Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall

Chapter 558: An awkward and delicate day

Jiangzhu shook her head in embarrassment. Just as she was about to say "You're welcome," a delicate jade box was thrust into her hand:

 “Take this thing.”

Jiangzhu was stunned and asked subconsciously:

“Ah? Teacher Ye, what is this?”

"A good thing." Ye Qifeng smiled slightly, but did not clearly explain that it was a fairy herb, "Selected specially for you."

Ye Qifeng had a gentle smile on his face, and looked softly at Jiangzhu, whose eyes widened slightly and seemed a little dazed:

"You take it first, and when Sister Erlong is free, ask her to protect you. Then you eat it. It will be good for you."

 “As for what it is, you will know when the time comes.”

Jiangzhu was not stupid. She immediately realized that the jade box contained something very precious. She wanted to refuse, but Ye Qifeng did not give her a chance and forcibly changed the topic in another direction:

“By the way, Jiangzhu, has anyone bothered Sister Erlong in the past few years?”

Liu Erlong once said one thing in a communication letter - she reconnected with two old friends who had traveled to the mainland together but later separated and had not seen each other for more than ten or twenty years.

Ye Qifeng knew who those two old friends were at a glance. Apart from the other two members of the golden iron triangle - the four-eyed owl Flanders and the waste master Yu Xiaogang, who else could they be?

 Ye Qifeng was a little concerned about this.

But regarding the reunion between the Golden Triangle, Liu Erlong didn't say much in the letter. He just mentioned it a little bit. Ye Qifeng didn't know the specific details. He only knew that they didn't seem to get along happily in the end. .

To know the details, it was obviously inappropriate to ask Liu Erlong directly, so Ye Qifeng thought of trying Jiangzhu to see if she knew the truth.

Jiangzhu did not answer Ye Qifeng's question immediately. Instead, he frowned and recalled it, carefully searching the memories in his mind. Then he nodded to the latter and slowly narrated:

“Since Teacher Ye left a few years ago, the dean has gradually handed over most of the affairs of Lanba College to other teachers, and then came to live in seclusion in this wooden house in the forest deep in the college.”

“However, the dean has not completely cut off contact with the outside world. He still pays attention to the management of the college. After all, some major decisions of Lanba College still need to be made by the dean himself.”

“In addition, the dean will occasionally come out to receive some guests who visit the college, some of whom are friends of the dean.”

“For example, Ye Huiyin, the head of the Ye family of Jiuxin Begonia, comes here every now and then. Sometimes she also brings her daughter, Miss Ye Lingling, with her, and Miss Duguyan also comes with her occasionally.”

“Ah, by the way, there’s also the super-beautiful sister Qian Renxue from just now. She’s been here a few times now and then.”

 Speaking of this, Jiangzhu suddenly frowned, and his tone unknowingly brought a hint of displeasure:

“However, in the past two years or so, the most frequent visitors to the dean are not the Ye Family Master and the others, but two weird-looking men—one with a shoehorn face and the other with a flat face and a short hair.”

"Oh? A shoehorned face or a flat-faced head?" Upon hearing this, Ye Qifeng understood instantly. Jiangzhu was talking about 100% Flanders and Yu Xiaogang. His eyes flickered slightly and he raised his hand. Signaling her to continue:

  “Tell me carefully.”

Jiangzhu nodded lightly:

“That shoehorn-faced uncle is quite diligent in visiting us. He visits us almost two or three times every month.”

“On the other hand, the one with a stern face and short hair comes less often. He only visits once every two or three months. However, in the past six months, the number of his visits seems to have increased a lot.”

“Whenever they come, the dean will personally come out to receive them, but one thing I have to mention is that when the dean receives the shoehorn-faced uncle, he is always happy every time.”

"But every time the interview board followed him, for some reason, the dean's face would become ugly in the end. I don't know if there was a quarrel during the reception or something, but the dean looked very angry anyway. "

As Jiangzhu spoke, he shrugged his straight little nose with an expression of disgust:

“If those two people weren’t old friends of the dean, the college wouldn’t have been able to refuse their visit. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered to send a message to the dean for them.”

"Especially that guy with a slender face and a short head. Every time he came to see the dean, he always put on a bad face and looked reluctant. It seemed like it was such a torture for him to see the dean. The same grievance."

