Douluo: Live Q&A, the whole world was exposed by me

Chapter 516 God Realm Licks Dog Long Yueye, Without the Tang Family, Douluo is even better!

Chapter 516 God Realm Licks Dog Long Yueye, Without the Tang Family, Douluo is even better!
The reason Tang Wulin was able to activate the Seed of Life relied on the life energy of the abyssal creature, the six-clawed demon emperor, from the abyss of another world.

Regarding the Seed of Life, Tang Wulin didn't understand what it was at first.

However, under the introduction of Qiluo Tulip's soul in his body, he finally understood that the Seed of Life turned out to be the originator of all life in the entire Douluo World, representing nature in a sense.

Once the seed of life was stored in the ancient golden tree.

Later, the ancient golden tree was destroyed, and the seed of life was transferred into Tang Wulin's body.

However, Lin Yu didn't really believe the introduction of Qiluo Tulip.

The seed of life, the originator of life on the entire continent?

Do you want to be so outrageous!
Anyway, Lin Yu really couldn't imagine how a seed became the originator of all life.

Even if it is the tree of life in the Western Fantasy world, it is just the creator of the elves!

Moreover, there are some logical problems in Qiluo Tulip's words.

On the one hand, the Seed of Life is the originator of all life on the Douluo Continent, and in a sense it represents nature, so it should be an independent existence.

After all, his personality is so high!
But it also said that the seed of life is stored in the ancient golden tree in some form, and it has always existed.

But the problem is, the ancient golden tree was transplanted by Tang San to Shrek Academy.

And the ancient golden tree told Tang Wulin in his dream that Tang San transplanted him here and gave him a fortune.

But the problem is, as far as Lin Yu saw on the surface, Tang San only transplanted the ancient golden tree to Shrek Academy, and did not benefit the ancient golden tree.

If there is really a fortune, then Lin Yu can only think of the seed of life stored in the ancient golden tree.

If you look at it this way, maybe Tang San entrusted the seed of life to the ancient golden tree.

But if Tang San can get the Seed of Life and entrust it in the Ancient Life Tree, then the Dragon God of ancient times can do it too!

However, there seems to be no species of life in ancient times.

Otherwise, the Douluo Continent in ancient times would have much more vitality than the current Douluo Continent.

If the seed of life existed in ancient times, it must have germinated long ago!
So in Lin Yu's view, it is impossible for the Seed of Life to be the originator of all life in Douluo Continent, at most it represents the nature of Douluo Continent at present.

And this should be condensed by Tang San later, it is the embodiment of the core of life in the world of Douluo Continent!

Just like Tang Hao's master of planes, he was created after birth.

Regarding this, Lin Yu didn t know whether this was bad or not.

The vitality of a world should have been scattered.

Only when the entire world is destroyed, will the vitality of this world completely dissipate.

And condense the vitality of a world into the core and make it real.

Even so, through the embodied life core, it can effectively enhance the life force of this world.

But it also has disadvantages.

That is, once the embodied core of life is destroyed, the whole world will definitely suffer great trauma!
As for the current seed of life in Douluo Dalu, Lin Yu didn't know whether it was good or bad, but Ayin became the seed of life in Douluo Dalu later.

Coupled with Tang Hao who became the master of the Douluo Dalu plane, Lin Yu felt quite disgusted anyway.

Because all the benefits of the Douluo plane seem to have been eaten up by the Tang family.

Tang San said that for the good of Douluo Dalu, he can play with the people on Douluo Dalu wantonly.

It's really standing up and down again!

And the live broadcast is still going on.

After a long time of experience in the Blood God Legion, many things happened during this period.

Because the Golden Dragon Robber could absorb the energy of the abyss, Tang Wulin couldn't help being valued by the entire Blood God Legion.

Later, after leaving the Blood God Legion and coming to the Tang Sect, Tang Wulin learned about the mysteries of the Douluo Dalu plane from Long Yueye.

In Long Yueye's explanation, the plane where advanced intelligent creatures were born is the advanced plane.

And a plane that controls more than three high-level planes can be called the God Realm.

Of course Douluo Dalu is also a higher plane!

And the master of the plane is the entire Douluo Continent, or the Douluo Star.

