Douluo: After being read his mind, he became the favorite of the Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 44 The grievances of the teachers and students of the former Lanba Academy

"You are showing favoritism, I am not convinced!"

The student only wanted to protect his own interests. He only knew that the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition would gild the participating soul masters, but he forgot that his blind persistence would make some people hold grudges against them.

"If you are not convinced, let's have a fight! Let me show you my strength!"

Ma Hongjun's face turned red, and his anger could no longer be suppressed.

Being looked down upon by others, Ma Hongjun, who had no sense of morality in the first place, would only feel that it was the other person's fault, that the other person looked down on others and looked at people through the cracks in the door.

"Competition is a competition."

The young man was full of energy and could not bear to be wronged, so the competition between the two began immediately.

"Ma Hongjun, martial soul fire phoenix, thirty-level attack type battle soul master."

Although his strength is not high, he is very confident and can shout louder than anyone else.

"Yan Wei, martial spirit snow leopard, level 36 agility attack type fighting spirit master."

No wonder this student named Yan Fei is so insistent. His soul power is higher than the fifth level than Ma Hongjun, and higher than Tang San and Xiao Wu, but they are all official team members, how can he be willing to do so? !

Ma Hongjun is a fat man. His movement speed is affected by his weight and he will not react in time. What he fears most is the control system and agility attack system.

Even though Ma Hongjun's martial soul was of good quality, he was limited by speed, soul power, and experience. He had no way to defeat Yan Fei at the moment, and the situation was very stalemate.

Ma Hongjun, who has a weak psychological quality, always feels that the students from the former Lanba Academy who are watching the game are laughing at him. He has a strong self-esteem and cannot accept that he will lose.

But for the moment, he had no way to deal with the other party.

While he was anxious, Ma Hongjun inadvertently caught a glimpse of Tang San's hint to him.

Tang San raised his hand towards Ma Hongjun and gestured with his mouth the word "hidden weapon" for Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun naturally understood what Tang San meant, but he was a little scared.

When Tang San gave him the hidden weapons, he said that using these hidden weapons without the opponent being prepared would have the power to kill soul masters below level 40 with one hit.

After all, these are classmates. What if someone kills someone and the college holds him accountable.

"No, I can't implicate myself."

Ma Hongjun shook his head, but this idea was quickly shaken.

Seeing Yan Fei biting him and not letting go, Ma Hongjun was heartbroken and made a decision.

He raised his right hand, where there was the hidden weapon Tang San had given him not long ago.

"Don't blame me for being cruel, it's because you don't know what's going on."

Thinking like this, Ma Hongjun launched the hidden weapon at his classmates without any scruples.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun just wants to win. As for whether the other party will die or whether he will be held accountable by the college, he is not worried at all.

He is Flanders's disciple, Flanders is the dean, nothing will happen to him.

Seeing that Yan Fei was about to die under a hidden weapon, Ma Hongjun was a little excited.

However, his excitement was overdue.

Although Lanba Academy was renamed Shrek Academy, the previous teachers were still in the academy. How could they just watch their students die?

A teacher from the former Lanba Academy intervened and blocked the attack of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. He looked at Ma Hongjun coldly and asked:

"Don't you know that the competition between classmates is pointless? Who asked you to use these insidious and vicious methods against your classmates?"

Ma Hongjun was only arrogant to his peers. When faced with the question from this Soul Saint teacher, he immediately became intimidated and was speechless.

Seeing his useless look, the teacher turned to look at the two teachers present.

"And Teacher Yu Xiaogang and Vice President Zhao Wuji, didn't you know how to stop it?"

He had the last shred of respect in him at the moment, but it was soon gone.

"This is just a discussion between children. What's the point of us elders getting involved!"

This was Zhao Wuji's response.

"What Ma Hongjun used just now was a hidden weapon. It was not a sinister and sinister method. It was also a kind of his own strength. If he cannot avoid the hidden weapon, it can only be said that his skills are inferior to others."

Yu Xiaogang's reply was more cold.

It was obviously a very simple matter, but it reached such a stage. Flanders and Liu Erlong should have come out to deal with it, but the teachers and students of the former Lanba Academy had a feeling that even if Liu Erlong came, she would not be able to handle it. I will only unconditionally favor Shrek Academy.

In the end, Yan Bi left Shrek Academy in disappointment after not getting any results. Along with him were many teachers and students from the original Lanba Academy, including the teacher who saved Yan Bi.

"Teacher, where are we going now!"

Yan Fei asked a little confused, and the other students also looked at the teacher, hoping to get guidance from the teacher.

"If ordinary soul masters want to be famous in the mainland, they don't necessarily have to go through the elite competition."

"What other way is there?"

"join the army."

"But, there is no big war now?"

Yan Fei didn't understand. Aren't the best times to join the army only in troubled times? Although there is a little friction in various parts of the mainland now, it is not enough to support their achievements.

"It will be too late to join the army when the war comes. You know, we don't know how to march and fight."

In the end, under the encouragement of this teacher, all the teachers and students of the former Lanba Academy who left Shrek Academy devoted themselves to the army.

So Ye Lan, who was still crushing the golden generation in Wuhun City, suddenly received news that he had many soul masters under his command, including several high-level soul masters.

"The chess pieces placed by Lanba Academy are quite powerful, but they are not enough. The chess pieces from other colleges should not disappoint me!"

After reading the news from Alexandra City, Ye Lan wrote a letter to Qian Renxue who was far away in Tiandou City and explained some things.

In fact, the foundation of Shrek Academy is still too weak. A group of people like them descended from the sky to Lanba Academy. With a love-minded dean, everything was easily wiped out. Many people were unwilling to accept it. Just holding back.

But this kind of forbearance will have a limit. Once the resentment accumulates to a certain level, Shrek Academy, which was founded in Lanba Academy, will perish in Lanba Academy.

"Alan Alan, my father just sent me a letter. He told me a joke. Do you want to hear it?"

Ning Rongrong came to Ye Lan excitedly with a letter, and she couldn't hide the gloating smile on her face.

"This joke is not the other's joke. Who did something embarrassing and danced in front of Uncle Ning."

Ye Lan immediately guessed what Ning Rongrong wanted to say. Ning Rongrong nodded happily and quickly gave the letter to Ye Lan and said:

"As expected, A Lan still understands me. You don't even know how fun that Tang San is!"

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