Douluo: Love You Without Regret

Chapter 28

Qianye knew that Tang San was in a very bad mood right now, he lowered his head slightly, walked towards Tang San, put his hand on Tang San’s shoulder, and called out, “Little San…”

Tang San turned his head, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were filled with grief and pain that could not be concealed, and asked softly and doubtfully, “Qianye, what’s wrong?”

Qianye looked into his eyes, fell silent for a moment, and dragged him straight out of the room, towards the top of the hill.

“Qianye?” Tang San helplessly followed Qianye up the hill, stood on the top of the mountain together, looked at the vast sky, then looked at Qianye standing beside him, and asked, “What’s the matter? Room…”

“Little San, just say if you’re unhappy.” Qianye looked at the place where the sky and the earth bordered, and said softly, “Don’t keep it in your heart, it will be very uncomfortable.” He held Tang San’s hand tightly.

“Qianye…” Tang San squeezed Qianye’s hand, then held it tightly, and said, “Thank you.”

“I think, there must be a reason for your father to leave. Little San, you are already a soul master. If you want to grow up, your father raised you and must have expectations for you. He also said, he was going to work, he didn’t really leave, it’s okay to ask when he comes back.” Qianye said, standing on tiptoe, rubbing Tang San’s head, in his heart He secretly despised his small body.

The sadness in Tang San’s eyes gradually disappeared, returning to the former empty light. He ruffled Qianye’s hair in revenge, scratched the tip of his nose, and said, “Obviously a child, but like an adult.”

Qianye covered the top of his head, puffed out his cheeks angrily, and said, “Hmph, I will definitely grow taller in the future, and then mess up your hair and let you play tricks on mine!”

The sun slanted westward, and in front of the blacksmith shop, three petite figures sat side by side, and they sat quietly.

The afterglow of the sun fell on them with a touch of red, as if a circle of golden red was branded on their bodies.

The **** the left turned her head to look at the boy, put her hands on her chin, and wanted to say something, but she finally held back.

It was the boy who spoke instead, holding a brand new casting hammer in his hand, “Xiao Wu, Qianye, thank you for always being with me.” Tang San lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet, his eyes were a little blurry. It was also a little hazy, but after all, it didn’t make the tears fall.

Xiao Wu chuckled and pushed Tang San’s shoulder, this time with a lot of force, almost knocking Tang San down, “Don’t be depressed. Your father is only leaving temporarily. One day, you will meet again. Maybe, His departure is only to make you grow better and make you stronger. If you continue like this, won’t you be living up to his painstaking efforts?” Then he looked at Qianye, who was sitting on his right, and said, “Right? , Xiao Qianye? You must have brought the little three out to comfort him, right?” He approached Qianye with a face full of gossip, hoping to hear the ideal answer.

Tang San pulled Xiao Wu back, preventing her from getting so close to Qianye, with a wry smile on his face, “Perhaps so, but why didn’t he let me meet again. Xiao Wu, you You know, my father is my only relative. Without my father, the family is no longer a family.”

Xiao Wu shook her head and threw her long scorpion braid in front of her, “Without my father, you still have my friend. If you insist on finding a relative, I don’t mind being your sister. Come on, call me. Miss Sheng Xiaowu, come and listen. Everyone screams like that, only you are the exception.”

“Sister Xiao Wu, your birthday registered at school is smaller than Tang San’s.” Qianye ruthlessly revealed the truth, making Xiao Wu unhappy, Qianye helplessly spread his hands and said, “You chose this yourself. oh~”

“Hmph, Xiao Qianye, how can you play with elder sister? It’s really not good.” Xiao Wu said angrily, reaching out to pinch Qianye’s face.

“Hmm…” Qianye covered her little red face that was lit by the setting sun, looked at Tang San, and accused, “Little San, look, Xiao Wu bullies children!”

Tang San couldn’t help laughing, it’s always a very beautiful thing to have someone by your side when one’s heart is the most vulnerable.

He looked at Xiao Wu and said, “Xiao Wu, stop bullying Qianye, he is still young. And I remember that although we are the same year, you seem to be a few months younger than me. I was born in January, you But it’s August, you should be my sister according to reason.”

“Don’t think about it. I’m just an older sister, not a younger sister.” Xiao Wu raised her hand angrily and knocked on Tang San’s head, then looked at Qianye with her bright eyes, and said, “Xiao Qianye, what if you recognize me as a sister, if Who will bully you…” She shook her fist, “Sister Xiao Wu help you clean him up!”

“No, you are not as powerful as the mistress.” Qianye turned his head in disdain and said.

Xiao Wu’s eyes widened: “Huh? You actually look down on me, my jiu-jitsu is very good!” He emphasized it seriously.

