Douluo: Jialingguan Awakens the Body of the Martial God

Chapter 28 Ignorance and devotion to faith!

There was a loud noise in the sky, and the terrifying power of thunder began to spread.

The surging electric snakes in the sky are constantly shuttling through the dark clouds, and the deafening thunder drums can hit the deepest part of people's souls.

Once this oppressive momentum comes out, it's not like the gods have descended. I'm afraid no one in the world can have such momentum, right?

"It's God's punishment! It's God, it's God's dissatisfaction, it's God who is going to punish you."

"Yes! That must be the case."

"Xiao San and the others are the embodiment of justice. They are doing things for God. They are trying to eradicate evil from the mainland."

"But! It's all because of that bitch Cao Wei. His appearance disrupted all the arrangements arranged by the gods, and even killed the inheritors of the gods."

"This is God coming, this is God starting to wipe out those destroyers."

The excited theorist Yu Xiaogang saw such a terrifying vision and quickly determined that it was the arrival of a god.

Now, he was even more excited and a little crazy, and the people from Shrek Academy behind him saw Master Yu Xiaogang losing his composure at this moment.

All of a sudden! I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Although his beloved disciple Tang San died, there was still hope that he could be resurrected.

If you are chattering here, you are just a lunatic, right?

"Xiao Gang! Don't do this. You must persist. Xiao San, we will be back soon."

Liu Erlong hugged Yu Xiaogang, who was a little crazy, and she hugged him tightly.

Because the other party was so excited just now that he even wanted to go to the cliff below, which gave her a big shock.

"let me go!"

"The gods are angry. They want to come down and clear Cao Wei."

"They will take it upon themselves to clean up the filth on the mainland."

"Ha ha……"

"We have not lost. God is helping us in this war."

"The gods are on our side now."

this moment.

Everyone in Shrek Academy, after obtaining the calculations from the theory master Yu Xiaogang.

Everyone was shocked beyond measure.


"God can actually come?"

"The legend is not..."

"Great! The gods came and helped our side. We won."

"Hmph! What's the use of Cao Wei being strong?"

"If he offends the God of heaven, he will only die."

Ma Hongjun looked even more proud. In the other person's eyes, he seemed to see the scene of Cao Wei and everyone dying and disappearing in the future.

"Ha ha……"

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing did not follow the trend without thinking.

They just watched silently what was happening on the Jialing Pass battlefield below.

"God! Will the gods really help us?"

"Will they really help us win?"

All Dai Mubai thought in his mind were rhetorical questions. After the battle at Jialing Pass, he was knocked out of his spirit and his pride.

"God! If you can hear my voice, please wipe out Cao Wei and everyone, and restore a bright and prosperous world to the mainland!"

Zhu Zhuqing is a little girl, although she doesn't like to talk much and has a cold nature.

In fact, my heart is also very longing for it.

She also has things and people she cares about...

At the same time, she also cares about the sea god Tang San and the soft-bone rabbit Xiao Wu.

The feelings for my partners are true, and the change in the world situation is also true, and praying to the gods to solve the problem of Cao Wei and others is also true.

"Ha ha……"

"These old guys are finally here."

"Master, I'm here, but I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

I saw Cao Wei stepping into the void, not afraid of the thousands of terrifying thunders in the sky.

One man faced the challenge resolutely, and his astonishing courage even attracted those who stopped to watch and were shocked.

"Who! Who killed the successor of my Poseidon?"

"who is it?"

"You bastard! It's absolutely disgusting."

"Let me, God of the Sea, clean up the filthiness that appears on this continent!"


"Damn bastard!"

"Who is it? Killed the inheritor of my God Shura?"

"It's because of Tang San that I'm willing to let that soul beast become the scabbard of God Shura."


"It's that bastard, I'm so angry now!"

"Damn you bastard, come out and die for me."

The terrifying Shura God directly sent down a ray of Shura God's separation, and the clone phantom composed of Shura's blood evil energy immediately caused the heaven and earth to shake, the earth cracked, and the roars of the soul beasts continued to be heard from the deep forest of the major soul beasts.

Various strange phenomena continue to occur in various places. This time, natural disasters begin to appear across the entire continent.

"Old man! It seems that you are very angry now!"

Like the God of Poseidon and God of Shura, he also landed a phantom of Poseidon. He saw the opponent's majestic aura, and the terrifying divine power swept across the entire empire.

Countless mainland people saw two gods suddenly appearing in the sky. They were frightened, pious and excited and began to kneel down to worship the gods.

These two people in front of me are the real gods. Many of them have never seen gods in their lives. Now they are lucky enough to see them. Maybe they are unhappy and ungrateful?

"Your Majesty God, please keep my family safe."

"My lord God, please bless my old man to return to the peak so that I can feed those little wives."

"No brother! Are you going too far?"

"This thing can also be blessed by gods?"

"Uh! I'm rich and powerful, what do I lack?"

"I just have that little time to be able to..."

"God bless you! I am your most devout believer. Please protect my son from returning home safely."

"Lord God, bless me as your most devout believer, and let my eyes see the light!"

All of a sudden!

The ignorant human believers began to kneel down to the two god kings.


Believers from all over the mainland have also given their share of the power of faith.

This made the clones of Poseidon and Shura God, who were already as powerful as the peak, reach an even more terrifying level in combat power.

"No! That is the power of faith of believers from all over the mainland."


"Those two god kings were originally invincible in the god world, but now they are shameless and have sent two clones to deal with Master Cao Wei!"

"They are simply shameless, and so are the ignorant people. Are they so used to kneeling that they are willing to kneel for the rest of their lives?"

"What's wrong with my Spirit Hall?"

"Have we ever dealt with those imperial dignitaries and slaves of those powerful sects?"

"But what about them?"

"In order to liberate the entire continent, our Wuhun Palace has launched a war with the powerful and nobles!"

"Now that we have won, these two shameless god-kings have arrived, but they are still rushing to give people the power of faith?"

"How ridiculous!"

"It's really ridiculous!"

At this moment, the seraph god Qian Renxue was so angry that his whole body was trembling.


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