Douluo: Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 406

Chapter 398: Xue Qinghe turned his face and didn’t recognize people

“By the way, you are coming back so soon, have Mubai’s affairs been handled?” Flender asked.

Master    said: “It has been handled, Mubai will stay in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect for the time being to practice.”

“It took a lot of tongue, right?”

Master smiled and said: “Indeed, but there are not many things that can stump my Yu Xiaogang in this world.”

Flender said: “How did your nephew and the lone goose deal with the matter?”

Speaking of Yu Tianheng, an expression of hatred for iron and steel appeared on the master’s face, and said: “The kid is still making trouble after returning to the family. Fortunately, everyone in the family and I have explained the stakes clearly. It is impossible for the family to let He was with the demon girl in the Spirit Hall, and he has already been locked up.”

“Well, I hope he can appreciate your uncle’s hard work one day.” Flender said.

“Yes, when he sees the true face of Wuhun Hall, he will wake up.” said the master.

Flander turned sad and said, “Now, our Shrek Academy is facing a problem.”

Master knew what Flanders was referring to, and said, “You are talking about a large reduction in students. It will be difficult to recruit students in the future, right?”

Flender nodded, if an academy as large as Shrek couldn’t recruit people, it would face the crisis of bankruptcy.

Master    said: “There are more or less recruits. As long as we manage well and educate our students, everything will be fine.”

Flender sighed: “That’s how it is said, but we will have a hard time in the following days.”

“Don’t worry, everything will pass.” The master comforted.


Three days later, the emperor Xueye died, and the prince Xueqinghe will hold the enthronement ceremony in half a month.

The master was overjoyed, but did not go to see the prince immediately.

Time flew quickly. On the tenth day after the new emperor ascended the throne, the day of national celebration passed, the master finally set off for the palace, accompanied by Flanders and Liu Erlong.

The time is ripe, the master has to discuss with the emperor how to boycott the Wuhun Temple and how to make the empire stronger.

He already had many plans in his mind. If the emperor could adopt it, he could take the first step against the Wuhun Palace.

Before leaving the academy, the master skillfully put on a mask to cover his face.

He had to do this, because some time ago, I didn’t know who had put up his portraits in Tiandou City.

After   , he was treated inhumanly when he went to the street once, and countless people spit, spit, and yelled at him.

He had no choice but to buy a mask to cover up his appearance, which would make him feel more secure.

It didn’t take long for the three of them to successfully come to the majestic palace gate.

Master stopped and sighed: “Xue Qinghe has finally become the emperor. With my suggestion, he can definitely weaken the influence of the Spirit Hall in the Heaven Dou Empire. On the Star Luo Empire, alas…”

He felt a little regretful. If Dai Mubai hadn’t happened to that kind of thing, he might already be the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, and the throne would be within easy reach.

When the two empires are united, what else is there to be afraid of?

But it’s a pity that Dai Mubai died on his own, and the great plan was ruined like this.

Hearing the master’s regretful sigh, Liu Erlong comforted: “Xiaogang, didn’t you say that, as long as Dai Mubai cultivates to Title Douluo as soon as possible, he may still regain the throne or let the Star Luo Empire fight against the Spirit Hall. of.”

Master    sighed again, and said: “He is only in the realm of Soul Sect now. How easy is it to cultivate to Title Douluo? Under normal circumstances, it will take at least 20 to 30 years.”

Liu Erlong said: “This matter can’t come in a hurry. If you want to destroy the Spirit Hall, you have to make Xiao San and the others become Title Douluo. As long as you can see the Spirit Hall perish and see Bibi Dong Fuzhu during your lifetime, I will be satisfied. .”

“I can’t rush.” The master smiled.

Flender smiled and said: “Xiaogang, do you think Xue Qinghe will give you a national teacher?”

Master heard that Flander was joking, and smiled: “I want to be, but I’m afraid he won’t. With my current reputation, how can he dare to make me a national teacher?”

“Stop talking, let’s go over.”

After finishing speaking, the master walked to the gate of the palace first. Flanders and Liu Erlong followed him from left to right, looking like his two guards.

As expected by the master, they were stopped by soldiers as soon as they approached the gate of the palace.

Master had been prepared for a long time, and said politely: “Please go in and inform your majesty, and say that Yu Xiaogang wants to see you.”

Hearing the three words Yu Xiaogang, dozens of soldiers guarding the gate of the palace shocked, and their sharp eyes shot towards the master.

Being watched by so many fierce gazes, the master felt uncomfortable all over, and he sighed inwardly. As expected, the emperor could not be seen by anyone.