“I don’t want to.” Qianye rejected her unceremoniously.

Tang San’s body flashed, and he had already jumped out, standing three meters in front of Xiao Wu, “Xiao Wu, follow me up the mountain, I’ll show you something.”

Tang San’s expression was serious, as if he had decided something.

Qianye looked at Tang San and suddenly realized: “That’s it, right?”

Tang San nodded without speaking.

Xiao Wu didn’t play anymore, her little face showed a bit of obedience, and she nodded to him.

Tang San took the initiative to pull up Xiao Wu’s tender little hand, then took Qianye’s little hand in his palm, and ran towards the mountain bag outside the village. The shadows of the three of them gradually elongated on the ground under the rays of the setting sun.

Tang San led them all the way to the top of the mountain before stopping, under the circumstance of urging Xuan Tiangong with all his strength, he couldn’t help but breathe a little.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Tang San faced the setting sun, his eyes already covered with purple, “Xiao Wu, this is where I used to practice. I’m asking you a question very seriously, and I hope you can answer me seriously.”

Xiao Wu pursed her lips, “Did you know that you look a lot like those old men in the academy now?” Qianye pulled Xiao Wu’s hem to calm her down and listen to what Tang San had to say.

Tang San slowly turned around and looked at Xiao Wu seriously, “Are you willing to be my sister? I really hope to have another relative.”

Xiao Wu was about to say something, but was stopped by Tang San, “Listen to me first. I don’t have anything, you can see the situation of my family, I’m just a poor commoner. I can’t give you wealth, nor can I give you wealth. You are powerful. You are also born full of soul power, but you are different from me. I can see that your background should have a story. But I never asked, because I was afraid that the gap between our backgrounds was too great, and even friends I can’t do it. However, I really hope to have a sister like you. Although I can’t give you what the nobles have, I can give you my promise. I will always protect my sister, no It will hurt her a little bit.”

Looking at Tang San’s tearful eyes, Xiao Wu’s eyes gradually turned red, “If one day, there are many people who want to kill me, and you can’t beat those people, what should I do?”

A faint smile suddenly appeared on Tang San’s face, “Then ask them to step over my body first.”

Xiao Wu was silent, and Tang San didn’t speak again. Qianye looked at the two of them and suddenly felt a little unhappy: Huh? Seeing them looking at each other like this, why do you feel so… unhappy?

“Brother.” Xiao Wu broke the peace with a simple word.

The tears that he had been holding back for so long finally fell down at this moment, Tang San shaking his hands, took Xiao Wu’s hand, “Thank you, sister.”

His father is gone, but he has another younger sister, Tang San looked up at the sky, silently swearing a lifetime oath to the stars in the sky.

“Hey, can you guys not always forget me!” Qianye cried out unhappily, blinking her eyes aggrievedly, sweeping and sweeping her long eyelashes.

Tang San rubbed Qianye’s little hand and said, “Then, Qianye, are you willing to be mine…”

Qianye interrupted him aloud: “Little San, I can’t be your brother, that’s not allowed,” he looked at Tang San seriously, and said, “We are friends, but not relatives, I know This kind of words hurts, but I have no way to promise you, and I don’t want to lie to you, so I can only say, I’m sorry, I can’t bring you the warmth from my family, but I can give you the care and love of a friend. accompany.”

Tang San looked at him with a smile, and said, “It’s okay, I already have a younger sister, so I won’t force anything.”

As night fell, the three children were sitting on the top of the mountain, feeling the gentle blowing of the mountain peaks, watching the stars and moon in the sky, the tranquil atmosphere and the fresh air, all brought a comfortable feeling.

“Can I not call you brother?” Xiao Wu turned to look at Tang San beside her.

Tang San was taken aback, “Why?”

There was a hint of blush on Xiao Wu’s face, “How can I say, I’m also the boss of all the students in Notting, and suddenly there are more brothers, what will they think of me?”

Tang San smiled, “Okay, you can still call me Xiaosan, just like Qianye. As long as I know in my heart that you are my sister, what does the name matter?”

While speaking, Tang San raised his hand, pulled down his sleeve, and took off the sleeve arrow from his left wrist.

“We’re brothers and sisters. I don’t have anything of value, so I’ll give this to you for self-defense. It’s my first work.”

Xiao Wu curiously looked at the Xiu Jian handed over by Tang San, “What is this?

Tang San smiled slightly and said: “I call it the Hidden Arrow, it can also be called the Silent Hidden Arrow, just activate the switch, and the three small arrows inside will shoot out according to your control, you can shoot one, or you can shoot all three at once. Shoot it out. Because the sound is very small when it is launched, it is not easy to be detected by the opponent, so it can have a very good effect when facing an enemy of similar strength.”

