Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall

Chapter 61: It's not just soul beasts that are dangerous, but also people

   Chapter 61 Dangerous not only soul beasts, but also people

  Bibi Dong was a little stunned at this time, and found that her disciples' knowledge of the Star Dou Forest was beyond her imagination, and she even knew more and more details than her teacher.

   This made her suddenly feel a sense of embarrassment that was not suitable for Teacher Qifeng that night.

  Bibi Dong's cheeks were slightly red, but she still took the teacher's air, took Ye Qifeng's words, and first praised: "Yes, it seems that you have already understood the details of Xiaofeng."

   then continued:

   "The Great Star Dou Forest is a good place. There are many spirit beasts in it. It can be called the cradle of spirit beasts. It is the favorite place of powerful spirit masters."

   "Almost every soul master who wants to break through can find the most suitable soul ring from it."

   "But it is also an extremely dangerous place. Every year, a large number of spirit masters die in it."

"Unlike the Soul Hunting Forest where soul beasts are kept in captivity, the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest are extremely dangerous, and they are extremely aggressive, and they don't like humans. It's an attack from a ten thousand year level soul beast."

   Having said that, Bibi Dong spoke at full speed:

   "Don't stick to the division of soul beasts described in the classics."

"In the Great Star Dou Forest, it is difficult to ensure that there will be no changes. It is possible for the ten thousand year spirit beasts in the inner circle, or even the one hundred thousand year spirit beasts to come to the outer circle. The surrounding high-aged soul beasts flocked to the outer area in a swarm."

   "So when entering the Great Star Dou Forest, you must be careful and careful."

   At this moment, Bibi Dong's face became serious:

   "Besides, remember one thing. The danger is not only from the soul beasts, but also from the soul masters who are also human beings."

   "Human nature's greed is terrifying, too terrifying to imagine. In this world, there are always some people who like to take risks, waste their lives, and hunt others for resources."

   "Therefore, you must understand the truth that the heart is separated from the belly, and the wealth is not revealed, and also, don't trust others easily, especially in the Star Dou Great Forest."

  Bibi Dong paused, looking at Ye Qifeng with beautiful eyes:

   "Xiaofeng, you are not a soul master yet. After entering the forest, you must always remember not to leave your teacher and Nihuang too far away."

   "Not much to say about the other teachers."

   "Okay! Teacher, I understand!" Ye Qifeng nodded and replied.

   At this moment, the voice transmission of the Nihuang soul force driving outside the carriage came in:

   "Your Majesty, we have entered a distance of 100 kilometers from the Great Star Dou Forest. There is a small town in front of us. At this time, it is about to sunset in the afternoon. Should we stay for one night or go directly to the Great Star Dou Forest."

  Bibi Dong thought for a while after hearing the words. After a while, she transmitted her soul power to Nihuang and said, "Go directly to the Great Star Dou Forest. You can just sleep in the forest at night."

  Bibi Dong and Nihuang are not weak women, such things as sleeping in the wild, they used to do tasks and hunt for spirit rings.

   Even if the place where they sleep is the Great Star Dou Forest, they are not afraid. After all, they are both Titled Douluos, and it is the spirit beasts in the forest that need to be afraid.

   Besides, Bibi Dong also intends to train disciples so that Ye Qifeng can see what the Great Star Dou Forest looks like at night.

   "Okay." Nihuang, who received the reply, immediately drove the carriage through the outer town and continued onward.

   After half an hour.

  The carriage stopped, and they had reached their destination, the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

   After arriving here, the carriage can no longer continue to move forward. Further ahead is the Great Star Dou Forest. There is no road for carriages to pass through, so we can only rely on walking.

   And the carriage needs to be managed by someone.

   "Your Majesty, you have reached the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest." Nihuang said through a voice transmission into the carriage.

  Bibi Dong and Ye Qifeng got out of the carriage and jumped out of the carriage after receiving the voice transmission of Nihuang's soul power.

   Not far away is the lush Star Dou Forest.

   Looking around, it is an endless green ocean, like a huge green beast crawling on the ground, which is shocking.

   There are gusts of breeze blowing in the face, carrying the unique fragrance of plants and soil, which is refreshing and brings an indescribable refreshing feeling.

  The roadside where the carriage stopped is a temporary gathering place.

   In the gathering place, many people have set up tents here at this time. Some people are cooking on fire while there is still light, and some directly eat their own dry food.

   These people are not unexpected, all of them are soul masters.

   Ordinary people would not dare to appear in this place. The Star Dou Great Forest is very dangerous for spirit masters. Ordinary people have only one fate here, and that is to become a snack in the mouth of spirit beasts.

   Judging from the clothes of these people in the gathering place, almost all of them belonged to civilian soul masters with little influence.

  Some people ask people to help hunt soul beasts in order to obtain soul rings, or to form teams by themselves, or to spend gold soul coins.

   And some people, in order to earn gold soul coins and support their families.

   These people usually organize into a group and work together to help spirit masters who need to break through the realm to hunt for spirit rings, and then collect rewards.

   This group has an exclusive title - Soul Hunting Group.

   There was some noise in the gathering place, but it was not chaotic, and it was obvious that someone was in charge of managing the order.

   Suddenly a gorgeous carriage came, and the people in the gathering place were suddenly attracted to their attention. When they saw two beautiful women who were all over the country and the city, with a little boy in gorgeous clothes, everyone was a little stunned.

  Especially the male soul masters in the room, their eyes suddenly straightened, their eyes fell on Bibi Dong and Nihuang, and they never moved away for a moment.

  Someone almost got their ears pulled off by their female companions and let out a scream.

   There were also a few stingy eyes, involuntarily showing filthy eyes.

   Although everyone was curious, no one dared to approach him.

   Because on the carriage, the unique mark composed of six patterns of chrysanthemum, ghost, dragon, sword, hammer, and crown reminds them all the time—this is the carriage of Wuhun Temple.

   The characters on the carriage, don't think about it, they must be people who belong to the Wuhun Temple, and they are very likely to be big people.

   They can't afford it.

   After getting off the carriage, Nihuang's spiritual power spread out and swept away from the gathering place.

   From the soul power fluctuations on their bodies, I sensed that none of these people in the gathering place had a soul power lower than level 30.

   Usually, before the thirtieth level, the spirit masters go to hunt in the hunting forest where the empire specializes in keeping spirit beasts.

   Unless you really can't find a suitable soul beast, almost no one will come to the Star Dou Great Forest to obtain the first and second spirit rings like Ye Qifeng.

   Therefore, none of the people in the gathering place have a spirit power below level 30.

   (end of this chapter)

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