“The dean doesn’t owe him anything, why should he show his stinky face to anyone? It’s so disgusting, it’s really annoying.”

 “I don’t like it anyway.”

Hearing Jiangzhu’s words, Ye Qifeng inevitably raised his eyebrows:

“You mean that Sister Erlong didn’t get along very well with those two people, and they even had disputes over certain things, especially when the paralyzed Bantou was around, right?”

Jiangzhu held the exquisite jade box that Ye Qifeng gave her with great care in her hand, and nodded quickly:


"However, I don't know what the reason for the dean's disagreement with them is, but it is definitely true that the dean was angry. I can be sure of this."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and glanced at Ye Qifeng's handsome face. Before her face turned red, her heartbeat quickened, her breathing accelerated, and her consciousness almost became unbearable, she hurriedly said:

"Teacher Ye, if you want to know more, you can ask the dean. I think the dean will definitely tell you."

“You don’t know how much the dean misses you. She has been living alone here in seclusion for these years. Apart from practicing, she is raising flowers and grass. She often reads your name in a daze. I have heard it several times.”

Hearing Jiangzhu's words, Ye Qifeng was slightly startled. Looking at her slightly rosy face but looking very serious, he couldn't help but smile gently, nodded gently and said:

 “I will, thank you for telling me this.”

Having said that, Ye Qifeng patted Jiangzhu on the shoulder, then turned around and walked into the small living room of the wooden house that was a little crowded at this time because there were too many visitors.

However, the moment he turned around and walked into the small living room, a silver-white ring popped out from Ye Qifeng's hand and fell accurately into the palm of Jiangzhu's empty jade hand. At the same time, a magnetic and soft voice came from the air:

"You don't have a storage soul guidance device yet, right? This is a storage soul guidance ring. I give it to you as a gift for what you just told me."

"Ah, by the way, the things in the jade box in your hand cannot be exposed to the air for too long. Just put it back into the ring. I don't need to say more about how to use the storage soul guide. I Thought you should know."

“As for how to take the contents in the jade box, I will tell Sister Erlong, and she will tell you in detail when the time comes.”


Because there were so many people who suddenly came to visit, the wooden house where Liu Erlong lived in seclusion was not very large, so he could not entertain everyone well.

So Liu Erlong sent Jiangzhu, who was left behind by Ye Qifeng, to reserve a seat on the second floor of the cafeteria of Lanba College, and treated everyone to a lunch with a sumptuous banquet.

 After lunch.

Jiangzhu returned to his team and continued to practice with teammates such as Tai Long, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan to prepare for the upcoming elite competition of the continent's advanced soul master academy.

Riwen took six sisters from the second team of Wuhundian who were curious and new about Lanba Academy to visit and hang out.

 The others all returned to the wooden house where Liu Erlong lived in seclusion.

 After returning to the forest cabin.

Yue Guan and Dugu Bo, old enemies, did not want to get involved in the complicated relationship between Ye Qifeng, Liu Erlong, Qian Renxue and other women, so they ran to the small garden in the courtyard and stared at each other. They quarreled with each other. Liu Erlong felt itchy after finally looking forward to Ye Qifeng's return. He wanted to stay by his side and feel his breath.

But because my best friend Ye Huiyin is also here, I can't just leave her aside. I can only suppress my thoughts temporarily and focus on Ye Huiyin, my best friend.

However, while whispering to Ye Huiyin, Liu Erlong still couldn't control himself, and frequently cast his eyes towards Ye Qifeng, and no one else could stop him.

Liu Erlong's thoughts were not all on Ye Huiyin, but in fact, Ye Huiyin's thoughts were not all on Liu Erlong either.

From time to time, Ye Huiyin would glance at his daughter Ye Lingling, Ye Qifeng, and Qian Renxue and Dugu Yan, who stayed by Ye Qifeng's side.

Ye Huiyin noticed the abnormality of her best friend Liu Erlong, but she saw through it without saying anything. While she was amused, she couldn't help but start to worry about her daughter.

 Should we bring together Erlong or Lingling? Oops, it’s hard to do.

However, it seems that it is no longer a question of choosing Erlong or Lingling. The key is that Qian Renxue, a blonde beauty of unknown origin and enviable beauty, has obviously occupied a place.

Dugu Yan, the eldest daughter of the Dugu family, is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp, not to mention there are a group of beautiful girls hanging out at Lanba Academy outside.

