Douluo: I love Qian Renxue alone, but I can kill with nine swords in a box!

Chapter 82 Only one person is banned?

Emperor Xue Ye is dying?

At this moment, Tang San's inner uneasiness finally found its source.

He finally understood why he felt such a sense of crisis in his heart.

It's because of the atmosphere! In Tiandou Cheng, I encountered the chilling atmosphere of those soldiers.

As an emperor of one of the two major empires today, if Emperor Xueye dies, the situation on the entire continent will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The alliance finally formed secretly between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire will also fall apart.

Under this change, the most advantageous thing is undoubtedly Wuhun Palace.

As for the Star Reaching Tower, in everyone's opinion, it has not yet shown any desire to unify the continent.

The previous destruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect was only due to simple personal grudges.

At this critical moment, if the Tiandou Empire undergoes a change of emperors.

The empire's energy will undoubtedly be focused more on the struggle for imperial power.

The action against Wuhun Palace, which had just started with great difficulty, immediately came to a standstill.

However, although Tang San felt a sense of crisis in his heart, he quickly calmed down.

"Old Poison, what on earth is going on?"

"Didn't you tell me last time that the poison poisoned by Emperor Xueye has been controlled?"

Hearing this, Dugu Bo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"What I said that day was not false. I was indeed under my control at that time."

"But who knew that Emperor Xueye, whose condition had stabilized before, suddenly became poisonous again a month ago."

"And this time, the attack is even more violent!"

"I carefully checked his blood and found that the toxins contained in his blood are constantly changing, and the rate of change is extremely fast!"

"Although my Jade Phosphorous Snake Emperor Poison can produce the effect of fighting poison with poison."

"But every time the toxins in his body are neutralized by me, it won't take long for new poisons to be produced."

"My method not only failed to cure the disease, but also made the newly generated poison become more intense."

"I have carefully calculated that when I used the method of fighting fire with fire for the seventh time to help Emperor Xue Ye temporarily suppress him."

"When the poison breaks out again next time, it will kill him immediately, and there won't even be any chance of rescue!"

"Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, I no longer dare to use this method to help him suppress toxins in his body."

In one sentence, the situation of Emperor Xue Ye was undoubtedly described as more serious.

Tang San grasped the key point, and two dazzling lights burst into his eyes.

"How many times have you used this method now?"

Dugu Bo's face turned solemn and he swallowed unconsciously.

"Six times, each time when he was about to die, the poison was forcibly neutralized temporarily."

"But after this, the time for the poison to appear in his body... is also shortened every time!"

Hearing this, Tang San took a deep breath, with a wry smile on his face.

"This time I really got it right for you. This trouble is really big."

Looking at the sky in a blink of an eye, Dugu Bo urged anxiously.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and come with me to the Tiandou Empire Palace."

"If even you can't do anything about it, the Heaven Dou Empire will really change."

Just when Tang San was about to follow Dugu Bo subconsciously, he seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Wait a minute, let's find someone first and take him into the palace with us."

"Distinguish multiple mixed poisons, the more people who are good at using poisons, the better..."


Tiandou Palace

"Shadow, how is the situation with Emperor Xueye?"

The indifferent tone came from the mouth of a young man with blond hair and gorgeous appearance.

The East Palace where the young man was at this time clearly revealed his extraordinary identity.

The next moment, a black figure shrouded in the shadow of the room quietly appeared.

"The disease is terminal and there is no cure!"

"After the second poisoning, Poison Douluo's method can delay the attack for at least a moment and a half, but it is completely ineffective."

"Three days ago, the other party went out in a hurry, seemingly looking for someone, but he has not returned yet."

"If we don't leave for half a day, Emperor Xueye will definitely die!"

When Qian Renxue heard this, she just nodded, but there was not much joy on her face.

"Have the people from Wuhun Palace not arrived yet? Send someone to look for it..."

As soon as she finished speaking, another deep voice sounded in the room.

"No need to look for it, I'm already here."

Qian Renxue turned around and frowned tightly when she saw the person coming.

"Greyfish Douluo?"

"Why are you the only one? Where is Snake Spear Douluo?"

"Didn't Bibi Dong say that he would send two elders to assist me?"

Hearing Qian Renxue directly calling Bibi Dong's name, Gobi Douluo subconsciously glared hard.

But then he immediately remembered the identity of the person in front of him and just replied lightly.

"His Majesty the Pope said that Wuhun Palace has suffered heavy manpower losses recently, and it is temporarily unable to mobilize more Titled Douluo Elders."

"So let me bring a Contra-level Platinum Bishop to help you quickly take over the Tiandou Empire."

As soon as these words came out, Qian Renxue's bare hand instantly tightened into a fist and slammed into the solid wood tea table.


There was a crisp breaking sound, and the tea sets on the tea table fell to the ground, scattering into ceramic shards on the ground.

Although she didn't say anything, her deep eyes were already extremely gloomy.

Are you kidding me?

Can one Title Douluo and one Soul Douluo take over the Tiandou Empire?

If it were that easy, wouldn't the Tiandou Empire have been destroyed hundreds of times long ago?

Not to mention that this Array Douluo is just an ordinary titled Douluo of level ninety-two.

Just having Dugu Bo on the surface of the Tiandou Empire is enough to contain it.

What if the empire has other reinforcements? Let one Contra carry everything? Is this realistic?

Qian Renxue's face looked extremely ugly at this time. The two titled Douluo had originally planned to do so reluctantly.

In this way, although her plan would not be aborted directly, the success rate would at least be reduced by about 30%.

But Qian Renxue also understands that there is no turning back when the bow is fired.

The poison has been cast, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired.

If you miss this opportunity, the chances of such a perfect opportunity happening again in the future will be almost non-existent.

She can never accept this!

Because she had devoted more than ten years to this day...

After thinking about this, Qian Renxue slowly stood up and walked towards the window. Her eyes were extremely cold!

"Bibi Dong, I will settle the debt between us with you when we get back!"

After finishing her words, her graceful figure flew out in the direction of the palace that she had been planning for so many years and wanted to climb to.

"Come with me!"

"If your guess is correct, the helpers from the Tiandou Empire... should also be back..."

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