Douluo: Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 411

Chapter 403: Shrek reunite and analyze the current situation

Flander, who had become a strong Contrar, came to Tang San with a few breaths.

When he was about to ask who Tang San was, he suddenly saw Tang San with tears in his eyes, and he was taken aback for a moment, and his fierce aura weakened involuntarily.

“Who are you?” Flander asked with a frown.

“Dean, I’m a junior.” Tang San said.

“Nonsense!” Flander snapped.

At this moment, Liu Erlong and Zao Wou-ki also came to Flender’s side, looking at this handsome strange man.

Ma Hongjun yelled: “Teacher, don’t listen to his nonsense. He has Xiaosan’s belt on his body. Xiaosan must have encountered an accident. Take him down first.”

Flender, Liu Erlong, and Zao Wuji looked at Tang San’s belt, their expressions slightly changed.

Just when Flanders wanted to take down Tang San, the master shouted: “Don’t do it, he is the junior.”

The master ran to Flender’s side breathlessly, and said: “He is right, he is a junior.”

Everyone was stunned. This guy whose looks and temperament can make people jealous is Tang San?

What a joke.

Seeing the master coming over, Tang San’s knees softened, he knelt down with a plop, and yelled affectionately, “Teacher.”

With a big smile on his face, the master hurriedly helped Tang San and said with satisfaction: “Okay, it’s good to be back. It seems that your strength has improved again.”

Tang San stood up and held his teacher’s hand tightly, reluctant to let go.

“Xiaogang, what is going on? How did Xiaosan become like this?” Flender couldn’t help asking.

The master smiled and said, “Little San came back to see me once half a year ago, but he left in a hurry after not staying. I mentioned this to you.”

Flander nodded and asked: “This is how the junior three was like this half a year ago?”

“President, to be precise, I became like this four years ago.” Tang San blinked and said mischievously.

The master was in a very good mood, and laughed: “Let’s go to the house, junior, you can explain to them yourself.”


Everyone entered the discussion hall and sat down.

Tang San talked about the second awakening of his Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, and also talked about his mother’s identity as a spirit beast and the persecution of the Spirit Palace.

The experience of the later killing capital made everyone sigh with emotion.

After speaking, Tang San also released his two martial spirits, proving his identity.

At this moment, everyone finally completely believed in Tang San’s identity.

Ma Hongjun yelled: “Brother, it’s unfair. You and Boss Dai and Xiao Ao both look like a bitch, but I’m getting uglier and uglier. No woman dared to approach me anymore.”

Looking at Ma Hongjun’s ugly appearance, Tang San felt very sympathetic.

I don’t know if Ma Hongjun is a dead pig. He is not afraid of boiling water. He does not wear a mask. The burned skin on his face is still hideous and terrifying, and one eye is blocked with a blindfold.

With this look, just standing there without talking can make the children cry in fright.

Tang San had no choice but to comfort him: “Don’t worry, as long as you are sincere, there will always be girls who will be moved by you.”

Ma Hongjun shrugged and said that he didn’t care anymore.

The master asked: “Little San, didn’t your father come with you?”

Tang San shook his head and said, “My father didn’t come over. After leaving Yuexuan, he asked me to return to Haotianzong to recognize my ancestor and return to the clan. He stayed with my mother.”

When he talked about this, Tang San felt lingering fears. At that time, Tang Hao wanted to sever his hands and feet, take out the soul bone he once obtained from the Haotian School, and let Tang San take it back to ask for the crime.

Fortunately, Tang San stopped it in time, and Tang Hao gave up his thoughts of self-harm after pleading.

In Tang San’s words, the two fathers and sons will seek revenge in the Wuhun Palace together in the future.

Naturally, Tang San didn’t want his father to be a useless person.

“By the way, teacher, now Xue Qinghe has become the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, how is the progress of our joint fight against the Spirit Hall with him?” Tang San asked.

Last time he came back and hurriedly met the master and left, and did not learn about these things from the master.

Hearing Tang San’s question, the master was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

The others in Shrek were also silent.

Tang San felt that the atmosphere was a little strange, and asked, “What’s the matter? Why don’t you speak one by one?”

The master sighed, and said: “Little San, we misunderstood Xue Qinghe.”

“That’s right, Xue Qinghe is a cartilage and traitor!” Ma Hongjun yelled and said fiercely.

“What the **** is going on?” Tang San frowned.

“Oh, that’s a long story…” The master suddenly said the changes after Xue Qinghe took the throne.

Hearing that his teacher was driven away at the gate of the imperial palace, Tang San was very angry.

Finally, the master sighed and said: “Unexpectedly, Xue Qinghe turned out to be a white-eyed wolf. He probably lied to us before agreeing to cooperate with us. When Xue Ye died, he would join the Martial Soul Palace camp. ”

“If that’s the case, then his disguise is too good,” Tang San said.

He recalled the scenes he had spent with Xue Qinghe before, and he could not find any clues at all.