Xiao Wu said in surprise: “When we were sparring before, how come I never saw you use this kind of thing?”

Tang San smiled indifferently and said: “Fool, we are classmates and friends. How could I use such a lethal weapon? Remember when I smashed you with a stone? Do you think it was just a coincidence? Look, there’s a mosquito there.”

Xiao Wu looked in the direction of Tang San’s fingers. Three meters away, there was indeed a mosquito buzzing past, and she could barely see clearly with the help of moonlight.

“Would you believe it if I told you that I could hit its left wing without killing it?”

Xiao Wu glared at him and said, “Are you kidding me?”

A purple light flashed in Tang San’s eyes, his right hand suddenly lifted, a faint shadow quietly disappeared, and the mosquito disappeared out of thin air.

Holding Xiao Wu’s hand, Tang San said, “Follow me.” He dragged her to a big tree not far away and stopped, without Tang San pointing, Xiao Wu could clearly see the trunk. There was a three-inch long steel needle on it, shining in the starlight.

The needle was nailed to the tree, as if something was struggling.

Xiao Wu lowered her head to take a closer look, and almost screamed in surprise. A mosquito was being nailed under the needle. The steel needle penetrated the mosquito’s left wing and nailed it firmly to the tree. The mosquito was jumping around, obviously not life-threatening.

“You, how did you do it?” Xiao Wu looked at Tang San in astonishment. If it weren’t for the fact that she had been with Tang San all the time, she would have thought it was a pre-planned preparation.

Tang San pulled out the steel needle, when he spread his palm again, the steel needle had disappeared, “This is my secret, I call it a hidden weapon, even my father doesn’t know it. I just want to tell you that I have The ability to protect my sister.”

Xiao Wu is always interested in new things, shaking Tang San’s hand excitedly: “Good brother, can you teach me?”

Tang San said with a wry smile: “With your violent tendencies, if you learn hidden weapons again, you don’t know how many people will suffer. And hidden weapons cultivation is not something that happens overnight. The hidden arrow I gave you is a kind of hidden weapon, you first It works fine.”

It’s not easy to learn Tangmen’s hidden weapons. First of all, it is necessary to have Xuantian Art as the foundation, and Xiao Wu’s spirit power is not weak, and it is obviously impossible to re-cultivate Xuantian Art. Tang San has secretly decided that he will do it in the future. Make some hidden weapons and equip her with them. That’s enough.

Tang San personally put the sleeve arrow on Xiao Wu’s left arm, adjusted the size of the sleeve arrow when it was closed, so that it completely fit on Xiao Wu’s arm, and then he explained to Xiao Wu how to use the silent sleeve arrow in detail. She tried several times. Xiao Wu fell in love with this baby almost immediately.

Xiao Wu went to the side to test the Hidden Arrow, Tang San slowly raised his head, looked at the stars in the sky, and said to himself: “Dad, are you really afraid that I won’t be able to become strong by your side? Don’t worry? Well, I will practice hard and become a real man. One day, I will become your pride.”

“Tangmen, I have left you for six years, but I will always be a Tangmen. In this Douluo Continent, I will definitely carry forward everything about Tangmen.”

His jade-white hands were suddenly thrown out, and countless threads of silver light shot up into the sky, and Tang San’s eyes were already filled with purple light.

Qianye watched their interaction from the side, heard Tang San’s words, silently memorized them in his heart, then ran over and said, “Little San?”

“Huh?” Tang San looked at Qianye suspiciously.

Qianye used two index fingers to touch and touch, touch and touch, and said, “I found out that you have forgotten me since you accepted Sister Xiao Wu as your sister just now. Forget friends!”

“…I’m sorry.” Tang San complained to himself angrily when he saw his aggrieved face, and his heart felt a little turbulent. Although he couldn’t accept Qianye as his younger brother, he would just treat him as his younger brother. He didn’t intend to protect him before. For a lifetime? Tang San stretched out his hand to squeeze Qianye’s face: Well, it feels really good, squeeze again.

QAQ Tang San has become a face-pinching devil, not happy. Qianye cried in his heart, reaching out to pat Tang San’s hand.

Tang San laughed laughingly, he took Qianye’s little hand and watched Xiao Wu practice aside, all the bad mood from before dissipated.

I will definitely protect Qianye and Xiaowu. Qianye is my first friend and the first person I want to protect. Xiaowu is now my sister. No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will definitely protect them. ! Tang San made up his mind in his heart.

Qianye looked at the few stars in the night sky, and suddenly felt that something had changed from now on…

☆、Small Theater 1

Another year has passed, Qianye has grown a little taller, and can finally look at Tang San, he is very satisfied with this. He was two years younger than Tang San! He thought so.

