Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall

Chapter 570: Shit Green Shrek

The morning wind is still a little cool, and the sun shines on the Tiandou Soul Arena, where the opening ceremony of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to be held, dyeing it a golden color.

In the long corridor covered with red carpet, teams of senior soul master academy teams arrived one after another. Crowds of onlookers stood on both sides of the corridor, and the cheers continued for a long time.

With a smile on his face, Liu Erlong led a group of elite students from the Lanba Academy team through the crowd, triggering bursts of cheers from the audience.

Wearing a black leather dress that is easy for fighting, her plump and hot figure is extremely eye-catching.

 Tall and graceful figure, exquisite and beautiful appearance, coupled with strong strength, and status as the head of a hospital, Liu Erlong has extremely high popularity in the hearts of countless male audiences, even to the point of fanaticism.

 Even female viewers are no exception.

Especially the young female soul masters, they almost regard her as their idol.

Jiangzhu, Tailong, Jingling and Huang Yuan followed closely behind Liu Erlong, with excited smiles on their faces. As they walked forward, they waved in response to the cheers of the audience.

At this time, the enthusiasm of the audience will be stimulated, and the cheers will become louder and louder.

The four of them have made their mark in the last Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition and have already gained some experience. However, facing the enthusiasm of the audience at this moment, they are still unavoidably excited.

 Several other new members who have joined the team are participating for the first time.

Facing such a fiery scene, they, who had not seen much of the world, were inevitably a little nervous and timid at first.

But after getting used to it, I gradually put all these unnecessary nervousness and timidity behind me. I quickly raised my head, puffed out my chest, and calmly faced the cheers of the audience, and my face turned red with excitement as they cheered.

Liu Erlong, who was walking at the front, naturally noticed the changes in the demeanor of the students and deliberately slowed down his pace to let them better feel the atmosphere of the Soul Master Elite Competition.

  After all, there are not many such opportunities, they only happen once every five years.

It is rare for civilian soul masters to participate in the elite soul master competition. Before the establishment of Lanba Academy, it can be said that there were almost none.

Now that they have this opportunity to participate in person, they might as well experience and enjoy the enthusiasm of the audience.

 This is also a kind of experience for them, and it is also a reward.

Looking at the smiling faces of the students and the excitement, excitement, satisfaction and happiness on their faces, the smile on Liu Erlong's face couldn't help but become brighter.


Not long after the Lanba Academy team entered the field, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the audience at the back.

Having passed the official inspection of the competition, Liu Erlong, Jiangzhu and other elite students from the Lanba Academy team who walked into the gate of Tiandou Spirit Arena subconsciously stopped and looked back.

 The next second, everyone’s eyes widened in surprise.

 I saw a strangely dressed team walking through the entrance aisle and heading towards the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena. However, what the audience gave them was not cheers, but incredible laughter and boos.

Even though they are far apart, everyone is a soul master, and some mocking sounds can still be vaguely heard from the roar of laughter from the audience.

"What kind of academy team is that? Oh my god, did they just crawl out of the pit?"

"Hey, let's not talk about it. The green monster pattern on their chest is quite cute. A pair of ears are like trumpets. Pfft -, I'm laughing to death. I can't do it anymore. I really can't praise it."

“Look, look, they seem to be recruiting some kind of advertisement behind them? Where did this advanced soul master academy come from? Can someone like this participate in the elite competition of the entire continent’s advanced soul master academy? It’s such a big forest and there are all kinds of birds.”

"Hush, don't say it so loudly, he is still a soul master after all. However, he is probably just here for a formality. Look, there is a fat man inside, who is as long as a ball."

"Ahem, do you really dare to say that? Didn't you see that there is a larger swan pattern on the green monster pattern on their chest? They are from Tiandou Royal Academy."

"What? Such a weird team is actually a team from Tiandou Royal Academy? Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. But it can't be said that it is completely a team from Tiandou Royal Academy. I have inside information. This team is actually from a pheasant academy called Shrek Academy, but they joined temporarily for the sake of quota. Tiandou Royal Academy is only participating in the name of Tiandou Royal Academy’s second team.”

