Doulu Dalu 2 : Reincarnation

1 : Process


I couldn't see any light. I also don't know where it is, what I feel is like infinite darkness.

I can't feel my limbs either, I feel like I don't have a body right now.

Maybe by now I'd be dead, but I can't remember why I died. Even though I don't have a body and limbs, I am still conscious and have memories.

Do all the dead feel the same way as I do?

I'm sure this is not Hell or heaven because if this is hell I will be tortured while if heaven is then I will be happy.

Until when should I be in this void? Am I strong to continue to be here in a conscious state?

I feel that I will never tire, which means I will feel this darkness forever.

'I'm sure that when I was alive I did a lot of good.... But why am I here?' I thought that I did not accept that I had to be here forever.

[Welcome Soul No-17292928287 Successfully qualified for Reincarnation]

[Because you made it to [The Void] you are entitled to receive a gift from [World System], namely Reincarnation]

[Please answer the questions from [World System] to meet your needs when Reincarnating]

I'm in [The Void] And [World System]? I managed to get a chance to reincarnate from him.

And also what is [World System] and [The Void] ?

[Answer - [World System] is an existence that was created to govern all the worlds that exist in the universe. [The Void] Is a place where there is no life therefore if a Soul is here it means that Soul is entitled to a Prize]

It seems the [World System] can read my mind, which is good since I don't have a mouth to speak with.

So the [World System] is a system that governs many worlds, and also [The Void] is a place where no one lives.

If so why did I end up in [The Void] and not some other place like heaven.

[A soul that manages to reach [The Void] is a Soul blessed by the world for not being lost upon entering this area]

I am blessed by the world?

What did I do until the world blessed me? Even though when I live, I run it normally.

I was born into an established family and was spoiled by my family from a young age. I was the only child so I was very loved.

Because being pampered doesn't mean I'm a lazy kid, but on the contrary, I'm a very diligent child from a young age to be successful in the future.

My parents always do whatever I ask, I don't ask for anything other than for my goal of success in the future.

With that I managed to become a child that could be called a Genius. At school I always took the first position in class even at school.

That lasted until I was in high school. I always attended Elite school, even though I was the smartest.

Even so I'm not arrogant, and I also have a lot of friends but I don't have a lover.

The reason is easy, because I focus on something else when I'm not in school like tutoring, trying something new, experimenting because my house has room for that.

Because of that I managed to graduate at the age of 19 years. When I graduated I went back to doing various experiments until Finally found something that has never been found.

I managed to create a hologram, of course I didn't do it alone but with many people where I work.

The place where I work is actually my father's company which sells various kinds of electronic equipment.

My father made a special room for me and the person who helped me experiment until I succeeded in creating a Hologram.

(In the world or on earth at that time there were no real holograms like those in Marvel movies)

The hologram was my experiment when I had free time during my school days and when I was 19 I finished it.

The 'Vilgrace Group' was my father's company, and it became very famous when I succeeded in creating a Hologram.

The world at that time became more advanced thanks to my creation Hologram. And of course my name became very famous.

When I was at school, I often read books. Both textbooks and story books.

I also read books originating from China, Japan, etc.

Even though I became successful and my family was proud of me, I have no regrets anymore.

I always donate the money I have to various places. Even though it wasn't me who immediately gave it or I didn't tell my name.

my name?

I don't know why I can't remember my name or my parents' names.

Was it the law of the world to forget their old names when he was about to enter the new world?

I don't know, everything is still a mystery to me.

[Would you like to start the Reincarnation Process?]

It's also true that now I have to start a new life. So I will start the Reincarnation process.

[Choose the World you Incarnate in, all the fantasy worlds you can imagine exist]

If so then the Anime world also exists, but I don't really like that world. Because anime sometimes has short stories unlike novels from China.

Maybe I will choose the world which is one of my favorite novels.

I chose World Douluo Dalu 2

[What kind of appearance do you want to have there]

Talking about appearance, my appearance in the past was quite handsome, but far less compared to fantasy characters.

Maybe I will also look similar to my favorite character. My favorite character is a guy who has white hair.

I want to have white hair with blue eyes for the clothes I will wear, just adjust.

[Tell what Spirit you want to have, because according to the world you can only have 2 Spirits]

Yes... That's true because everyone will only have one and only there are some who have two Spirits.

I could just ask the Spirit that belongs to the character there, and also I know what's good for that spirit.

But, that wouldn't be interesting because I knew right away…. It would be better to just create a Spirit.

I want [Celestial Mystic Eye] Spirit and [Heavenly Lightning Sword]

The reason why I want that spirit is because I don't want to violate the laws of that World. Although I'm sure the spirit that I have is very strong.

I didn't want to focus on too many elements so I chose one and lightning is my favourite.

[State your Special Requests and items you would like to Have]

I could have asked for immense power, but then I wouldn't be able to experience the joy of fighting.

But I also wasn't sure whether the [World System] would let me have great power in that world when I just got there.

I want my Talent to be the best there is which makes my cultivation speed very fast.

I want a Spirit to Watch over me just like 'Puck' looks after 'Emillia'. It's just that I want the spirit to be a dragon and be able to adjust.

(Viewable by everyone if you want but otherwise it's invisible)

Maybe that's all I need in the Douluo Dalu world. I want to enjoy my life there just like the others.

So only with the best Talent and extremely strong Yang guardian, I can live safely.

I want the Indestructible Elucidator Sword

I want a Storage Ring with unlimited capacity and already a lot of money/coins inside

It's easy to explain why I only want those two, first is because I don't want to always rely on Spirit abilities.

The Elucidator can substitute for the [Heavenly Lightning Sword] if I don't want to use my Spirit.

And Second is the Storage Ring, I want it to store things I encounter.

The last one is Money/Coins. Without it, life will not be calm, many things can be bought with it.

[Choose Your Name and Your Race]

I still want to be human So for Race I think Human is Better. If I become a Spirit Beast that becomes that human would be troublesome.

Even though I'll be strong later it's troublesome to always be targeted just because I'm a Spirit Beast.

But maybe Half Human Half Spirit is better. Just like the Heroine of that world

What's a good name for me... Tian Ren, maybe Tian Ren suits me.

[Finally.... Choose Time Plot]

Maybe a year before the original plot started, because I haven't been able to adapt to having the plot go straight ahead.

And 1 Year won't be long because I want to be strong and live my life just like the others.

Maybe here I can find someone who is suitable for me. Because I don't have a job in that world so I can if I want to have a lover.

[Process Completed..... Scanning....

Name : Tianren

Age : 11

Race : Half Human Half Spirit Beast

Rank : 10

spirits :

- 1st Spirit [Celestial Mystic Eye]

- 2nd Spirit [Heavenly Lightning Sword]

wish :

1 - Heavenly Talents

2 - Guardian Spirits

Items :

1 - Elucidator Sword (Unbreakable)

2 - Space Ring (Infine Storage + Lot Of Money/Coins)

Scan Completed...Congratulations to you]

With that I slowly started to fall unconscious even if only in soul form.

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