small island will also become a flaming mountain where no grass grows!


Totally out of control.

Guina panicked.

The sky was full of flames, and it began to be like a torrential rain.

pour down.

Everyone in Shimotsuki Village was stunned.

At this time, I have given up running away, because it doesn’t make sense anymore.

There is simply nowhere to go.

Can only wait for death.

then at this moment

The flames in the sky began to retract rapidly.

As if being sucked back by something.

Just a few seconds.

It has all disappeared.

And Ron.

He also let go of the hand holding the hilt of the sword.

Watching the flames in the sky finally disappear.

Kuina can’t take it anymore


“I can’t take it anymore.”

Then his eyes went black.

Lean back straight away.

After all, only 10 years old.


He also used up all the Haki on his body in an instant.

Severe physical exhaustion.

Fainting is normal at this time

early morning.

Only then did Guina slowly wake up on Ron’s lap.


The face is a little hot.

“Do you know where your limit is? In this way, you will have a limit in your heart, which is why I let you use it with all your strength.

Ron stretched.

said with a smile.

“Yes, Master.”

Little Gu Yina wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and responded.

“It’s time to get out of here, too.”

“Go back and get ready.”

“Ah?” Guina was overjoyed, “Can I go together too?”

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

“I think, of course I miss Master.”

Guina hopped along behind Ron.

“By the way, don’t forget to apologize to the people in the village for a while, you caused such a big panic yesterday.”

“Understood, Master.”

on the warship.

“Brother Ron!”

“Commander Ron!”

“Sir Ron!”

The three little idiots stood at attention and shouted.

Ron nodded.

“Brother Ron, you haven’t been back for several days, I’ve practiced Haki really well recently.

…0 for flowers…

After the little Luffy finished speaking, he waved forward twice like Haki’s wounded fist.

You can vaguely see traces of Haki flowing.

Although not obvious.

But it is indeed advanced to the more advanced Haki.

“Not bad. Progress is okay.

“Eh? Isn’t she the one from the Kendo Gym?” Little Luffy suddenly recognized Guina behind Ron.

Facing the three of Luffy, Kuina didn’t have a good face.

Keep a straight face.

It was the complete opposite of his previous attitude towards Ron.

“My name is Luffy! Hee hee.” Luffy walked over and said.

“Stop the hippies, stay away from me.”

Gu Yina said angrily.

Luffy didn’t care if he touched his nose.

Still baring his teeth and giggling there.

“Hi, my name is Ace.”

“I didn’t tell you, did I?”

Ace also touched his nose.

Sabo was just about to go up and introduce himself, looking at that cold face, thinking about it, he took another step back wisely.

He didn’t want to be caught in the same dust.

after an hour.

Little Guina, go back to the village.

“Guina, where have you been? You scared me to death!” Koshiro said anxiously.

“Oh.” Gu Yina just remembered that she still has a father.

For the past two days, I forgot about my father.

“I’m fine.”

“By the way, I’m going to practice with Master, and I may have to leave for a while.


“What?” Koshiro didn’t respond for a moment.

How come there is another master all of a sudden?

How is this going.

Could it be that he was deceived by some liar?

Out of father’s vigilance.

Plus the daughter is so pretty.

Koshiro couldn’t help thinking.

“Which master? Where is it from?”

“It’s the Marine big brother who came that day.”

Guina explained.

“What can you learn from him? Did he lie to you again, saying that women can become the world’s number one swordsman, so you learned from him.” Koshiro said vigilantly.

“Master didn’t lie to me, I really can.”

It’s over, it really is cheated. Koshiro’s heart tightened.

“A woman cannot become a great swordsman.”

Koshiro said earnestly.

Instead of arguing with Koshiro now, Kuina said.

“The folks must have arrived.

“What’s going on?” Koshiro was confused.

“I brought them all down, and I want to apologize to them in public.”

“Apologize for what?”

“When I was practicing last night, I accidentally lost control, which caused a fire all over the sky and almost hurt everyone, so I want to apologize.”

“What?” Koshiro stood there dumbfounded.

Did you hear me right?

The terrible disaster yesterday was actually caused by my own daughter.

What are you kidding?

He still knows how much his daughter weighs.

How could such a horrible phenomenon be caused.

“I’m sorry everyone, I apologize to everyone.”

Because Ron made her apologize.

So Guina is very serious.

I apologized to every villager, and bought various gifts for everyone with the pocket money I saved.

At this time, someone in the crowd asked curiously.

“Guina, you really caused the fire?”

“This is too exaggerated.”

Guina also knew that explanations were useless.

Silently pulled out the words He Daoyi.

This time the power was under control.

He drew his knife sharply.

Blazing flames instantly swept across the sky.

Just for an instant.

Everyone recalled the fear of being dominated last night.

Fortunately, this time Kuina managed to control the flames again.

Only then did everyone regain their senses.

“Guina, when did you become so powerful?”

Amidst a group of exclamations, everyone was relieved to disperse.

When Guina turned around.

I saw the bewildered father behind me.

“Father, do you think I can do it?”

“Yes, yes, women can become great swordsmen!”

Koshiro turned his attitude 180 degrees and said hastily.

Pulling out a knife has such a big effect, so it will pay off in a fight.

It seems that the master is really a master.

In just a few days, Gu Yina has been taught like this.

Koshiro was shocked.

Say goodbye to father.

Guina boarded the warship.

Listen to Master, the next stop is Cocosia Village.


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