“Oh—I see, no wonder it’s so weird. Then again, does the Tiandou Royal Academy allow them to do this? After all, it represents the face of the Tiandou royal family.”

"What is not allowed? The thoughts of the nobles are not something ordinary people can fathom. Anyway, as long as you can bring honor to the Tiandou Royal Academy and the Tiandou Royal Family, they don't care how weird you are."

 “That’s true.”

ˆ “.”

Precisely because of their weird costumes, the Shrek Seven Devils and others immediately received particularly "enthusiastic" attention as soon as they entered people's sight.

They were wearing standard Shrek Academy team uniforms, which were the unique creations of Flanders who had "excellent taste" and were specially customized for this continent-wide elite competition of advanced soul master colleges.

As for the color, I can only use the word "weird" to describe it.

That is not ordinary green, but a color between yellow and green. To describe it in one color, it is **** green.

In addition to the weird **** green color, everyone also has a bright emerald green pattern on their chest. It is an equally weird-looking Shrek monster that occupies almost half of the entire chest area.

Of course, there is a larger swan pattern on top of this monster pattern. After all, they are competing in the name of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy. The symbolic pattern of Tiandou Royal Academy must be embroidered on the clothes, and it must be Prominent location.

 It just seems extremely inconsistent.

This is nothing, the most bizarre thing is that behind each member of the Shrek Seven Monsters team, there are six distinctive large characters embroidered with red silk thread - "Recruitment Title Advertisement".

There is also a line of small words below the six big words - "For advertising fees, please go to Tiandou Royal Academy to interview Mr. Flender, the leader of the Shrek Seven Monsters team."

 “Wow, there are so many people!”

In the Shrek Seven Monsters team, the little witch Ning Rongrong, who loves to play and join in the fun, couldn't help but exclaimed, her little head turned around curiously, looking at the crowded scene around her, completely ignoring the crowd. of mockery.

  But others are different.

Oscar carefully protected Ning Rongrong. While acting as a flower protector, he kept his head down as much as possible to prevent others from seeing him clearly.

Mainly because of the weird attire on his body, he felt so embarrassed. Hearing the ridicule from around him, he almost wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Not only Oscar, but also the dazzling Xiao Wu and another pretty assistant girl, including the Shrek Seven Devils and several substitutes, all lowered their heads as much as possible at this time, keeping their faces Cover up.     Because the weird costumes on their bodies made them even ashamed.

The Shrek Seven Devils once tried to rise up and boycott the uniforms, but in the end they were suppressed by Flanders' power.

The other four substitute players who were asked by Yu Xiaogang to fill up their quota also protested. Even the Third Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy was alarmed and asked about it, but because Flanders was still stubborn, nothing happened in the end.

 In fact, Flanders actually had his own little thoughts in designing such an ugly and bizarre team uniform.

 First of all, their Shrek Academy is not very famous, and it is even more unknown in the Tiandou City competition area.

Secondly, they are now dependent on others. Even the qualifications for the competition are obtained from Tiandou Royal Academy, and they must compete in the name of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Flender is not willing to just make wedding clothes for others, and wants to make the Shrek Seven Monsters team have a certain popularity before the game.

And if you want to make a name for yourself, you have to find another way and go off the beaten path.

So Flanders came up with a crooked idea, which was to use ugliness as a selling point to create a topic and gain people's attention.

Then in subsequent games, we will try our best to show the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters team and create a sense of contrast, so that we can gain more attention and support.

At that time, it will not only win honor for Tiandou Royal Academy, but also make Shrek Academy famous. It would be even better if there are more big sponsors to provide some advertising revenue.

Then Shrek Academy doesn't have to worry about where the funds for running the school will come from, nor does it have to worry about disbanding after the competition.

This is a matter of killing multiple birds with one stone, and Flanders' inner calculation made a loud noise.

Shrek's weird appearance attracted bursts of ridicule from the audience. The Shrek Seven Devils couldn't stand it, and they all used the ones they used when they participated in the Soul Fighting Competition at the Soto City Soul Fighting Arena. He took out the Shrek mask and put it on, not daring to show his true face.