“Are you Yu Xiaogang?” A small leader of the Forbidden Army walked out of it imposingly.

“Yes, I am Yu Xiaogang, I have had some friendship with your Majesty.” The master said quickly.

said, he took out a token that Qian Renxue had given him from the storage soul guide, handed it over, and said:

“This is the token that your majesty gave me at the beginning, please go in and pass it through.”

The little leader of the Forbidden Army did not reach out to receive the token, but stared at the master sharply, and said coldly: “Take off your mask!”

Master finally feels something is wrong, why does the little leader of the Forbidden Army seem to be aiming at him?

Flender and Liu Erlong also frowned.

Master    stretched out his hand and took off the mask, looking directly at the little leader of the Forbidden Army.

The moment he saw the master’s appearance, the face of the small leader of the Forbidden Army instantly became cold.

“Fuck me!” He shouted, and the loud voice shocked the master.

Shu Shu Shu… Dozens of soldiers around rushed over quickly, their spears pointed at the master, and their expressions were extremely cold.

Master    quickly said: “You must have misunderstood. I really know your Majesty. If you go in and tell me, your Majesty will definitely meet me.”

The little leader of the Forbidden Army kicked the master’s chest and sneered: “Get out! Don’t get out again, kill without mercy!”

Master was kicked in the chest and fell backwards. Fortunately, Flander supported him from behind.

“Why do you hit people casually?” Liu Erlong asked angrily.

“Erlong.” The master quickly grabbed Liu Erlong.

He looked at the little leader of the Forbidden Army and asked: “Why are you driving me away? Can you tell me the reason?”

The small leader of the Forbidden Army sneered and said: “Your Majesty has an order. Anyone from Shrek Academy will not be seen.” The full text of the article is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Upon hearing this, the master was stunned, and Flanders and Liu Erlong were also stunned.

How could Xueqinghe give such an order?

Haven’t everyone reached a cooperative relationship?

It was said that they would fight against the Martial Soul Palace together, why can’t they even see each other now?

At this moment, the master’s mind was blank, and he was stunned.

“Get out of here!” The little leader of the Forbidden Army shouted again.

Master came back to his senses, glanced inside with complicated eyes, and then pulled Liu Erlong and Flender away quickly.

After leaving a certain distance, Liu Erlong asked angrily: “Xiaogang, what are you doing with me? This Xue Qinghe is too shameless. When he was the prince, his attitude towards you was fairly respectful. Now It’s really unreasonable to turn your face and deny you when you become an emperor!”

Master was quite calm, but his face was solemn, and he asked, “Boss Fr, what do you think of this matter?”

Flander’s expression was also solemn, and he shook his head and said: “I don’t think I understand, Xue Qinghe’s attitude has changed too much.”

Master    said: “I don’t even think about it.”

“Could it be… that he took refuge in Wuhun Hall?” Liu Erlong asked.

Master shook his head and said: “It’s almost impossible.”

“Then what shall we do?” Flender asked.

The master sighed and said, “Wait, if this is really his order, then we will not be able to enter the palace. For whatever reason, if he still wants to cooperate with us, he will definitely come. Find us.”

“What if he doesn’t come to us?” Liu Erlong asked.

Master fell silent.

If Xue Qinghe really doesn’t come to him, he doesn’t know what to do Alas, wait and see, the situation may not be as bad as we thought. ”


At this time, in the imperial palace, sitting on the dragon chair is no longer Qian Renxue, but a cardinal from Wuhun Hall.

Qian Renxue’s mission has been completed, and she has already returned to Wuhun City.

The task of disguising Emperor Xue Qinghe no longer requires her to perform, a cardinal is sufficient.

Actually, it is the Papal Palace that governs the Tiandou Empire, and the cardinal who stayed in the Tiandou Palace posing as the emperor is only carrying out the order from the Papal Palace.

In the days to come, the Heaven Dou Empire will implement the policy of getting close to the Spirit Hall, and secretly eliminate all those who oppose it, so that the Spirit Hall will become more and more influential in the Heaven Dou Empire. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

I believe it will not be many years, even if the Emperor Tiandou declares his return to the Wuhun Palace, I am afraid it will not cause any disturbances.

The masters were waiting hard, waiting for the emperor to contact them and discuss the plan to fight against the Wuhun Palace.

However, this wait lasted almost a year, and the emperor didn’t mean to summon them in the slightest.

Master    also discovered that many of the new policies of the Heaven Dou Empire had the meaning of making friends with the Wuhun Palace, and a terrifying guess arose in his mind.

The worst may have already happened.

The emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, it is very likely that he has already returned to the Wuhun Hall.

:. : M.x

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