Doulu Dalu 2 : Reincarnation

3 : First spirit ring

"I want to talk to you..... Do you want to be my First Ring?" Tian Ren said in front of the [Purple Lightning Snake]


The snake didn't move or anything, just looked at Tian Ren. It was also possible that he did not understand what Tian Ren meant.

{He has Intellect…. But he doesn't want to become a Ring for humans, it damages the Spirit Beast's pride…. Right now he doesn't accept that he can't attack you, Ren}

"Hmm... Then there is only one choice" Ren said who then summoned the Spirit [Heavenly Lightning Sword]

The [Purple Lightning Snake] who saw that somehow attacked Tian Ren as soon as he cast his Spirit.

Tian Ren immediately dodged the attack, and started to attack him with the Sword he had in his hand at the moment.

"Zel, help me from behind" said Tian Ren who then attacked the snake again.


Zel who received orders from Tian Ren immediately helped attack from behind.

<Lightning Ball>

Zel creates 5 Purple Balls with lightning covering them. After that, the ball went straight towards the [Purple Lightning Snake]


The snake looked to be in pain from the attacks from Zel's <Lightning Ball> as well as Tian Ren's [Heavenly Lightning Sword] Sword Slash.

Even though the two of them, or rather Tian Ren, didn't have any skills, it didn't mean that his sword couldn't do anything.

As for Zel, he only used a fraction of his strength because while in this [Form] he couldn't use much power.

In addition the [Heavenly Lightning Sword] has the highest Lightning Affinity which makes it Immune to Lightning type attacks if the Strength is the same.

Coupled with Zel's presence, the damage done by [Heavenly Lightning Sword] becomes even greater.

The two of them continued to attack the Snake, with Tian Ren always dodging then attacking causing the Snake to suffer a lot of damage.

Only the snake wasn't aware that Tian Ren was being helped by Zel, because it was too focused on humans.

If Zel attacks he can be seen because the direction of the attack indicates something is going on.

And if Zel gets hit, he will be seen even though he won't be hurt by the attack.

So basically the two of them had to work together if they didn't want anyone to see Zel, which meant they had to be close together.

But when they weren't close to each other, the snake was unconscious as it was focused on killing Tian Ren.

For the next 10 or so minutes, eventually the [Purple Lightning Snake] started to collapse due to the many injuries on its body while Tian Ren was only slightly tired.

The reason why he wasn't injured was because his Race Become Half-Spirit Half-human gave him a strong resistance.

And the help from Zel was also very helpful because the snake had glanced in another direction which caught him off guard.

Tian Ren ended the snake's life quickly when he fell. Because Tian Ren didn't want to torment the Spirit Beast, if he wanted to make a pact with it.

Slowly a Purple Ring came out of the [Purple Lightning Serpent]'s body showing that he was 1000+

"How long will it take me to absorb it?" Tian Ren asked Zel who was on his shoulder.

{Maybe 5 Minutes, Your talent is the best so it's only natural}

"Then for 5 minutes Please take care of me... Even though it looks safe but the danger doesn't know when it will come" said Ren who was telling the truth.


Zel started flying and was no longer on Tian Ren's shoulder, while Tian Ren went straight for the Ring and absorbed it.

After 5 minutes finally Tian Ren opened his eyes and was received by Zel. In those 5 minutes no harm came.

{So what did you get from that [Purple Lightning Snake]?}

I have 2 Skills <Lightning Sword> and <Lightning Strike> both attack types" said Tian Ren who just got his Skill.

<Lightning Sword>

Displays the Lightning Sword which makes the attack from the sword increase and can be hit by lightning.

<Lightning Strike>

Making successive strikes from the sword covered in Lightning, the lightning can also hit people near the owner's target.

{You are very lucky, Ren. It's very rare for someone to get 2 Skills from a Spirit Beast Let alone one that is only 2000 years old}

Maybe because [Blessing Of The World] made Tian Ren the luckiest person in the world.

“Yes….I am now Rank 14 because I absorbed the Ring just now” Tian Ren said as he walked away from the corpse of the snake.

Zel also returned to Tian Ren's shoulder as usual.

Right now what mattered to Tian Ren was controlling his Strength and maximizing his Skills.

So for the next 2 weeks Tian Ren had to train him. But since Tian Ren did not like fighting Spirit Beasts or killing them, he would fight Spirit Beasts.

The corpses of his Beasts he would store in his Storage Ring.

“Zel, do you need something to eat?” Tian Ren asked curiously if Zel needed food.

{I need, It's just that what I'm eating is a Soul Beast…. That means you have to find a Spirit Beast Soul for me, Ren}

Zel's answer forced Tian Ren to fight the Spirit Beast and kill it.

But Tian Ren didn't kill much because Zel only needed 1 Soul every 1 day if he was only tens of years old.

If Zel doesn't understand, he can only stay in Tian Ren's body, and only occasionally come out.

Zel was only displaying his Spiritual body which required Spirit energy to activate.

Therefore Zel had to obtain a Spirit Beast if he wanted to appear as a Spiritual Form. If he comes out with his Original body even if it's only a small size, the whole world will know.

So for 2 weeks Tian Ren trained and searched for a 1000 year old Spirit Beast so that Zel would become strong for 1 month.


~2 Weeks Later~

Tian Ren was currently leaning against a tree after he finished taking a bath because before taking a bath he had fought a Spirit Beast.

He was wearing white clothes with the addition of red on his shirt. He was wearing trousers and black shoes.

Tian Ren didn't want to kill the Spirit Beast if it wasn't for Zel, but if the Spirit Beast attacked him then he had no other choice.

It was the same as earlier when the Spirit Beast [Green Vyper] suddenly attacked him which left Tian Ren with no other choice.

If he didn't resist then the Snake would continue to attack him also spitting out Poison which troubled Tian Ren.

So because of that Tian Ren killed the Snake easily because the results of the 2 weeks of training were not in vain.

The Spirit Beast's soul was of course eaten by Zel to provide it with Energy. With the amount collected by Tian Ren at this time could make Zel not eat for 2 months.

(Tian Ren only killed 1 1000 year old Spirit Beast and a Hundred Year Spirit Beast - 1000 = 1 Month, 100 = 1 Week)

Tian Ren's cultivation did not improve much because he seldom cultivated.

In those 2 weeks Tian Ren was only practicing perfecting the Usage of both Skill and Spirit.

And currently Tian Ren's cultivation was at Rank 16. It might take him 2 days to become Rank 20 if he was serious about cultivating or even 1 day.

"Zel, should I find a Ring for my 1st Spirit? Or wait for my 2nd Spirit to have a lot of Past Rings?" Tian Ren said while looking at the sky whose view was covered by tree leaves.

{Ren Must look for a Spirit Beast for [Celestial Mystic Eye] because with your body No matter how old the Spirit Beast is you will be able to absorb it}

Zel was currently not on Tian Ren's shoulder but on his lap.

“Then maybe it's time to look for Spirit Beasts for the First Ring of Spirit [Celestial Mystic Eye]” Tian Ren said before he stood up.

But the moment he stood up, the ground around him shook and lots of beasts ran about.

"Is there a fight between Spirit Beasts?" Tian Ren said asking Zel who was flying beside him.

{There's no mistake this is a battle between strong Spirit Beasts}

Tian Ren was in a deep forest, so it was only natural for a fight to occur. But this time it was a powerful Spirit Beast.

Even so Tian Ren remained calm because Panic would only make it worse.

So Tian Ren looked for the origin of the vibrations, and found 2 enormous spirit beasts fighting.

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