Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 57

057. Random Quiz: Is Buggy The Four Emperors? Only A Fool Would Choose This Answer

[(Original) Smoker: I feel that the political commissar on the opposite side is very classy, ​​that is the feeling of controlling everything. ”

[(Original) Tashigi: That’s right, that’s what it feels like, holding a thermos, half-clothed, looks like a leader. ”

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: I have to say that the aura is indeed very strong. With this aura, it can’t be developed if you don’t spend 30 to 50 years in the officialdom, but Ron looks like he is in his 20s. How do you do it? To give people such a strong aura?”

The original One Piece World.

Everyone looked at the picture in the video.

The thermos that Ron was holding at hand, and the cloak that Doctor Tao gave Ron at the right time.

Plus what Ron said to Akainu. The tone was calm, as if chatting homely, but it was undeniable.

All this seems to be common.


It was extremely shocking to the people of the original world.

Because, it was Marine Admiral who respectfully stood aside and waited for orders.

The one who handed Ron the cape was Momousagi, Admiral candidate for Marine headquarters.

These two guys are rebellious and resolute figures in the original Pirate World.

But with Ron.

But he stood like a minion.

In such a contrast.

Ron is a common move.

It appears at this moment.

Extraordinarily aura.

Even Sengoku had to admit it.

He seemed more like a marshal than himself.

Thinking of myself, that guy Akainu always talks back to me, and Momousagi can’t understand what I mean.

Just think about it and get angry.

By contrast.

As a marshal himself, he has no prestige.

Damn it! If only Akainu on my side was so obedient.

If only Momousagi on my side could have such a discerning price.

Sengoku couldn’t help thinking.

People are more than people, it’s maddening.

Sengoku could even believe it.

If you change to your own world.

Even if he was blown by the wind there, he was about to freeze to death, that guy Momousagi would not put the cloak on himself.

And when I give orders to Akainu, Akainu may not listen, and even slap himself with a few words.

Just like the scene in the video.

If I let that fellow Akainu distinguish rewards and punishments, and punish him according to the crime, I guess Akainu would be able to scold him on the spot and make himself unable to step down.

Just when Sengoku thought so.

An inappropriate voice suddenly appeared.

Garp grinned and said:

“Eh? Sengoku, where did you get that thermos? I don’t remember you having one before.

“Ahem, don’t talk too much! You idiot!” Sengoku coughed twice.


Just now he couldn’t help imitating Ron.

It’s really embarrassing.

I mainly blame myself for being too absorbed in watching the video.

Affected by Ron’s old cadre aura.

As a result, I couldn’t help but took out the thermos cup and imitated it in my hand.

Damn Garp.

Even at such a critical moment, she even exposed herself.

Can’t you just pretend you can’t see it?

I’m afraid that others won’t see the old man make a fool of himself, right?

It was so embarrassing.

I really wanted to punch him hard in the face.

Sengoku shot Garp an annoyed look.

“Ah, old man got it, Sengoku, are you impersonating Ron?” Garp added.


Sengoku threw the thermos directly at Garp.

at this moment.

The screen suddenly pauses.

The familiar line of words scrolled out again.

“The 5th round of random answer questions begins”

“In the process of comparing Luffy’s life, when the people involved with Luffy appear, a random question-and-answer mode will be activated.”

“The content of the question and answer is: The two worlds guess the future identity of the person in the other world.”

“The format of the question and answer is: multiple-choice questions, using the rush-to-answer mode. The person who answers correctly first will get the first answer reward, and the rest of the correct answers will get a reward of increasing physical attributes by 1%”

“The subject of this time is: Buggy the Clown”

The answer has come to the 5th round.

Everyone present is no longer the Xiaobai they were at the beginning.

After they have gone through the first 4 rounds of answering questions, they have become very cautious and can be regarded as veteran answerers.

After all, mistakes made before cannot be repeated.


Whenever a new question appears, they will read the question rigorously.

Because the rules of the first 4 random answers are different.

As a result, many people did not read the questions carefully, and adopted the previous answering rules, and made a wrong choice when they came up.

For example, it is clearly a multiple choice, but a single choice is selected, or it is clearly a single choice, but a multiple choice is selected.


This time with the rules rolling.

Everyone cheered up.

Carefully study the rules, not daring to miss a single word.

I’m afraid that when I rush to answer for a while, I will make mistakes because I don’t understand the rules.

After all, even if you can’t get the first answer reward.

It is also very tempting to increase the physical attribute by 1%.

According to those who were lucky enough to answer correctly in the previous rounds, 1% can also obviously feel the improvement in strength.

