Douluo: Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 434

Chapter 425: Hands-on with the Golden Dragon King

God Realm, within the committee.

The evil **** in charge of the center of the **** realm and the other four **** kings monitor the entire **** realm together.

Relying on the God Realm Center, they can sense any wind and grass in the God Realm, and can use the power of the God Realm Center to instantly move to any place.

The God Realm has a vast territory, and the five of them are divided into labor, and each is responsible for monitoring an area, and there is no dead end.

God Shura frowned suddenly and said, “Strange, my Shura sword was taken by another person.”

The evil **** said: “Isn’t your Asura sword in the hands of the ninety-nine-level Title Douluo? He has accepted your inheritance for decades, and still hasn’t passed your test.”

God Shura nodded and said: “Yes, but I suddenly sensed that someone was trying to establish a connection with the Shura sword. This person is no longer the original one, but he is also one of the people who have obtained the Killing God domain.”

“And I just checked the Slaughter City. The little guy who got my test before should have been killed, and the Shura sword was snatched away.”

The evil **** smiled and said: “Isn’t this just right? You can get a new heir, and you can get your killer domain. The talent should be pretty good, right?”

Shura Divine Dao: “The talent is good, but compared to the previous one, it’s still a bit worse.”

The God of Kindness: “Forget it, Shura, since he has obtained the Shura sword, then give him a chance to try it. Among us, you are the most rigorous selection of inheritors.”

The God of Life also said: “Yes, you can give him a chance. The upper limit of a person’s achievement is not only related to talent, maybe he can successfully inherit your **** position.”

Shura Shendao: “Well, then I will give him the nine exams for Shura. Whether he can succeed or not is up to him.”

“By the way, what level is this little guy now?” the evil **** asked.

“Ninety-sixth level.” Shura Shendao.

“Ninety-sixth level, you can directly accept the ninth test,” said the evil god.

God Shura pondered for a moment, and said: “Then I will make it simple. If he can make the Shura sword recognize the master by his own ability, then I will let him take the ninth test and accept my inheritance. If he can’t bear it in the end. I can’t blame me if I die.”

He just finished speaking, his expression changed, and he said, “No, that mysterious strong man is here.”

The other four people present also changed greatly.

The evil **** immediately projected his spirit through the center of the **** realm and projected it onto the area monitored by the **** Shura, and suddenly saw Ao Tian who had just arrived in the **** realm.

“It’s really him!” The evil spirit said solemnly.

The others also saw Ao Tian’s figure.

The **** of destruction abruptly stood up and said: “Go, let’s let him come back and forth!”

“Wait a minute.” The God of Life yelled, “Don’t you find it strange? Why is he alone? Does he want to fight our entire God Realm alone? Where are the soul beasts? Could this be one? conspiracy?”

Evil Shinto: “Your worry is not unreasonable, but we have the center of the God Realm, and we can appear anywhere in the God Realm. We don’t need to worry about any tricks they have.”

“Let’s go, go to meet him for a while, this time in our turf, I want to see how strong he is.” God Shura also stood up.

“Go.” The evil **** stimulated the great movement ability of the center of the **** realm, and the five people disappeared at the same time.

The God Realm is really too big, and the rules of heaven and earth are much stronger than the lower planes. Although the gods have teleport capabilities, they can’t teleport ultra-long distances within the God Realm.

An evil **** with a center of the gods can use the power of the center of the gods to appear anywhere in the gods.

Ao Tian, who had just arrived in the God Realm, did not rush to find the Golden Dragon King, but observed this world with great interest.

This is the first time he has come to God Realm.

Many years ago, when he was dominating the Douluo Star, there was no God Realm at that time.

The God Realm only appeared later, and it was formed by the condensed mind power of many beings in the lower planes.

“This God Realm is indeed more suitable for cultivation, but it is only aimed at Xiao Wu and the others, and it has no effect on me.” Ao Tian thought to himself.

His divine consciousness spread, and the powerful divine consciousness instantly covered the entire divine realm, and he could easily feel the breath of the Golden Dragon King.

The Golden Dragon King has the blood of the dragon family, and Ao Tian can easily find it.

At the same time, he also sensed that the Asura gods were coming to him.

Ao Tian smiled faintly, his body suddenly disappeared, and he came to the forbidden place.

The Golden Dragon King was sealed here, was sealed together, and there were other beasts who refused to surrender.

In the long years of being sealed, the Golden Dragon King has been absorbing the divine power from the outside world and regaining its own strength. Its current strength has surpassed the **** king level and reached the level of the supreme god, but it is only the strength of the elementary supreme god.

