Douluo: Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 189

Chapter 186: Authoritative Certified Master

After asking, Flender approached the master’s ear again, and whispered: “The girls are now trying to drive my disciple out of Shrek Academy, so it’s up to you whether my disciple can keep it.”

When everyone heard Flander ask the master if he could solve the problem of Ma Hongjun’s spirit, they all looked at the master.

Many of them are very surprised. What is the sacredness of this guy called Xiaogang by the dean?

Ma Hongjun’s martial arts flaws, these teachers have studied for several years, and they have also looked at many powerful soul masters in Soto City, but without exception, they are all helpless.

didn’t even have a clue.

They felt that if this person named Xiao Gang could really solve Ma Hongjun’s martial arts problem, it would be really amazing.

Master nodded, his complexion suddenly became serious.

For the exploration and research of the mystery of the martial arts, he has always held a respectful and pious attitude. A powerful mutant martial arts is more worthy of his dedicated research.

“Let him release the martial soul for me to see.” The master said.

Flander nodded and was about to let Ma Hongjun release his martial spirit, but when he saw Ma Hongjun’s miserable appearance, some of the wounds on his body hadn’t stopped the bleeding, so he shouted: “Oscar, give them each one first. A big sausage.”

Oscar stepped forward quickly, chanting in a low voice: “I have a big sausage.”

Two hot sausages appeared in his hand, and they were stuffed into the mouths of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

After eating the sausage, the wounds on Dai Mubai’s body stopped the blood immediately, and they were shrinking at a slow speed visible to the naked eye, slowly recovering.

Master looked at Oscar in amazement, especially when he saw the three spirit rings on Oscar, he was even more shocked, and asked, “How old is this kid?”

“Fourteen,” Flender replied.

“A fourteen-year-old food spirit master, how did he cultivate so fast?” The master asked in shock.

Flender smiled and said, “He is a food soul master with innate soul power, and the effect of sausage is amazing.”

The master almost took a breath. He was born full of spirit power. This could be compared with his disciple Tang San. The key point was a food-type spirit master.

Master    had previously studied many examples of innate full soul power in the Wuhundian database, but this was the first time I saw a food-type soul master with innate full soul power.

“There are so many monsters in Shrek Academy, enough for me to study for a long time.” The master thought to himself.

This is the first time he has come to Shrek Academy. He had a general understanding of Shrek Academy through correspondence with Flanders, but he didn’t know the situation of the students.

He didn’t expect that as soon as he arrived at Shrek Academy, he encountered two surprises, one was a mutant martial soul, and the other was a food soul master with innate soul power.

Seeing that the wound on Ma Hongjun’s body was almost healed, Flanders untied Ma Hongjun’s tied hands and said, “Release your martial spirit.”

Ma Hongjun also understood that the ordinary-looking middle-aged man in front of him may be his life-saving straw. He did not dare to hesitate and immediately released his martial soul.

“Phoenix possessed.” Ma Hongjun yelled, but there were no wings on his body, only purple-red light radiated from his body, and his hands turned into claws.

The hot breath spreads around him centered on him.

The master frowned and stared at Ma Hongjun closely. After a while, he said, “I don’t have a clue for the time being. I need to study it for a while. Flanders, you can arrange a room for me. I want to treat him Do your research. Besides, you tell me his information in detail.”

“Okay, Ma Hongjun, you first go back with Dai Mubai, reflect on it, and then write a three-thousand-word review book, and read it here in front of everyone tomorrow morning.” Flender said.

“Okay.” Dai Mubai said immediately.

“Three thousand characters?” Ma Hongjun’s eyes widened, with a look of embarrassment, writing a review of three thousand characters, isn’t this killing him.

Ning Rongrong was immediately dissatisfied, and asked loudly, “This matter is not over yet, Dean, isn’t it okay for you to favor Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai like this? Where do you put the safety of our girls?”

Flender pointed to the master and said, “I forgot to introduce you to Yu Xiaogang, who is known as a master in the soul master world. He has profound knowledge in the study of martial arts, and he has solved the problem of Ma Hongjun’s martial arts. It’s not a difficult task. As long as Ma Hongjun’s evil fire problem is solved, he will not be affected by the evil fire, and he won’t do anything that hurts the world and reason.”

“What master, I have never heard of it.” Ning Rongrong said.

Flender explained again: “Master once worked at the headquarters of Wuhun Hall. His knowledge is very authoritative in Wuhun. You can rest assured, Ning Rongrong, that the master will definitely satisfy you.”

What else Ning Rongrong wanted to say, Ao Tian suddenly said: “Ning Rongrong, let the master study it.”

I don’t know what happened. Although Ning Rongrong still had dissatisfaction in her heart, as soon as Ao Tian spoke, she couldn’t think of rebuttal.

“Then let him study it, but I want to declare in advance that if Ma Hongjun is still like a bird, I won’t stop, and I will leave Shrek Academy if it’s a big deal,” Ning Rongrong said.

Ao Tian rolled his eyes silently. Between Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong, Flanders must have chosen Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were released and rushed back to their room as if they were running away.

The teachers also dispersed, and Flander arranged a room for the master.

When only Ao Tian and four girls were left on the playground, Ning Rongrong asked with some dissatisfaction: “Ao Tian, why did you compromise just now? People like Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai, I think they will always be dogs. I can’t change the food.”

Ao Tian smiled and said: “That master can indeed solve the problem of Ma Hongjun’s martial soul. The problem of Ma Hongjun’s evil fire has been solved. Although he is still lustful, he will no longer be dominated by desire Besides, In Flander’s heart, do you have Ma Hongjun important?”

“All right,” Ning Rongrong said helplessly.

“And, don’t you think that without these guys in Shrek Academy, it will become very boring? Their existence will at least make me feel a little fun.” Ao Tian said.

It’s still fun. Ning Rongrong rolled his eyes and said, “Since you said that, if Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun try to bully our girls in the future, you must protect us.”

“Don’t worry, I’m still happy to do such a just thing.” Ao Tian said.

“Well, then I believe you.” Ning Rongrong smiled.

A few people returned to their dormitory. According to the situation today, there will be no training courses in these two days.

In the room of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, both of them took off their blood-stained clothes, and looked naked on their own injuries.

Oscar’s big sausage is good for recovering this skin wound. Their wounds have healed, but they still hurt fiercely.

Ma Hongjun stretched out his hand and pressed the location of the wound. Suddenly he couldn’t help taking a breath, and said bitterly, “Damn Ao Tian, I was punished, and he deliberately took out that kind of whip to torture us. This revenge is not to be reported. , Ma Hongjun swears not to be a man!”


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