On this sea, especially the battlefield of Summit War.

Every point of strength may decide the outcome.

So we must fight for it.

The same is true for Marines, and the same is true for Pirates.

“(Original) Whitebeard: Please pay attention this time, it’s a multiple-choice question, don’t be blinded by a single option at the beginning, do you hear me?”

[(Original) Jack: Boss, this time is a multiple-choice question, and the puzzle method you taught us can no longer be used. ”

“(Original) Sengoku: Keep your spirits up, this time it’s Buggy the clown, go and collect all the information about Buggy.”

Compared with the tense atmosphere of the original world.

The world seems a lot easier now.

Marines have already increased their attributes by 5%, which is a huge improvement.

And this time it’s all thanks to Ron.

Commissar Ron can answer the correct option every time, so Marine doesn’t panic at all now.

Basically, another 1% increase is a sure thing.

Sengoku from the original world can only cast an expression of envy and hatred.

Seeing that the world on the other side is still eating and drinking, not in a hurry at all, and then looking at himself, he is already busy.

Mad, also Marine, why is there such a big gap?

The more the comparison, the more crashed.

“Before the topic is announced”

“People in the two worlds can choose where the topic takes place”

Looking at the two lines of subtitles that suddenly rolled over.

Both worlds have fallen into a state of incomprehension.

What means?

Another new rule?

What does it mean to be able to choose the place where the topic takes place?

Because I don’t quite understand what it means, so I said that everyone is not speaking now.


The following subtitles begin to explain the topic.

“Please choose between the two worlds”

“1. All the identities acquired by Buggy the Clown in the original world”

2. All the identities acquired by the clown Buggy in the real world”

[(Original) Garp: I see. It seems that the answering questions this time are easier than the previous 4 rounds. It allows us to choose the world in which the characters are located. ”

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: That’s right, before we could only answer Buggy’s identity in another world, which is actually very disadvantageous to us, because we don’t know what happened to that person in another world? So we can’t judge at all. However, if you are asking about the identity of that person in our world, the question will be much simpler. After all, this person exists in our world and can be found, so his identity can also be found. It’s not hard to guess, and it’s not hard to investigate.”

Staff Crane’s analysis is very reasonable.

Everyone has thought of this.

It seems that the topic this time is indeed a lot easier for them.

After all, what they guessed before was the identity of the target in another world.

Basically, they can only rely on blind guessing, or guessing by comparing with their identities in the real world, resulting in very few people guessing right.

but now.

It’s time to choose.

“Please choose between 1 and 2. After one minute, the direction of the problem will be determined according to the number of people in the world who choose. The majority shall prevail.”

“(Original) Sengoku: Does the majority obey the minority? We have no way of knowing the identity Buggy acquired in another world, but it would be much better if it were in our world, so let’s choose item 1.”

[(Original) Akainu: Well, this is indeed the safest method, and we have a large number of Marines, so if we choose 1 together, we basically have the majority advantage. ”

[(Original) Roger: Of course I have to choose the first one. After all, I still know Buggy very well, and I can probably guess the identity he can obtain. ”

“(Original) Shanks; Ah, yes, Captain, it seems that this topic is very beneficial to us. No one knows Buggy better than the two of us!”

The original world was basically unified.

“The choice in the original world is complete. 96% of the people choose one, and 4% choose two. The majority obeys the minority.”

“The title locates the original world Buggy”

“Please prepare to answer the questions in the original world”

“This is a multiple-choice question, wrong choice, missed choice will not be scored”

“One minute to answer the question”

“Please answer: In the original world, what are all the identities obtained by the clown Buggy? (The deadline is two years after the Summit War)”

“A. Roger Sea Group Intern”

“B. Buggy Pirate Captain”

“C. Seven Warlords of the Sea”

“D. Boss of Pirate Dispatch Company “Buggy Speed” and “Delivery””

“E. President of the Cross Guild”

“One of F. Grand Line Four Emperors”

“Please start answering in three seconds”




Garp: “Multiple choice with 6 options? It seems that this time it’s not easy.”

Staff Officer Crane: “It doesn’t matter, don’t forget, what we are answering is Buggy’s identity in our own world! We just need to investigate this, we can’t deduce it.”

Garp: “But haven’t you noticed? The deadline is two years after Summit War. That means there are still two years between now and the future, and we don’t know what will happen.

Everyone started a heated discussion.

Sengoku couldn’t help frowning too.

Unexpectedly, it also included the next two years.

This adds a lot of uncertainty.


It’s not too outrageous, after all, it only increased by two years.