“This is the fact, I have seen it with my own eyes.” Liu Erlong said.

Tang San looked solemn and said, “This is how things have developed. In our plan to fight the Spirit Palace, we can’t count on the Heaven Dou Empire, and we even have to guard against it.”

The master nodded and said: “It is true, I have to guard against it.”

“But teacher, Xue Qinghe knows our determination to get rid of the Spirit Hall. Didn’t he report us to the Spirit Hall?” Tang San asked in confusion.

If Xue Qinghe really took refuge in the Spirit Hall, then Shrek Academy should be exposed to the Spirit Hall, and the Spirit Hall would definitely not let the Shrek Academy go.

But now, Shrek Academy is still doing well, so Tang San is a little confused.

The master said: “I have also wondered about this question. Xue Qinghe has no doubt about taking refuge in the Spirit Hall. He should have also told the Spirit Hall of our plan. The reason why the Spirit Hall did not act on us is very likely. Out of disdain.”


“Yes.” The master nodded, “Perhaps in their eyes, especially in Bibi Dong’s eyes, we are just a group of clowns, and Flanders, with the highest cultivation base, is now only 83rd level. Dai Mubai has become more successful again. Like that. I don’t think they are threatened at all.”

“That’s it.” Tang San nodded.

But soon, he asked: “Teacher, without the help of the Heaven Dou Empire, it will be even more difficult for us to fight the Spirit Hall.”

Indeed, the Spirit Hall itself is very powerful. If there is another empire to help, the hope of overthrowing the Spirit Hall will be even smaller.

The master said: “It is indeed more difficult, but it is not without hope.”

“Teacher, what plans do you have?” Tang San asked.

The master said: “We can’t count on the Heaven Dou Empire, but the Star Luo Empire still has some hope.”

“Star Luo Empire? Teacher, do you still want to use Dai Mubai?” Tang San asked.

“Yes, I heard that Davis, the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire, has become a prince. It is impossible for Mubai to inherit the Star Luo Empire by normal means,” the master said.

“What’s the method?”

The master said: “Personal strength, the Star Luo Empire currently does not have the support of Title Douluo. As long as Mubai becomes a Title Douluo, he will definitely be valued, and perhaps there is hope of inheriting the Star Luo Empire. Even if he cannot control the Star Luo Empire, but It shouldn’t be a problem for the Star Luo Empire to fight the Spirit Hall together.”

Title Douluo, Tang San clenched his fists, and said, “That must be many years away. If this malignant tumor in the Spirit Hall is not removed for a day, I will be unwilling to do so.”

The master said earnestly: “Little San, each of us hopes to get rid of the Spirit Hall, but this is not anxious. It is a long-term plan. After you all become Title Douluo, add the Star Luo Empire and Lan Electric Overlord Dragon Sect and Clear Sky Sect, we also have the confidence to break the wrist with the Spirit Hall.”

Tang San nodded heavily and said, “Teacher, I understand. I will definitely try my best to reach the Titled Douluo realm as soon as possible, and personally help you kill Bibi Dong to revenge.”

“Good, good.” The master smiled comfortingly.

“By the way, teacher, what about Boss Dai? When the Soul Master Competition was over, the Star Luo Empire probably wouldn’t let him go? What happened to him?” Tang San asked.

The master smiled and said: “Don’t worry, he’s okay. After leaving Wuhun City, I took him back to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. The Star Luo Empire did send a master to arrest him, all of whom were outside the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. And go home.”

“But the Star Luo Empire also let out words, unless Dai Mubai stays in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect for the rest of his life, otherwise he will never let him go.”

“Then he is still in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect?” Tang San asked.

“Yes, he is still there. Perhaps his life is threatened. These years, he has been practicing desperately in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. The cultivation base is progressing rapidly, and he has now broken through to the Soul Emperor level.” Said.

“He has become the soul emperor?” Tang San was surprised.

During the Soul Master Competition, his cultivation was already on par with Dai Mubai’s.

He knew that his talent was much higher than Dai Mubai’s, and Dai Mubai’s current cultivation base was still ahead of him.

But when he remembered that he hadn’t cultivated much spirit power during the years in Slaughter City and Yue Xuan, Tang San was relieved.

He looked at Oscar and Ma Hongjun, and asked, “Xiao Ao, Fatty, what are you guys doing now?”

Ma Hongjun chuckled, and said somewhat proudly: “Tang San, I am now a soul king, a level fifty soul king.”

“I’m level fifty-four.” Oscar said.

Tang San nodded, and said, “Not bad, you haven’t been lazy these years.”

“That is.” Ma Hongjun raised his chest and asked, “Tang San, you shouldn’t break through to the soul emperor yet? You should be no more than a few levels higher than me.”

The Master and Liu Erlong also looked at Tang San, wanting to know what Tang San’s cultivation is now.

Tang San smiled slightly and said, “I am now at level fifty-nine, and I feel that it won’t take long to reach level sixty, and then I will become the soul emperor.”