Qianye has now sneaked into Nording Academy. According to what he told them, he should have just awakened, that is to say, his martial spirit has just appeared. Qianye took out a fan and stroked it gently. The fan Bibi Dong gave him, whether it was a fan or a fan bone, were all black. Every time he used it, a red wire would appear on it, as if there were red threads wrapped around it. Qianye liked this fan very much, not only Because it was sent by Bibi Dong, and because of the fan’s ability, a single fan would create clouds and mist around him, obscuring his figure.

With a slight smile, Qianye pushed open the door of Tang San’s dormitory and called out, “Little San, Sister Xiao Wu.”

The little three in the room was meditating and practising in meditation, while Xiao Wu was playing with some strange gadgets and having a lot of fun.

Seeing Qianye coming, Xiao Wu swiftly pounced and picked up Qianye, making Qianye scream “let go” in fright.

Xiao Wu quietly blinked her eyes and said, “I won’t let it go.” After speaking, she planned to hold Qianye in a circle to play.

Tang San opened his tightly closed eyes and said, “Xiao Wu, stop playing.”

Xiao Wu smiled and put down Qianye, playing with Qianye’s white hair that was very close to her waist, and said with a smile, “Xiao Qianye, your hair is going to reach your waist, who are you going to marry?”

Qianye saved her hair from her claws, turned around and threw herself into Tang San’s arms, stared at her, snorted coldly, and said, “Sister Wu, your hair is so long, why don’t you marry? “

Tang San watched the two of them play, smiled and didn’t speak, hugged Qianye in his arms, let him lean against his body comfortably, and stroked Qianye’s smooth hair, feeling very satisfied.

“Little San smiled like a successful fox, with a face full of food and drink.” Xiao Wu glanced at Tang San, as if she had discovered something new, and smiled.

“Ah?” Tang San looked at Xiao Wu with a puzzled face, and then at the strands of hair in his hands. Seeing Qianye turned his head, he quickly explained, “Your hair is knotted.”

“Oh.” Qianye replied lightly, and continued to quarrel with Xiao Wu. The two discussed the issue of strength from the issue of marriage, and then transferred to Qianye very smoothly.

“Xiao Qianye, you are six years old this year, aren’t you?” Xiao Wu blinked and asked, “The martial soul has awakened, come on, tell me, what is the martial soul?”

“Hmm…” Qianye smacked his lips and said, “Magic Seal,” tilted his head to think about it, and said, “Xiantian…full of soul power, um, that’s it.”

“I haven’t heard of the martial spirit.” Xiao Wu exclaimed, then glanced at Tang San and called out, “Little San, don’t always play with Xiao Qianye’s hair, tell me, have you heard of this martial spirit?”

“No.” Tang San replied nonchalantly while fondling Qianye’s hair.

“…” Xiao Wu looked at Tang San with a speechless expression, complaining in her heart: A year has passed, Xiao San is now more and more fond of playing with Qianye’s hair, how did he develop this habit? Does the little three have a hair fetish? !

Tang San felt the strange gaze, and when he looked up, he saw Xiao Wu looking at him with an incredible expression, thinking about it, he didn’t seem to be doing anything? do not care. Tang San pinched Qianye’s face, and continued to play with Qianye’s hair, um, to braid it.

Xiao Wu pouted, stared at Tang San’s hand, and continued to complain in her heart: Not only her hair, but also her face, um, Xiao San has the authority. Ever since he liked pinching Qianye’s cheek, he refused to let it go. Others will pinch it, not even me. I am Xiao Qianye’s sister (although he doesn’t admit it). QAQ misses the touch of Qianye’s white and tender face…

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Qianye asked Xiao Wu suspiciously.

“No, it’s nothing.” Xiao Wu waved her hand, turned around and walked outside, um, out of sight and out of mind, let the two of them play inside, I’d better go and fight with those cute little brothers.

“Little San, what is Miss Wu going to do?” Qianye asked.

Tang San buried his head in braiding and said with a smile, “Go and fight.”

“Oh,” Qianye nodded, indicating that he understood. He gave Xiao Wu’s younger brothers a moment of silence in his heart, suddenly remembered something, and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Ah? Braid.” Tang San showed Qianye the half-braided braid and asked, “Does it look good?”

==Qianye silently snatched his hair back from Tang San’s hands, got up, and left: Well, coming here today was a wrong choice.

Tang San followed closely behind, saying: “Qianye, don’t go, I haven’t made it up yet…”

It’s been a really nice day.

The author has something to say: the small theater is delivered, and volume one officially ends o(∩_∩)o

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