The rest of the sealed beasts, because the Golden Dragon King had absorbed all the divine power around them, all became weaker and weaker. Many divine beasts had died because of the exhaustion of their divine power, and some were not far from death.

These sacred beasts hate the humans who sealed them, and also hate the Golden Dragon King.

As soon as Ao Tian arrived here, he saw the towering tower in the center of the Forbidden Land, and the Golden Dragon King was suppressed under that tower.

Just when Ao Tian left the place just now, the five evil gods appeared in the place where Ao Tian had just left.

“What about people?” the **** of destruction asked.

The evil **** suddenly changed his expression and said anxiously: “He went to the forbidden land!”

The other four people were shocked.

“His goal is the Golden Dragon King!” This thought flashed through everyone’s hearts.

“Let’s go!” The evil **** yelled, and the five figures disappeared again.

When Ao Tian had just arrived in the forbidden land, the Golden Dragon King felt that someone had arrived from above.

It roared angrily, and the earth began to vibrate slightly.

However, the seal imposed by the gods on it was too strong, and the forbidden land itself had a powerful sealing ability, even if it now had the strength of the Supreme God, it still could not break the seal.

Ao Tian smiled slightly, lifted his foot and stomped lightly.

In an instant, the forbidden land began to shake violently, and the earth cracked.

The central tower began to tilt slowly and fell to one side.

A huge crack began to spread out to both sides under the tower, getting longer and wider, without bottoming out.

The angry roar that originally came from the depths of the earth stopped suddenly, seeming to be shocked by the sudden change.

But immediately, the roar sounded more violently, only this time, the roar was no longer anger, but ecstasy.

The five evil gods who were a step late finally arrived.

As soon as they arrived here, they saw the ground cracking and the Golden Dragon King roaring with excitement.

The complexion of the five people’s faces changed at the same time, and the secret way was not good.

Over the years, they can also feel that the strength of the Golden Dragon King is gradually increasing, but they can do nothing.

Because the dragon cocoon made by the Golden Dragon King was too hard, they wanted to kill the Golden Dragon King, but they had more than enough energy.

Unexpectedly, the first thing this mysterious strong man did after he came to the God Realm was to release the Golden Dragon King.

The evil gods saw at a glance that the seal had been completely broken, and it was inevitable for the Golden Dragon King to see the sky again.

If Ao Tian is not here, the evil **** can still try to seal the Golden Dragon King again.

But they understood that with Ao Tian here, they would never have the opportunity to seal the Golden Dragon King.

The only thing they can do is to defeat Ao Tian and Golden Dragon King, and then kill or seal them.

Ao Tian turned a blind eye to the five evil gods who came, turned his back to them, smiled at the huge crack, and waited for the Golden Dragon King to come out.

“Do you want to do it?” the **** of destruction asked through voice transmission.

The evil **** shook his head slightly, and said, “Wait! I have notified everyone to come here. The later the fight happens, the better it will be for us.”

Although they had set up a large formation in the God Realm, they were still extremely jealous of Ao Tian.

The evil **** is very cautious, even though they already have a great advantage here, he doesn’t dare to do it right away.

The five backed away for a while, staring at the big crack in Ao Tian’s already vigilant way.

The evil **** urged the **** realm center in his hand, and the originally arranged formation was activated, sealing the entire **** forbidden place.

Except for them who have the center of the gods, no one can teleport away here.

Ao Tian still turned his back to the evil gods and directly ignored them.

At this moment, in the huge crack, golden light began to shoot out.

This golden light is very rich, just like real gold.

The roar of the Golden Dragon King became more and more high-pitched.

In that roar, full of excitement, spite, madness, destruction and destruction desires, wandering in the forbidden land of God, shocking the hearts of the evil gods.

The Golden Dragon King is so powerful!

They knew that in the long years, the Golden Dragon King had been slowly becoming stronger, but they didn’t expect to be so strong.

“The Golden Dragon King already possesses the power of the Supreme God.” The God of Goodness worried.

The evil **** said: “Don’t worry, although it has the strength of the supreme god, it is still much weaker than the original dragon god. We can still defeat it with the five of us. With the help of the big formation, and The great gods came one after another, and it is not impossible to keep the two of them here.”


A huge claw protruded from the bottomless crack and slapped it heavily on the ground at the edge of the crack, making a low muffled noise.