“Damn, pervert!” Ma Hongjun exclaimed with a look of jealousy.

Oscar also looked envious.

Flander scolded, “If you practice harder, you won’t be dragged so far by the third.”

“Teacher, I have worked very hard.” Ma Hongjun said.

The master laughed and said: “Boss Fu, don’t scold him. He has reached the level of the Soul King at the age of twenty. You can’t find a few in the Douluo Continent. Moreover, Ma Hongjun’s spirit attack power is powerful, a few levels higher than him. The soul master may not be his opponent, so please be content.”

Flender didn’t speak any more, but everyone could see the relief on his face.

Tang San suddenly remembered an important thing, and asked: “Teacher, I heard that Wuhun Palace introduced a new cultivation method a year ago. The cultivation of soul masters no longer requires hunting and killing soul beasts. This is Really?”

This matter had troubled Tang San for a long time.

He had heard his classmates discuss this in Yuexuan at the beginning, but he had nothing to do with those classmates, so he didn’t inquire too much.

When I came back to see the master last time, due to the rush of time, I didn’t ask.

Although it has been a year since this incident happened, Tang San still feels shocked when he thinks about it now.

The spirit master hunts and kills the soul beast and absorbs the spirit ring to advance. This is an unchanging rule in this world. The Wuhun Hall actually has another method that allows the soul master to advance. How is this possible?

Tang San thought for a long time but couldn’t understand it. He thought that only a wise man with such knowledge and deep knowledge of martial arts would know what was going on.

As soon as Tang San asked, he found that his teacher’s expression became serious.

“Teacher, what’s the matter?” Tang San asked.

The master shook his head and said, “It has been a year since Wuhundian introduced this method of cultivation. I have not given up on researching it all this year.”

“Even, I even sneaked into the Spirit Hall of Heaven Dou City with makeup, and witnessed a scene where many spirit masters were promoted at the same time. That scene was truly shocking.”

“That kind of crystal ball possesses a kind of magical power. It can generate a spirit ring that is most suitable for promotion based on the spirit master’s martial arts and physical quality, and its age is very close to the limit that the spirit master can absorb.”

“So amazing?” Tang San widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

The master smiled bitterly: “It’s so magical.”

Tang San shocked: “The spirit ring will only appear after the soul beast dies. This is the unchanging law of the Douluo Continent. How can a crystal ball have such a function? Where did the spirit ring in it come from? How did you generate a spirit ring suitable for a spirit master?”

The master shook his head, his face a little dull, and said: “I haven’t studied to understand. I quietly asked a few friends who are still working in the Spirit Hall. They don’t know the principle.”

“Then how did these crystal ball spirit halls come from?” Tang San asked.

The master shook his head and said: “I can’t find out, but I guess this is a special soul guide.”

“Soul Guidance Device? Is there such a magical Soul Guidance Device?” Tang San was puzzled.

The master said: “There was a big fault in the history of our soul master. The method of making the soul guide has long been lost. In that remote ancient period, it was not impossible to have this kind of magical soul guide. So, I guess, Wu The Soul Hall should have obtained this Soul Guidance Device from a certain ruin.”

Tang San nodded, accepting what the master said.

“Then why does the Spirit Hall of Martial Arts take out this kind of soul guide? Isn’t it better to keep it for your own use? It will undoubtedly benefit other forces if you take it out and share it.” Tang San asked.

The master said: “This is indeed detrimental to the Spirit Hall but there is also a side that is beneficial to them. I think they want to use this to make the spirit masters all over the world have a kind of belonging to the Spirit Hall. Feeling that, in this way, Wuhun Palace’s ambition to unify the mainland will be more easily realized.”

Tang San felt a chill in his heart and said, “This trick of the Spirit Hall is really poisonous. I believe it will not be long before many soul masters will become dependent on the Hall of Spirits. It will be even more difficult for us to get rid of the Hall of Spirits. .”

The master sighed: “This is indeed the case.”

“Teacher, is there a way to deal with it?”

The master said: “No, now there are very few soul masters who go to hunt and kill soul beasts for promotion. Not to mention life-threatening, you may not be able to obtain a suitable soul ring. With the new cultivation method of the Spirit Hall, Who will hunt the soul beast?”

“Although the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us, we still can’t forget the hatred, Xiaosan, please practice hard, I will try my best to unite those forces that have been poisoned by the Spirit Hall. Victory will definitely belong to us.”


Ma Hongjun suddenly said: “Brother, this method of breakthrough in the Spirit Hall is really good. When I broke through the Soul King, I went to the Spirit Hall to break through. It felt like it was really easy and cool. You It’s almost level sixty now, and you can go to the Wuhun Hall to try it when that time comes.”

Tang San immediately shook his head, and refused: “Fatty, have you forgotten the pain that the Spirit Hall has given you? How can you ask for something from the enemy? Even if I die, I won’t go to the Spirit Hall to break through. I have to rely on my own strength to get it. Soul ring.”

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