Douluo: Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Xiaowu’s mother’s secret

“Aren’t you worried anymore?” Ao Tian asked.

“I’m on your site now, is it useful to worry?” Xiao Wu rolled her eyes.

“You are not stupid yet.” Ao Tian smiled and rubbed her head vigorously.

“Don’t mess up my hair.” Xiao Wu complained, picked up her package and smashed it over.

“I don’t have a soul guide, you can install it for me,” she said.

For Ao Tian to go out without carrying a package, she has long been envious.

But it is a pity that there is no storage soul guide for sale in Notting City, otherwise, she would have to buy one even if she borrowed money.

Human wisdom is really terrifying, and it can actually create such a magical thing.

For their soul beasts, this is simply incredible.

Ao Tian took the package from Xiao Wu, and moved his mind into his own space.

At his level of cultivation, he can already use the laws of space to open up a portable space, which is why he disdains the use of those low-level soul guides.

Not to mention the small space, it is not safe.

“Is there anything else?” Ao Tian asked.

Xiao Wu shook her head and said: “Nothing.”

“Let’s go then.” Ao Tian went out first.

Xiao Wu quickly followed, looking at the back of Ao Tian in front of him, thinking of Ao Tian going back with her, and seeing her mother, somehow, she was a little nervous.

The two left the academy, and Ao Tian asked: “The first time you come to the human world, don’t you bring something back with you?”

Xiao Wu’s face was flushed, playing with her fingers, embarrassedly said: “I have spent all my money.”

After learning that she went to the Wuhun Hall to register a soul master, she would receive a gold soul coin subsidy every month, and she ran to register long ago.

In addition to the salary of ten copper soul coins a day for working-study students, under normal circumstances, she should be able to save a lot of money.

But she doesn’t have much idea about money, she doesn’t know how to manage money, and she buys something interesting when she sees it, whether it’s useful or not.

Until now, not only did she fail to save money, she also owed Ao Tianyi’s debt.

Ao Tian took out a Golden Soul Coin and threw it to her, saying: “This is the 60th Golden Soul Coin you owe me.”

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue and said, “I don’t need to remind you, I remember. So rich, so stingy.”

An hour later, a luxury carriage drove out of Notting City towards the direction of the Star Dou Forest.

Xiao Wu leaned on the carriage window, looking at the fast-rewinding scenery outside, and sighed: “So fast, at this speed, we should be able to return to the Star Dou Forest in four or five days. I walked from the Star Dou Forest in the first place. Notting City, it took eight days and I was exhausted.”

“Why did you run so far in the first place?” Ao Tian asked.

Xiao Wu complained: “It’s not your humans yet. There are too many human soul masters in the area near the Star Dou Great Forest. It’s too dangerous. My mother said, go a little further.”

“What about your mother? Why don’t you come out with you?” Ao Tian asked curiously.

It stands to reason that how can a mother be assured that her daughter will enter the human world alone.

They are soul beasts, and they may not come back if they are not careful.

Xiao Wu’s mood suddenly fell, and said: “My mother also entered the human world to practice, and was later found out. Although she fled back to the Star Dou Great Forest, she was also seriously injured. She is still not well.”

Ao Tian was suddenly injured, so it is no wonder that Xiao Wu will come out by herself.

It seems that the existence of soul beasts in the human world is really perilous.

The soul beast can only shrink in its own territory, and entering the human world is almost a nine-death life.

But even if the tortoise is in his own territory, he still faces the fate of being killed by a human soul master and becoming a soul master soul ring every day.

Hearing the tragic situation of Xiao Wu’s mother today, Ao Tian suddenly felt a little bit. Perhaps, the fate of the soul beast should not be so tragic…

“Your mother was badly hurt?” Ao Tian asked.

Xiao Wu nodded and said: “It’s very heavy. She hadn’t cultivated to the mature stage in the human world. I missed her, so I chose to transform into a human being and plan to find her, but Daming and Erming stopped me. Later, my mother. When I came back to see me, I found that I was also transformed, so I entered the human world again, wanting to quickly cultivate to Title Douluo, and then take me out to practice. But I didn’t expect… Not long after she went out again, she came back with serious injuries. ”

As she talked, tears began to flicker in Xiao Wu’s big eyes.

“Don’t worry, your mother will definitely recover.” Ao Tian comforted, “Tell you a secret, in fact, I will help people heal.”

“Really?” Xiao Wu looked at Ao Tian with tears in her eyes, but before Ao Tian could speak, she shook her head and said: “How is that possible? You are not a soul healer, and even if you are a soul healer, you still It’s just the realm of the soul master.”

Ao Tian believed in himself: “Don’t worry, you will know when the time comes.”

Xiao Wu looked at Ao Tian suspiciously, and gradually had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

There were only Ao Tian and Xiao Wu on the carriage, and no coachman was hired, but the horse ran towards the Star Dou Forest as if it had wisdom.

There are beds for rest in the luxurious carriage, and even a small toilet.

Ao Tian doesn’t need to go to the toilet. He eats food not because he is hungry, but because he is greedy. When food enters his body, it will be refined into nothingness by the energy in his body, and there will be no residue left.

This toilet is only used by Xiao Wu.

“Ao Tian, don’t you really need to practice?” Xiao Wu asked.

From knowing Ao Tian to now, she has never seen Ao Tian practice.

As a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, her talent is considered top among humans, but she also needs cultivation.

“Didn’t you have a bet with the master If you don’t practice, how can you beat Tang San?” Xiao Wu asked.

“Don’t worry, you will know then.” Ao Tian didn’t care.


The horse’s speed was unexpectedly fast. In only three days, Ao Tian and Xiao Wu had already approached the Star Dou Forest.

“There is a small town in front of us. We can rest there for one night and enter the forest tomorrow morning.” Xiao Wu pointed to the front.

The Star Dou Forest at night would be many times more dangerous than during the day. Xiao Wu felt that, given her and Ao Tian’s strength, it would be better to enter again during the day.

Xiao Wu continued to explain: “That small town is the closest human gathering point to the Star Dou Great Forest. Many spirit masters who enter the Star Dou Great Forest will rest and supply supplies there.”

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ao Tian and said, “Ao Tian, your eldest brother…”

Ao Tian smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will let my brother go back tomorrow.”

“Hmm.” Xiao Wu nodded, relieved.

No matter how much she believed in Ao Tian, she still did not dare to bring a Title Douluo home.

The small town is surrounded by high city walls, which are about 30 meters high.

It is very close to the Star Dou Great Forest, and a city wall is needed to defend against spirit beasts that might sneak attack at night.

Ao Tian and Xiao Wu got out of the carriage not far from the gate of the city, when the sky was already dark.

“Thank you.” Ao Tian raised his hand, the horse lowered his head cleverly, and Ren Aotian stroked it.

It closes its eyes and enjoys it very much.

“This is to reward you.” Ao Tian said, a cloud of dragon energy containing a very thin trace of dragon blood entered the horse’s body from his palm.

The horse neighed in excitement, and both sides of its back spine began to agitate, as if something was about to come out of it.

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