There is no way, the handsome Holy Son of Ye Qifeng is really outstanding, there are really many women who covet him, sometimes even she, a woman who is over forty years old, married and has children, can't help but feel sad. Throbbing, heart pounding.

 Ahem, forget it yourself, it’s better to leave it to Lingling.

But Lingling didn't seem to have much of an advantage in front of those women. Every one of the women surrounding Ye Qifeng Shengzi was not an ordinary thing, and each one was more beautiful than the other, and each one was better than the other.

How can this be fixed?

 Ye Huiyin felt like his head was getting big.



Ye Qifeng, Qian Renxue, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were sitting on the sofa around the coffee table, chatting quietly among themselves. On the surface, they seemed to be in harmony.

Qian Renxue sat next to Ye Qifeng, her phoenix eyes slightly narrowed, and a slight smile on her face. She was soft and charming, but she vaguely exuded a powerful aura, as if she was Declare your ownership to the outside world.

Ye Qifeng certainly felt the strange aura on Qian Renxue's body, but he could only pretend to be nonchalant. After all, Qian Renxue's hand was placed on the soft flesh of his waist and never moved away from him.

  Seemingly intimidated by the aura exuding from Qian Renxue, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling did not dare to rashly seize the seat next to Ye Qifeng, so they had no choice but to join hands and sit on the other sofa opposite the coffee table, exchanging glances with each other.

Dugu Yan glanced at Ye Lingling next to him and raised his eyebrows at the latter imperceptibly:

“Lingling, the Holy Son is right in front of you, come on up.”

Ye Lingling blinked her talking eyes and responded to Dugu Yan with her eyes:

 “I don’t dare. Yanyan, you are older than me, you go first.”

Dugu Yan’s eyes suddenly widened:

 “No, no, no, you are the younger sister, younger sister takes priority.”

Ye Lingling’s small mouth under the black gauze opened slightly, and she blinked again:

 “You are the elder sister, and the elder sister comes first.”

 Duguyan: "."

 Ye Lingling: "."

The two good sisters who had agreed to form an alliance against each other began to refuse each other, as if no one wanted to touch the bad luck of Qian Renxue, the little hamster who protects food.

The atmosphere gradually became awkward and subtle.

Qian Renxue didn't know that Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were increasing their traffic with each other, but she knew very well that the purpose of the two girls in front of her today was Ye Qifeng, so she had to be careful.

Then the hand that pinched the soft flesh of Ye Qifeng's waist turned in a half circle.

“Hiss—” Ye Qifeng suddenly took a breath of cold air, but did not dare to make any sound.


The awkward and subtle atmosphere lasted for a long time, and it was not finally broken until Riven took a group of sisters to visit the Lanba Academy and returned to the wooden house.

 Staying with the people you like, time always flies by, and before you know it, it’s time for the sun to set.

 Liu Erlong once again arranged a sumptuous dinner for everyone.

 After the dinner, it was time to say goodbye.

The wooden house where Liu Erlong lived in seclusion only had four rooms for people to live in. It could not accommodate so many people, so most people had to go back to their homes.

Although Lanba College has extra dormitories for everyone to live in, they are prepared for students and teachers.

In order not to break the rules and occupy the public resources of the college, and because he had some small thoughts in his heart, Liu Erlong did not force everyone to continue to be guests.


 Mother and daughter Ye Huiyin and Ye Lingling, as well as Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan's grandfather and grandson, could only return to their mansions with regret and reluctance.

Yue Guan drove a carriage and returned to Tiandou Wuhun Temple with several members of the second team of Wuhun Temple, but Ruiwen stayed behind.

Also staying behind were Ye Qifeng and Qian Renxue. After all, the other three rooms in the wooden house were originally prepared for them.

—The room that originally belonged to Ye Qifeng is now occupied by Liu Erlong.

 Throughout the whole day today, Liu Erlong could not find a chance to be alone with Ye Qifeng because Qian Renxue had been following Ye Qifeng like a piece of candy.

The same goes for Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling, who came specifically for Ye Qifeng. They could not express their feelings clearly until they left. Although they were not in a good mood, they could only sigh secretly and had to accept this. result.

But the two of them have already made an appointment - come back next time, um, when Qian Renxue is not around.



 Ah—, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I forgot, make it up now! (End of chapter)

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