Too little can happen in two years.

How much can a person’s identity change in two years?

Shouldn’t change much.

It is impossible to go from Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral in two years.


Increasing this time may be a confusing option.

Answer the question this time.

because of special rules


The barrage between the two worlds is shielded from each other.


Everyone can only see the barrage of their own world.

I have to say that Marine collects data very quickly.

The title has just been announced.

The life data of Buggy the Clown has been placed in Sengoku’s hands.

Sengoku flipped through it quickly.

In fact, there is nothing to see, because it is very simple

His voice is too common.

At least so far.

“々` Sengoku, let’s analyze it, at least eliminate a few wrong answers first, and then let us choose.”

Staff Officer Crane said.

After all, in the last round of answering questions, Sengoku led everyone to analyze the correct answer.

Increases Marine’s overall strength by 1%.

So everyone still believes in Sengoku’s analytical capabilities.

Sengoku looked at the options carefully, then said.

“At the moment we are pretty sure that option A is correct.

“According to the data, this clown Buggy did intern in the Roger Pirates.”

“As for option B, the leader of the Buggy Pirates, there is no doubt about it, and it is stated in the information.

“So you can choose between these two answers with confidence.”

Garp asked impatiently.

“Then there are 4 left, which one should be chosen? Which one should not be chosen?”

Sengoku looked at the remaining 5 answers.

I fell into deep thought.

These 4 answers are a bit outrageous.

“C Answer, Seven Warlords of the Sea. This old man thinks this is really impossible. Judging from his strength, he should not be able to reach the level of this Shichibukai. He must be invited to be a Shichibukai because of his mental illness.”

Sengoku said very firmly.

“It makes sense.” Staff Crane looked at the current Shichibukai, Hawkeye, Empress Doflamingo, and Xiong

With the strength of the clown Buggy, it always feels a little strange to stand with them.

Sengoku feels so far.

There is still no problem with my own analysis.

“So we don’t choose option C.”

“Next, is option D, the boss of Buggy Express, a pirate dispatch company.”

“This option is debatable. It has a very deep doorway. Have you noticed what is shown in the information? Judging from Buggy’s current experience, he does not have this identity.”

“However, don’t forget a small detail hidden in this question, that is, the identity after two years. During these two years… Buggy is likely to set up some courier company.”

“So I guess, this condition two years later is specially prepared for this answer.”

“Smart, Sengoku means that ABD should be chosen now, right?” Garp boasted.

Sengoku is also bitter about Garp’s revelation of his use of a thermos just now.

So naturally I didn’t bother to talk to him.

Then continue to analyze. (Nuo’s) “Option E, what is the Cross Society? We don’t know this, so we say that half of the people will choose this answer, and the other half will not choose this answer.

“As for option F, Four Emperors….This is really ridiculous, but anyone with a normal mind would not choose this answer. Is it true that Four Emperors are Chinese cabbage? Anyone can become Four Emperors? This answer is the same as Shichibukai The same nonsense, if it is in another world, it might be possible. After all, the Four Emperors like Kaido and Big Mom in another world have all been rehabilitated, which makes the entry threshold for Four Emperors lower, and it is also possible.

“But in our world, absolutely impossible!”

Sengoku said confidently.

Through his analysis just now.

Staff Officer Crane concluded: “It means that half of us choose ABDE, and the average person chooses ABD. In this way, we can guarantee that 50% of the people will answer correctly, right?”

Sengoku nodded confidently.

Marine, the selection is complete.

“(Original) Shanks: Good guy, if these answers are all correct, then Buggy’s life is more exciting than mine.”

“(Original) Benn Beckman: How is it possible, Shanks, these answers cannot all be correct, I don’t think Buggy has the strength to be the Four Emperors, no matter from any angle, there is no such possibility. Ming”

[(Original) Roger: Hahaha, isn’t there two years in the future? Two years is full of infinite possibilities. I’m going to choose all 5 answers. ”

“(Original) Shanks: Don’t be impulsive, Captain Roger, it’s only two years, and Buggy’s strength can’t be improved to the point of becoming the Four Emperors, and the Four Emperors not only need personal strength, but also need to have influence. There are a group of very strong partners, and this cannot be achieved in two years. Look at those members of the Buggy Pirates, a beast trainer, and an acrobat. Who of them can be the yellow deputy, so you can’t choose F Ah Captain.”

[(Original) Roger: You are right, so I will choose the top 5, ABCDE!”

“(Original) Shanks: Listen to me, Captain, I know Buggy too well, even if you make him Four Emperors, he doesn’t have the guts.”

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