It is really unspeakable to act ugly in public.

Poorly, the four people who were filling in the numbers did not have this "equipment", so they could only cover their faces with their hands and walk quickly. They looked as embarrassed as they could.

 But Flanders and Yu Xiaogang did not wear such a team uniform, they just hung an inconspicuous little Shrek badge on the left chest of their clothes.

And before the jeers could be heard around them, the two men ran away on the pretext of seeing old friends and going to say hello.

The Shrek Seven Devils and the four substitutes were left standing there, being baptized by waves of ridicule, and were about to cry without tears.


 “Isn’t this too ugly?”

 For a moment, Liu Erlong, Jiang Zhu and others were shocked by the weird costumes of the Shrek Seven Devils and others. Well, they were shocked by their ugliness.

Jiangzhu subconsciously glanced down at the bright white team uniform he was wearing.

 Exquisite and comfortable fabrics, beautiful patterns, decorations and college logos embroidered with gold and silver. Although it is not too gorgeous, it is still bright and beautiful, and I immediately feel much happier.

Other team members felt the same way, and suddenly felt inexplicably proud of being a member of the Lanba Academy team.

Noticing Flanders and Yu Xiaogang running towards him quickly, Liu Erlong's expression changed and he quickly urged the team members: "Go quickly, go quickly."

 After saying that, she should turn around and leave.

“Dean, those two seem to be your friends.”

Jiangzhu subconsciously wanted to remind Liu Erlong that the people coming were her two old friends, but when she turned around, she saw Liu Erlong's expression of "I don't know them", turned around as if running away, and quickly raised his head to the sky. Walking into the spirit fighting arena, he immediately covered his mouth and smiled, and quickly waved to the team members to follow him one by one.


 Today there are many teams coming to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, with representatives from nearly thirty academies. Each team wears uniforms carefully prepared by their own academy.

  Most of the teams that came to participate were well-dressed, but none of them were as weird as Shrek Academy.

 Dressed in beautiful team uniforms of gold, silver, red, white, green, and purple with various decorations, patterns, and college logos, the young soul masters strutted into the great soul fighting arena.

 Each one of them is like a proud peacock, majestic and capable of looking down on the world.

  After the Shrek Academy team left, the interest of the onlookers was quickly attracted by other teams.

Watching Shrek and his party pass the official inspection of the event and enter the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, Tang Hao, who was hiding in the crowd and observing silently, raised his right hand and pulled the tattered robe and cap covering his head, and unzagged his beard. The scruffy face was hidden in the shadows.

He was tall and strong, wearing a tattered black robe, and his whole body was hidden in the black robe. His strange and slovenly appearance seemed a little out of place with the people around him, but no one showed his presence. Any impatience.

 It’s because there is a faint ring of soul power surrounding his body, which disrupts other people’s sight and perception, preventing people from paying attention to his existence, and at the same time protecting himself from being touched by the crowded crowd around him.

Of course, he exuded a strong smell mixed with the smell of alcohol and sweat, which was equally intimidating and intimidating. Except for a few people who were accidentally squeezed over, no one wanted to get close to him at all.

 A vacuum zone with a radius of two meters even appeared around him.

Noticing this change, Tang Hao knew that he could no longer hide his figure in the crowd, so he prepared to break away from the crowd and sneak into the Tiandou Spirit Arena at an opportunity.

 But just when he was about to use his soul power to escape, the crowd of onlookers suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers, which immediately attracted his attention.

Looking through the heads with hair of different colors and looking in the direction of the cheering crowd, Tang Hao saw the object of the cheers at a glance—

 A team of soul masters, two men and seven women, came to participate in the elite competition of the continent's advanced soul master academy.



I recommend a book, [Greek Mythology: My Father is the God-King Zeus]. The author is Mark Miko, a book friend. It is a famous masterpiece on the Sanjiang list. It is fresh, delicious and trustworthy.

 Book friends who are interested in Western fantasy and mythological themes can check it out. (End of chapter)

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