The giant claws that appeared were golden, as large as hundreds of square meters, and the front end of the giant claws were the tips of the claws like a sharp cone.

There was another muffled sound, and a huge claw protruded from the crack again, clasping it on the ground on the other side of the crack.

Immediately afterwards, the two huge claws exerted force at the same time, and a big earthquake trembled. Amidst the roar of excitement, a behemoth flew out of the crack.

The body of the Golden Dragon King was flying up like a mountain, exuding a strong golden light, dyeing the entire forbidden land into gold.

Behind the two front paws, there are two more sturdier hind paws, three times larger than the front paws.

The scales on the Golden Dragon King are diamond-shaped, and each piece is shining with magnificent brilliance, revealing a thick, hard, and sharp aura.

The huge wings splayed behind, and sharp spikes spread from the top of the head along the spine to the tail.

The Golden Dragon King’s tail is very long, the tip of the tail is unusually thick, and it is covered with spikes, like a huge mace.

If it is swept by this tail, I am afraid that the king of God will be seriously injured or killed.

The Golden Dragon King inherited the powerful physical abilities of the Dragon God, whose strength, defense, and speed are the best in the God Realm.

Of course, these are nothing in front of Ao Tian.

When the Golden Dragon King completely flew into the air, the nearly thousand-foot-long body was also shown in the eyes of everyone.

The huge ruby eyes were full of brutal and violent light.

Just when the evil gods thought that the Golden Dragon King was about to explode, the Golden Dragon King fell down, and his body fell heavily on the ground, throwing up dust in the sky.

The Golden Dragon King was only a dozen meters away from Ao Tian, and looked down at Ao Tian condescendingly.

“You let me out?” Jin Longwang asked.

In its eyes, no gratitude can be seen, but some are just indifferent.

Ao Tian smiled and said, “Yes, I let you out.”

The Golden Dragon King said: “Very well, this king will give you a great fortune. You will follow the text king in the future and do things for this king. You will have the supreme power of the gods!”

Ao Tian smiled and said, “A little dragon is worthy of letting me surrender?”

The Golden Dragon King was stunned, and then roared: “Human, do you dare to despise the great Golden Dragon King?”

The Golden Dragon King didn’t feel Ao Tian’s breath. From its perspective, Ao Tian was a human being.

Ao Tian smiled and said, “Do you think I am here to save you? No, I am actually here to kill you.”

The five evil gods were taken aback and frowned.

The development of the matter has exceeded their expectations, isn’t this mysterious powerhouse with the spirit beast? Why do you want to kill the Golden Dragon King?

When the Golden Dragon King heard Ao Tian’s words, he was instantly angry and didn’t say a word. His big hideous mouth opened, and the hot dragon’s breath spit down towards Ao Tian.

It wants to burn this arrogant human being into slag!

When the evil gods in the distance saw this scene, joy suddenly appeared on their faces.

It’s really fighting!

The moment the Golden Dragon King breathed out, the spirits of the evil gods and several people began to exchange.

“You said, who can win the two of them?” the good **** asked.

Shura Divine Dao: “This mysterious strong man severely injured me with a single move. He must have been the cultivation base of the Supreme God. It is hard to say which is stronger than the Golden Dragon King.”

Evil God said: “I think the Golden Dragon King is more likely to win. It inherits the powerful physical capabilities of the Dragon God, and is extremely powerful in defense and attack.”

While they were communicating, the dragon’s breath from the Golden Dragon King fell on Ao Tian.

Ao Tian stood there with a faint smile on his face, and a faint energy shield appeared around his body, bounce all the dragon’s breath that fell.

He doesn’t have the habit of being drooled by others However, beauty is another matter.

The Golden Dragon King was slightly surprised and said: “You can resist my dragon’s breath, it means that you already have the cultivation base of the **** king, no wonder you dare to speak wildly. But do you think this is my strength? You are wrong, so wrong! ”

With that said, the Golden Dragon King turned his body, and the thick and long tail swept towards Ao Tian.

The thick part of the tail end that looked like a mace is aimed at Ao Tian.

A rumbling sound of terror sounded, and the extremely stable space of the God Realm showed signs of collapse under the attack of the Golden Dragon King.

Where the tail swept, the space vibrated violently, and then small black cracks appeared.

With this blow, the faces of the evil gods who watched the show changed.

They put themselves in the situation and thought for a moment, if they took the blow by themselves, 100% would be seriously injured.

Facing the swept giant tail, Ao Tianfeng lightly raised a hand and lightly grabbed it.

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