Douluo: Being spoiled by Big Brother Tang San

Chapter 597 Extra Story: Wedding (1)

Chapter 597 Extra Story: Wedding ([-])

In Tiandou Empire and Tiandou City, flower petals are flying all over the sky, red lanterns are hung high, and red flags and ribbons are hung all over the city.

The whole city is beaming.

Today is the day of great joy for the head of the Tang Sect and the Great Elder of the Soul Master Alliance.

In the center of Tiandou City, there is a new huge platform, with white railings and Chinese-style simplicity, it is a brand new building platform.

And on this building platform, there are shelves full of flowers, and there are cute little people in Q version hanging on the shelves.

A naughty child wanted to go forward to catch the Q-version villain, but was entangled by the vines next to the flowers and sent him down.

These flowers are all the flowers of the plant-type soul beasts.

And the petals flying all over the sky are the skills of some plant-type soul beasts.

In Tiandou City at this time, human beings have been able to coexist peacefully with plant-type spirit beasts.

Now children, as long as they are awakened, most of them will have soul power, and they will cooperate with plant-type soul beasts to practice.

The strongest and most famous ones are none other than Tang San, the head of the Tang Sect, and Tang Jiulu, the Great Elder of the Soul Master Alliance.

Emperor Xue Ye sat on the left side in front, while on the right side, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who were wearing golden crowns sat.

The famous Shrek Eight Monsters on Douluo Continent have now become, Shrek Eight Gods!
Shrek Academy has truly become the best academy in the entire continent.

There was a powerful cheer erupting from below, and everyone looked at Tang Jiulu step by step to the golden platform with eyes of admiration and admiration.

It is said that Tang San, the head of the Tang Sect, is still a god with twin spirits!
And today is the wedding of these two gods!

There will be a potted plant on both sides of the table, and plant-type soul beasts are planted in the potted plant.

The god was already able to stand in the air, and on her feet, the red embroidered shoes trimmed with gold silk, stepped on little by little petals in the air.

Because they cultivated eight gods!

A large number of people poured into Heaven Dou City.

They also stood in the air, walking on both sides of Tang Jiulu with bright smiles.

Tang Jiulu and Tang San deliberately built such a huge wedding venue in order to allow more people to participate together.

In front of the guest seats is a high platform, above which is an arch woven with blue-gold Blue Silver Emperor, and above the arch are transparent steps.

Jade belts and pearl flowers fluttered around her cheeks, her delicate face was rosy, and her red lips were evenly crimson.

She has a completely different hairstyle on her head.

Whether you are a farmer, a gardener, or a pure soul master in the future, you will have a good future

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared on the other side of the sky.

The whole continent rejoiced.

It's just that today's Tang Jiulu and Tang San's wedding is even more gorgeous and special.

In fact, in the Douluo Continent, the marriage customs of each country are different.

As long as you have the ability and perseverance, you can receive tasks in the Soul Master Alliance and support yourself.

These two five-year-old boys are naive, white, fat, and very cute. They are exactly the 10-year-old plant-type soul beasts that have been successfully transformed.

Further up, in mid-air, a transparent platform was erected, with this golden platform in the middle.

Because the current emperor and empress of the Star Luo Empire are the partners of the Great Elder of the Soul Master Alliance and the head of the Tang Sect.

Sitting in the middle of the two great empires are the suzerains Tang Chen, Ning Fengzhi, and Yu Yuanzhen.

Behind them, Tang Jiulu, who was dressed in a red Fengming Flying Wedding Dress and thin smoky veil of red clouds with gold trim, stepped out of the air step by step.

These soul beasts have a minimum age of more than 3000 years. With them guarding the scene, it only needs some waiters to guide the people.

After everyone is seated, the wedding is about to begin.

The City of Slaughter was officially renamed the Land of Labor Reform, euphemistically called Labor Reform.

In the huge wedding scene, rows of chairs are arranged in an orderly manner. Next to every ten rows of chairs, there will be a row of tables. The tables are full of delicacies.

Although many seats have been set up, there are still many people who have no seats.

In the distance of the sky, red light filled the air. Two delicate five-year-old boys stepped on the air with bare feet and sprinkled petals with their hands. Walking ahead, they walked out of a red light path.

When the entrance time came, countless people and nobles were ushered into different areas to sit.

A golden phoenix crown is inlaid on the cumbersome hair bun, and nine-colored brilliance glows on the outstanding black hair.

Behind them are some princes and ministers, as well as Contra and so on.

Therefore, the Soul Master Alliance temporarily opened up a large standing seat, and placed a circle of delicious food around it for the public to take by themselves.

Wuhundian has disappeared on the Douluo Continent, and some innocent people in Wuhundian have also been sent away.

It is said that the Great Elder of the Soul Master Alliance is the former leader of the alliance.

On this special day today, everyone who can come has come.

The one among the three is exactly Tang San.

The alliance of soul masters became the foundation of the alliance of the two empires.

Among the crowd, some children couldn't help cheering loudly.

The development of Tiandou City is very fast, and the same is true for the nearby Star Luo Empire.

Therefore, people throughout the continent are full of praise for the Soul Master Alliance.

They have become the new emperors and empresses of the Star Luo Empire.

Every child, after reaching the age of seven, will go to the Soul Master Alliance for free awakening, and then be matched with a suitable plant-type soul beast.

Many people traveled thousands of miles from their hometowns in order to send their blessings to the two gods, Tang Jiulu and Tang San.

The point is, beside Tang Chen, there was a familiar woman in blue, who was definitely Bo Saixi.

In the rain of flowers all over the sky, hundreds of fireworks suddenly shot up into the sky, drawing countless twinkling lights in the sky.

Some poor children who were experimented were taken to the Soul Master Alliance for treatment.

"The bride is out!"

Those evil soul masters and those who were judged to be exiled were deprived of their soul skills, working in the labor camps, and giving back to the society.

And Tang Jiulu among the Shrek Eight Gods, as the Great Elder of the Soul Master Alliance, is remembered by more people.

Grandmaster, Dean Flender and others sat in the rear row, including the titled Douluo of the Soul Master Alliance.

She really has beautiful eyebrows and apricot eyes, she is graceful like a flower and light in body, she is a beautiful fairy family!
Behind her, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were also wearing bright red gauze skirts and phoenix crowns, but they were different from Tang Jiulu's.

The chairs and tables were covered with red cloth covers, and a big red bow was pasted on the back of the chairs.

The remaining lucky children were sent to study in the branch of Shrek Academy.

He was wearing an ancient red official groom's robe, which set off a perfect figure, clean and clear.

Wearing a golden crown on her head, a jade pendant around her waist, half of her long hair is tied up, and the rest is lazily scattered behind her shoulders.

But his face looked extraordinarily excited, and his eyes looked affectionately at Tang Jiulu on the platform.

And next to Tang San, there were Ma Hongjun and Oscar who were wearing the same groom suit as him.

(End of this chapter)

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