It not only gave birth to humans and soul beasts, but also gave birth to martial souls. The martial souls possessed by humans and the power possessed by soul beasts all exist because of the laws of the Douluo plane, and this laws also control the wisdom of the entire planet. , promoting the development of the planet.

According to Long Yueye, if Douluo Star continues to evolve normally, it will definitely ascend to the God Realm in the future.

But who knew that the God Realm suddenly disappeared.

And according to Long Yueye, in the past 1 years, there have been many more Limit Douluos than [-] years ago, and humans have become stronger.

At the same time, soul guidance technology also began to develop rapidly, and these were all secretly promoted by the master of the plane.

Hearing this, Lin Yu felt like vomiting.

These are promoted by the lord of the plane, is it Tang Hao?
What a joke!
This is too much to put gold on his face!
Lin Yu didn't know what to say for a while, this crazy Long Yueye who regarded the God Realm as a nanny for Douluo Continent, was so wishful thinking!

According to him, Douluo star's soul master system was born naturally and was created by the master of the plane.

But this is simply a big mistake, it completely violates the natural law of life growth!
Because according to its explanation, the Lord of Planes is not just the planet Douluo, but also represents all creatures on Douluo, including humans, soul beasts, and plants.

In this case, the strengthening of humans, soul beasts, and plants also represents the strengthening of the Douluo Plane Master.

That being the case, it is certainly impossible for the Lord of the Douluo Plane to design a system of soul masters, so that human soul masters and soul beasts must kill each other.

Isn't this deliberately controlling the number of lives of Douluo Star?
If the master of Douluo's plane is simply Douluo itself, all life on it is just like the bacteria in the human body.

This is almost the same, but the problem is not!
This alone is a big mistake, let alone the natural evolution of Douluo Star, which can ascend to the God Realm in the future.

You are afraid that you are thinking about farting!

There are countless planes under the banner of God Realm, and Douluo Dalu is not the most conspicuous among them.

None of these many planes has ascended to the God Realm, which onion is your Douluo Continent?
From the perspective of the God Realm, all the planes it controls are used to provide the God Realm with the power of faith and maintain the existence of the God Realm. Other than that, it is useless.

Letting you ascend to the God Realm is simply too beautiful a thought!
As for what to say over the past ten thousand years, the increase in Limit Douluo and the rapid development of soul guidance technology were all driven by Tang Hao secretly, and Lin Yu was even more speechless.

In Lin Yu's view, the increase of Limit Douluo and the rapid development of soul guidance technology.

Rather than saying it was promoted by Tang Hao, it is better to say that the times are developing.

After all, there were not many Xuanshui pills in the Douyi period, and the environment of the entire continent was also peaceful. In such an environment, it is natural that powerful soul masters cannot be cultivated, and the development speed of soul guidance technology will not be too fast.

In the Dou Er and Dou San periods, not only were there more things that could assist cultivation, including pills, but also the situation in the mainland became turbulent, with evil soul masters and wars.

Such an environment is more capable of cultivating strong people, and soul guidance technology can also advance rapidly.

And it must be said that on Douluo Planet, the increase of Limit Douluo and the rapid development of soul guidance technology are related to Tang Family and God Realm, rather than Tang Hao's secret promotion.

Lin Yu even believed that it was because the God Realm was blown away by the storm of time and space.

Without the interference of the God Realm, the development of Douluo Dalu will become so fast in the future!

This point is not without examples, Tang San is a naked example!
If it wasn't for Tang San personally going down to the realm in Peerless Tang Sect, preventing the Sun Moon Empire from dominating the Douluo Continent.

It is estimated that the soul guide technology in Dousan's period has already risen to the aerospace level, and the living conditions of soul beasts will not become as bad as Dousanli.

After all, Juzi loves Huo Yuhao.

If she succeeds in unifying the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent, then she will definitely treat the soul system left by Huo Yuhao very carefully, and maybe she can truly achieve peaceful coexistence between soul beasts and humans.

And if the Sun Moon Empire unified the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent, and concentrated the power of the entire empire, the development of soul guidance technology would definitely be even faster.

But with Tang San's destruction, everything changed, became even worse!

Anyway, if you don't believe it, you can remove Tang San and the Tang family in the plot from Dou Yi to Dou San, and you will be surprised to find out.

Without the influence of Tang San and the Tang family, the development of Douluo Dalu seems to have become better!
(End of this chapter)

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